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I am so twisted right now

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Yesterday this DJ was over here and we were working on his remix all day while drinkin 40ozs of OE. I finished my fifth one around 10pm by the time he finally went home. And then today, I didn't even have a chance to eat anything after I woke up because these Brooklyn MCs came over to record some tracks for their demo, and again, I was drinkin 40s of OE with the peeps in my studio. Now it's 2am, I still haven't eaten anything all day, and I'm pretty messed up to the point where I don't even realize that I'm drunk and consider this a normal vibe. I hope I can get some food in my gut tomorrow when I wake up, because these rappers are coming over again tomorrow to work some more on their tracks. Maybe I should change my business cards to read DJ/producer/alcoholic. Thankfully I can still be fairly productive when working on music while my mind is crossing the edges of what's reality. Anyway, I'm fuct up and rambling. Have a nice night... :)

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So yeah, is anyone awake and even trying to make sense of this bullshit I'm typing? All of my friends are asleep, but I'm really talkative right now, and so I'm trying to compensate by typing completely random bullshit on various messageboards, and trying to pretend that I'm actually in my right mind and that anyone cares about what I'm saying...

That being said, here's something I've been thinking about for sometime...

What do you think about me splitting the tip of my tongue so that it has a forked tongue appearance almost like a reptile. I was born in the year of the dragon, and I've really been identifying with that zodiac and its description of my life more that that lame Libra bullshit. I even got a pillow for Xmas that my aunt stitched herself, and she sewed this design of a Chinese dragon on one side of the pillow not even knowing that I was born in the year of the dragon.

So yeah, anyway... I've been thinking about splitting the tip of my tongue to give it a reptile appearance, and plus, people aren't going to know I have it as if I had some tattoos or piercings on me. They wouldn't realize that I had done this body-mod unless I actually chose to show them, and within 2 months after the procedure, they say that you're speech patterns return to normal after you've gotten used to the difference and no one will recognize that you're tongue is actually modified.

And I've been getting a lot more clients in my studio lately, so I'm thinking that when I save up enough money that I want to get some yellow crackled contacts that also have a sort of reptile appearance. Of course my eyes will be noticeable to people right away, but I'd probably only wear them for photo shoots and when I went out at night.

So what do you think (if you've even bothered to read any of this mindless bullshit)? Should I save up to buy some reptile-style contacts and actually split my tongue to give it a forked appearance? It's just that everyone has tats and piercings, and they pretty much bore me know. And other various body-modifications are gaining popularity now also (as hard as that is to believe. where are the parents?). But not a whole lot of people have gone thru the tongue-splicing procedure, so I think that's part of my fascination with it, because it'd be something unique... at least until everyone else started doing it, too, but I don't see a whole lot of people that are willing to take that step...

Anyway, I'm done running my mouth. Off to another messageboard to see who else I can try to coax into conversation...

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hmmm.... well, only you can decide to get it or not... but i'll help weigh out the pros and cons, and you decide:


1) unique

2) goes with the whole dragon motif

3) doesn't effect your speach after a few months (based on what you said, i don't know much about it, but i'll take your word)

4) probably makes you better in bed

5) farily inconspicuous unless you decide to show it


1) it'll be obnoxious till it heals

2) you may get tired of it, and then you're kinda fucked

3) on the off chance people do start doing it to be trendy, you'll feel like a massive tool (and i'm sure the first guy with a tatoo or tongue-ring knows what thats like "it'll never catch on, i'll be 1 of a kind!" hehe)

4) it may freakout potential hookups/lovers... but somehow i doubt this, given the scene you frequent... so i wouldn't really count this...

whatever you do, i suggest you review these things when you sober up... last thing you want to do is regret it...

hope i was of some use...

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If I do get tired of it, the tongue heals faster than most parts of the body, and from the research I've done, I'd be able to have an oral surgeon re-open the cut and stitch it back together so it'd be normal again with a slight scar.

And yeah, the sexual bonuses crossed my mind quite often, too.

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Originally posted by djshaned

dood..u are fucking twisted...but hey.....good for you bro....that's the life....when u can sit in a studio and work on beats while downing brews....where do i apply?:hat::)

i'm pretty sure he'd agree its not as glamourous as you'd think...

nothing comes without its downsides...

and yeah, that makes sense about the healing... so i guess, fuckit, if you can tolerate the pain and awkwardness for a few months... go for it... but again, think about it when you're sober... just to make sure...

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Originally posted by djshaned

dood..u are fucking twisted...but hey.....good for you bro....that's the life....when u can sit in a studio and work on beats while downing brews....where do i apply?:hat::)

Some people work better under the influence of alcohol. :D

(believe me.. I know!)

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some guy in Albany was turning himself into a lizard, he's been on TV and stuff recently, but I remember him from when I went to school up there.....he did that thing with his tongue, he's tattoed most of himself green, with scales....he had his teeth sharpened to points.....I think he might be webbing his hands.....pretty nuts

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Originally posted by charrails

some guy in Albany was turning himself into a lizard, he's been on TV and stuff recently, but I remember him from when I went to school up there.....he did that thing with his tongue, he's tattoed most of himself green, with scales....he had his teeth sharpened to points.....I think he might be webbing his hands.....pretty nuts

that would be the famous lizard man....


and here's what heretic's little procedure would look like after healing:


supposedly he was considering getting a tail extension surgically attached to his lower back. now THAT would be some cool shit.

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