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What would Osama think if he saw this board?

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A clear victory has been won over the United States of America. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center has destroyed Manhattan as we knew it, killed thousands, crippled the economy and a host of other ill effects. The scariest effect is the divisiveness it has caused. On 9/11 Osama won, theres no comeback, theres no saving face. Theres nothing we can do, he won and we must accept that we lost the day. In a vain attempt to save face and gain vengeance the United States has embarked on a journey sure to be marked with death, sorrow, and years of political stryfe. The world was once with us, glad to help be the bearers of retribution, and justice, but this has not happened. Rather, we have become prideful, hateful, and blind. Do you not see that weakening the unity of Americans destroys exactly that which we are. From colonies, to states, a confederation, and finally a union the United States of America has always triumphed in the face of adversity. The sons of the nation have frozen, starved, and bled their lives to save the union and preserve the homeland. In all these wars there was great destruction, but none like the Civil War. More Americans died in the civil war battles than in any other battles proving that America's biggest enemy is divisiveness. When brothers fight the whole family is affected. Today we face an even greater challenge. We must protect our nation against threats which may lead to the destruction of the United States. Here in our new world we find that we are the leaders of the way, we are writing the pages of history, possibly with our own blood. There are different oppinions on many issues regarding what should be done, but it must not be forgotten that to weather the storm we must be united, a house undivided which will not fall. Choose your path wisely because the events of today will be taught to your children, we will all be heroes or villains, and we will look back at our past with the magnification of hindsight, amplifying regrets or victories.

I often hear people say "America- love it or leave it", and this horrifies me. It is the most un-American thing that can be said. We are free to love America, free to work under capitalism, free to be taxed, free to be killed, imprisoned, and silenced. This is not the America I remember, these are not the values my heroes fought for. It is contrary to the beleifs of the founding fathers of this nation, the rebels who stood up against all odds and fought for freedom. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and insulted. Yet still they prevailed. Before judging who is American, who loves this nation, take off the rose colored glasses and see the truth. Under today's standards Martin Luther King Jr. would be anti-american, as would be Susan B. Anthony. We are Americans, this is our home, our air, our water, our blood sweat and tears. Let's stop fighting and keep this nation the way it should be, united; regardless of any differences of oppinion we may have.

Igloo- its okay to agree to disagree.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

A clear victory has been won over the United States of America. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center has destroyed Manhattan as we knew it, killed thousands, crippled the economy and a host of other ill effects. The scariest effect is the divisiveness it has caused. On 9/11 Osama won, theres no comeback, theres no saving face. Theres nothing we can do, he won and we must accept that we lost the day. In a vain attempt to save face and gain vengeance the United States has embarked on a journey sure to be marked with death, sorrow, and years of political stryfe. The world was once with us, glad to help be the bearers of retribution, and justice, but this has not happened. Rather, we have become prideful, hateful, and blind. Do you not see that weakening the unity of Americans destroys exactly that which we are. From colonies, to states, a confederation, and finally a union the United States of America has always triumphed in the face of adversity. The sons of the nation have frozen, starved, and bled their lives to save the union and preserve the homeland. In all these wars there was great destruction, but none like the Civil War. More Americans died in the civil war battles than in any other battles proving that America's biggest enemy is divisiveness. When brothers fight the whole family is affected. Today we face an even greater challenge. We must protect our nation against threats which may lead to the destruction of the United States. Here in our new world we find that we are the leaders of the way, we are writing the pages of history, possibly with our own blood. There are different oppinions on many issues regarding what should be done, but it must not be forgotten that to weather the storm we must be united, a house undivided which will not fall. Choose your path wisely because the events of today will be taught to your children, we will all be heroes or villains, and we will look back at our past with the magnification of hindsight, amplifying regrets or victories.

I often hear people say "America- love it or leave it", and this horrifies me. It is the most un-American thing that can be said. We are free to love America, free to work under capitalism, free to be taxed, free to be killed, imprisoned, and silenced. This is not the America I remember, these are not the values my heroes fought for. It is contrary to the beleifs of the founding fathers of this nation, the rebels who stood up against all odds and fought for freedom. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and insulted. Yet still they prevailed. Before judging who is American, who loves this nation, take off the rose colored glasses and see the truth. Under today's standards Martin Luther King Jr. would be anti-american, as would be Susan B. Anthony. We are Americans, this is our home, our air, our water, our blood sweat and tears. Let's stop fighting and keep this nation the way it should be, united; regardless of any differences of oppinion we may have.

Igloo- its okay to agree to disagree.

1) Who wrote this

2) I would love to respond line by line, but I do not have the time right now

3) I say this, and I mean this....the left of America are the one's who are ripping this country apart, fallen to the bait of UBL, and further emboldening his group's determination....

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Originally posted by igloo

1) Who wrote this

2) I would love to respond line by line, but I do not have the time right now

3) I say this, and I mean this....the left of America are the one's who are ripping this country apart, fallen to the bait of UBL, and further emboldening his group's determination....

I wrote it and your missing the point. Petty arguments and insults are destroying the country from the inside out. The Roman Empire was the largest of its time, conquering the entire known world, and even it has fallen, and from the inside. Why does everything have to be left or right Igloo? We are all Americans. Why do you feel that if someone has a different oppinion than yourself that it is evil or "wrong?" Your righteousness has turned you against your neighbors, which terrorist gain from. We all had a sense of unity that has been destroyed. The day after 9/11 we all knew the boat we were in and pulled together, that was one of the greatest feelings in my life, knowing that no matter what every single person in this land knew what happened and cared. You've let your hate blind you and now you turn against Americans because they do not fall in line with your personal beliefs. That is what is truly un-American.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

I wrote it

bro he isnt the ONLY ONE that missed ur point..btw what is ur point in all that rambling?? u brought in issues and examples that have nothing to do with what u began to write about...ur lucky i am not ur english teacher dude...u would have gotten a big fat "F"

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

The day after 9/11 we all knew the boat we were in and pulled together, that was one of the greatest feelings in my life, knowing that no matter what every single person in this land knew what happened and cared. You've let your hate blind you and now you turn against Americans because they do not fall in line with your personal beliefs.

i hate to say it...but we (Americans) are still sticking together...for many issues...ur off base on that comment...even some Democrats are for the war...

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

I wrote it and your missing the point. Petty arguments and insults are destroying the country from the inside out. The Roman Empire was the largest of its time, conquering the entire known world, and even it has fallen, and from the inside. Why does everything have to be left or right Igloo? We are all Americans. Why do you feel that if someone has a different oppinion than yourself that it is evil or "wrong?" Your righteousness has turned you against your neighbors, which terrorist gain from. We all had a sense of unity that has been destroyed. The day after 9/11 we all knew the boat we were in and pulled together, that was one of the greatest feelings in my life, knowing that no matter what every single person in this land knew what happened and cared. You've let your hate blind you and now you turn against Americans because they do not fall in line with your personal beliefs. That is what is truly un-American.

Dickhead--I only have a second to respond, but what the FUCK ARE TALKING ABOUT.....

You are so off it is unbelievable....

Disagreeing is one thing........but blatant HATE AMERICA, BLAME AMERICA is another-----as well as the shameful hypocrisy

In addition, comparing Bush to Hitler, and other comments like that are not in the context of "disagreeing"...

Go fuck yourself....

Stop trying to act intelligent as well.....it doesn't work for you

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Here I'll spell it out for you:

1. Igloo, your behavior on this board has contributed significantly to tensions that otherwise would not lead to pointless arguments. For example, everytime someone post something that is different from your own oppinion you make a personal attack against them. I don't beleive that is intelligent. I am not pretending to be intelligent, simpy expressing my feelings.

2.This type of divisiveness is seen everywhere. There have been many anti-war protest, and countless arguments in classrooms everywhere. Can you imagine somewhere in junior high school there is a muslim american who has to listen to people say that "we should kill those towel heads" etc... Racial or religious prejudice is always wrong, but some seem to think that this behavior is acceptible because it is "patriotic"

3.Silencing dissent seems to be the main objective of people like Igloo. That type of behavior is un-American. The revolutionaries like Thomas Paine would be hated today, yet that is what made America what it is. Revolution by the people, fighting for representation. Sure democrats voted for war, but do you really think that the democratic and republican party represent ALL of America? Any person with basic knowledge of this country would say no. If you disagree with someones oppinion thats cool, debate it or prove it wrong if you can, but why try to silence it? If everyone who goes against what you say is stupid then it won't matter anyway.

4.People like Osama bin Laden would be glad to know that this type of infighting is going on in America.

Hope that explains my point. And if you don't have time to reply just post later, we won't die if you can't post in the next five minutes.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

Sure democrats voted for war, but do you really think that the democratic and republican party represent ALL of America? Any person with basic knowledge of this country would say no.

let me get this right? "Anyone with basic knowledge of this country would say no"..to a war? u couldnt be more off base...look at the polls dude...alot of americans are behind Bush...yea they might not make the whole united states...but u know how hard it is to get anyone, especially that many people to agree 100% on one thing? congress represents the american people...and they were voted in by a majority...so yes, they do represent america...at leat the majority of those american that voted for him or even voted alone...and about ur Bin Laden comment...so what if he is laughing...between the US trying to find him and the bad kidneys that man has...he wont live for long...

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

Here I'll spell it out for you:

1. Igloo, your behavior on this board has contributed significantly to tensions that otherwise would not lead to pointless arguments. For example, everytime someone post something that is different from your own oppinion you make a personal attack against them. I don't beleive that is intelligent. I am not pretending to be intelligent, simpy expressing my feelings.

2.This type of divisiveness is seen everywhere. There have been many anti-war protest, and countless arguments in classrooms everywhere. Can you imagine somewhere in junior high school there is a muslim american who has to listen to people say that "we should kill those towel heads" etc... Racial or religious prejudice is always wrong, but some seem to think that this behavior is acceptible because it is "patriotic"

3.Silencing dissent seems to be the main objective of people like Igloo. That type of behavior is un-American. The revolutionaries like Thomas Paine would be hated today, yet that is what made America what it is. Revolution by the people, fighting for representation. Sure democrats voted for war, but do you really think that the democratic and republican party represent ALL of America? Any person with basic knowledge of this country would say no. If you disagree with someones oppinion thats cool, debate it or prove it wrong if you can, but why try to silence it? If everyone who goes against what you say is stupid then it won't matter anyway.

4.People like Osama bin Laden would be glad to know that this type of infighting is going on in America.

Hope that explains my point. And if you don't have time to reply just post later, we won't die if you can't post in the next five minutes.

Stick your condescending bullshit, weak attempt at elitism, and

off-base spin up your fucking ass....

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

let me get this right? "Anyone with basic knowledge of this country would say no"..to a war? u couldnt be more off base...look at the polls dude...alot of americans are behind Bush...

take a look at the abcnews/washington post poll i posted today....the numbers are nowhere near as strong as you would suggest

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

A clear victory has been won over the United States of America. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center has destroyed Manhattan as we knew it, killed thousands, crippled the economy and a host of other ill effects. The scariest effect is the divisiveness it has caused. On 9/11 Osama won, theres no comeback, theres no saving face. Theres nothing we can do, he won and we must accept that we lost the day. In a vain attempt to save face and gain vengeance the United States has embarked on a journey sure to be marked with death, sorrow, and years of political stryfe. The world was once with us, glad to help be the bearers of retribution, and justice, but this has not happened. Rather, we have become prideful, hateful, and blind. Do you not see that weakening the unity of Americans destroys exactly that which we are. From colonies, to states, a confederation, and finally a union the United States of America has always triumphed in the face of adversity. The sons of the nation have frozen, starved, and bled their lives to save the union and preserve the homeland. In all these wars there was great destruction, but none like the Civil War. More Americans died in the civil war battles than in any other battles proving that America's biggest enemy is divisiveness. When brothers fight the whole family is affected. Today we face an even greater challenge. We must protect our nation against threats which may lead to the destruction of the United States. Here in our new world we find that we are the leaders of the way, we are writing the pages of history, possibly with our own blood. There are different oppinions on many issues regarding what should be done, but it must not be forgotten that to weather the storm we must be united, a house undivided which will not fall. Choose your path wisely because the events of today will be taught to your children, we will all be heroes or villains, and we will look back at our past with the magnification of hindsight, amplifying regrets or victories.

I often hear people say "America- love it or leave it", and this horrifies me. It is the most un-American thing that can be said. We are free to love America, free to work under capitalism, free to be taxed, free to be killed, imprisoned, and silenced. This is not the America I remember, these are not the values my heroes fought for. It is contrary to the beleifs of the founding fathers of this nation, the rebels who stood up against all odds and fought for freedom. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and insulted. Yet still they prevailed. Before judging who is American, who loves this nation, take off the rose colored glasses and see the truth. Under today's standards Martin Luther King Jr. would be anti-american, as would be Susan B. Anthony. We are Americans, this is our home, our air, our water, our blood sweat and tears. Let's stop fighting and keep this nation the way it should be, united; regardless of any differences of oppinion we may have.

Igloo- its okay to agree to disagree.

Nicely written tony, good job.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

let me get this right? "Anyone with basic knowledge of this country would say no"..to a war? u couldnt be more off base...look at the polls dude...alot of americans are behind Bush...yea they might not make the whole united states...but u know how hard it is to get anyone, especially that many people to agree 100% on one thing? congress represents the american people...and they were voted in by a majority...so yes, they do represent america...at leat the majority of those american that voted for him or even voted alone...and about ur Bin Laden comment...so what if he is laughing...between the US trying to find him and the bad kidneys that man has...he wont live for long...

That's right Igloo, any fool would know that the democrats and republicans don't represent every person in this country. And if it is so hard to get 100 percent of people to agree on one thing, why do you keep saying that everyone is pro-war? Seems a bit contradictory. Also I would like to know where the spin is? I haven't put spin on anything. And even if Osama has bad kidneys he can still attack us.

Thanx for the comment Xeno.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

That's right Igloo, any fool would know that the democrats and republicans don't represent every person in this country. And if it is so hard to get 100 percent of people to agree on one thing, why do you keep saying that everyone is pro-war?

first of all...i would like to state that THANK GOD u took ur Dominican Flag down from ur Avatar...u are truly a disgrace:rolleyes:

1. politicians are voted by a MAJORITY of people...if the state votes a MAJORITY of Democrat...then what does that tell u? of course it does not represent every single diff. person...but did i EVER say that?

2. where did i say that EVERYONE is pro-war..i said a MAJORITY of people are backing our president on Iraq (like i said many polls show that..)...and now hopefully with Mr. Powell presenting his evidence to the UN...we can get something done...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

first of all...i would like to state that THANK GOD u took ur Dominican Flag down from ur Avatar...u are truly a disgrace:rolleyes:

1. politicians are voted by a MAJORITY of people...if the state votes a MAJORITY of Democrat...then what does that tell u? of course it does not represent every single diff. person...but did i EVER say that?

2. where did i say that EVERYONE is pro-war..i said a MAJORITY of people are backing our president on Iraq (like i said many polls show that..)...and now hopefully with Mr. Powell presenting his evidence to the UN...we can get something done...

:laugh: :laugh:

just to prove the point you made in #2, if we go back and look at the war polls we've posted in previous threads, I believe the results reflect americas sentiment as far as the war goes (PRO-WAR), and basically pretty much everyone I know is in favor of the war against Iraq....

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Originally posted by igloo

Dickhead--I only have a second to respond, but what the FUCK ARE TALKING ABOUT.....

You are so off it is unbelievable....

Disagreeing is one thing........but blatant HATE AMERICA, BLAME AMERICA is another-----as well as the shameful hypocrisy

In addition, comparing Bush to Hitler, and other comments like that are not in the context of "disagreeing"...

Go fuck yourself....

Stop trying to act intelligent as well.....it doesn't work for you

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Igloo for mod!!!!

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

well i just got the position...and i am not giving it up..:tongue: ...see if u nycmuzik will give up his mod. status;)

back stabber! you well know I put in my time in this fucking thread, then you prance along and take what should have been mine! :mad:

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Originally posted by dnice35

back stabber! you well know I put in my time in this fucking thread, then you prance along and take what should have been mine!

awww man... i feel bad for ya bro:( ....maybe this will make up for it:nopity:....if they had an orchestra i would have put it up...chat ap and take it like a man...u backwards retard....behave or i will edit ur posts.... :eek:;)

:party: <---- i thought i would also throw u a Pity Party....

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Originally posted by dnice35

back stabber! you well know I put in my time in this fucking thread, then you prance along and take what should have been mine! :mad:

with an attitude like that, thank god you're not a mod..but doesn't matter anyways, moderators don't have any special powers as it is.

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Originally posted by sassa

with an attitude like that, thank god you're not a mod..but doesn't matter anyways, moderators don't have any special powers as it is.

miss pms herself dares to accuse me of having an attitude? :laugh:

as far as your concerned Matas you are on my shit list brother.

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