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What would Osama think if he saw this board?

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Originally posted by nycmuzik

Man I wish I could delete posts cause I'd do it to every single one of yours.....The only bullshit in the Constitution is allowing flag burning....The flag doenst reperesent the gov't you moron....It represents this country as a whole.....You wanna burn something then get a Republican elephant and burn that....And what do you stand for???...Nothing....All you liberals ever do is bitch about the current system but never suggest a possible alternative....There will never be anyone or anything that will please you....

so anyone who believes in the freedoms of the constitution, or is against the war is automatically a liberal? i dunno about never being happy, shit was pretty good under clinton.

Normal Noises, its obvious no one on this board has studied american history, and if they did it wasn't very thorough. seriously read up on the founding fathers, they were anti-overlystrong government.

and it doesn't matter what burning the flag means to you, or to anyone else, just what it means to the person thats doing it. if you find yourself turning on fellow americans over the burning of a peice of cloth with a certain design or color, then your allegiance to this country isnt that strong. fuck burning the flag, isnt anyone worried about the fact that bush is wiping his ass with the constitution? all the rules have been broken, surprisingly by the only president in the entire history of this country to be appointed and not elected. the worst part is that bush will probably put justices on the supreme court that will say what he is doing is ok, and those cases will probably be overturned in 20 years ala plessy v. ferguson and brown v. board of ed.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

bro he isnt the ONLY ONE that missed ur point..btw what is ur point in all that rambling?? u brought in issues and examples that have nothing to do with what u began to write about...ur lucky i am not ur english teacher dude...u would have gotten a big fat "F"


omg this is he first time I'm reading this thread

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Originally posted by nympho69

well to answer the initial question of the thread

what would osama think if he read this board

he would find it interesting that out of 1000s of members representing a few states and the youth of america

only about 10 posts on the current events forum???


:laugh: so true. im glad someone got the thread back on track. hed probably also try to plug his new video.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

so anyone who believes in the freedoms of the constitution, or is against the war is automatically a liberal? i dunno about never being happy, shit was pretty good under clinton.

Normal Noises, its obvious no one on this board has studied american history, and if they did it wasn't very thorough. seriously read up on the founding fathers, they were anti-overlystrong government.

and it doesn't matter what burning the flag means to you, or to anyone else, just what it means to the person thats doing it. if you find yourself turning on fellow americans over the burning of a peice of cloth with a certain design or color, then your allegiance to this country isnt that strong. fuck burning the flag, isnt anyone worried about the fact that bush is wiping his ass with the constitution? all the rules have been broken, surprisingly by the only president in the entire history of this country to be appointed and not elected. the worst part is that bush will probably put justices on the supreme court that will say what he is doing is ok, and those cases will probably be overturned in 20 years ala plessy v. ferguson and brown v. board of ed.

I respect the Constitution but I strongly disagree with the burning of the flag....I'll say it once again...It represents the US and not the gov't.....Burn the GOP's flag...They control the gov't now...It'd actually make alot more sense......

and it doesn't matter what burning the flag means to you, or to anyone else, just what it means to the person thats doing it......Maybe its just that I'm an immigrant and I know how much better this country that 95% of the other places in world that I get so emotional about this shit....But I def. will care if someone is burning thsi flag.....That flag symbolizes Americans all over the world.....So for those reasons I respect it....

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Originally posted by nycmuzik

I respect the Constitution but I strongly disagree with the burning of the flag....I'll say it once again...It represents the US and not the gov't.....Burn the GOP's flag...They control the gov't now...It'd actually make alot more sense......

and it doesn't matter what burning the flag means to you, or to anyone else, just what it means to the person thats doing it......Maybe its just that I'm an immigrant and I know how much better this country that 95% of the other places in world that I get so emotional about this shit....But I def. will care if someone is burning thsi flag.....That flag symbolizes Americans all over the world.....So for those reasons I respect it....

wow so much passion

I had no idea you had it in you

i like...

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Originally posted by nycmuzik

I respect the Constitution but I strongly disagree with the burning of the flag....I'll say it once again...It represents the US and not the gov't.....Burn the GOP's flag...They control the gov't now...It'd actually make alot more sense......

and it doesn't matter what burning the flag means to you, or to anyone else, just what it means to the person thats doing it......Maybe its just that I'm an immigrant and I know how much better this country that 95% of the other places in world that I get so emotional about this shit....But I def. will care if someone is burning thsi flag.....That flag symbolizes Americans all over the world.....So for those reasons I respect it....

sigh...i think ill save my flagburning thoughts for separate thread thread.

once again can i just ask everyone why we can't all agree that we have different oppinions and leave it at that. people get to personal and too emotional. they say if u wanna be popular never talk about politics or religion.

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Originally posted by nycmuzik

I respect the Constitution but I strongly disagree with the burning of the flag....I'll say it once again...It represents the US and not the gov't.....Burn the GOP's flag...They control the gov't now...It'd actually make alot more sense......

and it doesn't matter what burning the flag means to you, or to anyone else, just what it means to the person thats doing it......Maybe its just that I'm an immigrant and I know how much better this country that 95% of the other places in world that I get so emotional about this shit....But I def. will care if someone is burning thsi flag.....That flag symbolizes Americans all over the world.....So for those reasons I respect it....

:aright: ....thats exactly what i have been saying....

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

Normal...Normal...Normal...where should is start with u?? i have some many areas that to attack that u leave urself wide open...i dont know why u dont listen to what i say, must be all that shit in between ur ears that u call a brain....

1. i am all about freedom of speech..i said in prior statements that ITS UR RIGHT to burn the flag....but i stated that it was MY OPINION that it is WRONG!!

2. ur absolutely right...(but i stated that as well, MORON!!!)

3. how am i contradicting myself? i said i rather u burn a bush doll cuz it represents the current govt', while the flag represents the country and the history of this country? explain how i contradicted myself


5. i didnt complain about ur sig...i was telling my feelings about burning the American flag...but i guess either u cant read or at ur age u forget who was complaining about ur sig...take some Centrum Silver, maybe it will help in ur memory loss...

6. who said there is something wrong with civil rights?? b/c i say that in my opinion burning the flag is wrong? lets see if u can hear or understand this: MY OPINION IS NOT LAW!!! thats why its my opinion...and why do u like using phrases like "civil rights and violations of my freedom of speech"? when they arent appropriate? just letting u know that u look like an idiot and u sound like a broken record...

7. i missed the boat? bro if i missed the boat...U DIDNT EVEN MAKE IT TO THE PIER....TOOL

I took the subway. You're all alone at the pier waiting for the boat you missed.

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