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San Diego!!


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Okay, so I know I'm just about the last person on the planet to make it out west but I'm heading to San Diego Feb 13-18 and I was hoping I could get some ideas of cool places to go from you guys. I'm looking for nightspots that will be playing good music as well as anything you think is worth seeing and, no, Seaworld is not on my list of things to do. I'm also contemplating a move there in a couple months so your general opinions on the area would be really great as well. I would go on the LA board but I sort of wanted East Coast specific opinions. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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I was out that way this past summer for Fourth of July weekend and I had a blast. I didn't get to hit up any 'good music' spots, just did the bar thing with friends.

Living there has a ton of ups and downs. The weather's ALWAYS good (incredibly good... it's actually worse in the summer than it is in the winter), the beaches are great and they're everywhere, the girls are top-notch and there's just a good, young vibe everywhere (it IS California afterall!) But, the city suffers from a MAJOR case of urban sprawl. You have to drive 20 minutes to get anywhere (drunk driving is a serious problem). Also, the place really has no character. All of the houses are cookie-cutter track housing, all the vegetation (palm trees, bushes), were all planted there by the city... they're just not really real. It makes you realize how unique everything is around here. If you can get over the little stuff though, San Diego is definitely a blast.. my buddies moved out there a couple of years ago and they absolutely love it.

Oh, and being that close to Tijiuana has MANY advantages :smoke::D Hope that helps!

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Originally posted by jetstar

Okay, so I know I'm just about the last person on the planet to make it out west but I'm heading to San Diego Feb 13-18 and I was hoping I could get some ideas of cool places to go from you guys. I'm looking for nightspots that will be playing good music as well as anything you think is worth seeing and, no, Seaworld is not on my list of things to do. I'm also contemplating a move there in a couple months so your general opinions on the area would be really great as well. I would go on the LA board but I sort of wanted East Coast specific opinions. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

post this question on the LA board, there is a guy from San Diego that posts there.

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Take a trip to LA while you're there. Go to Venice Beach. Now that's a place to party. Go to groovetickets.com if you are into raves and stuff like that. They list alot of parties in Cali.

I know you said no Seaworld, but you really should go to the San Diego Zoo. I had a great time there. It was a lot more fun than I expected.

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I was just out there for the Superbowl and had a good time despite the fact that I lost one of my close friends and roommate while we were out there. That's a whole seperate story though that I don't want to elaborate on anymore. As for nightlife.. just head to the Gaslamp Quaters in the downtown area. Head to 5th street and you will see all the bars and clubs. There is Hooter's in the downtown area and the girls there are really cool and can give you idea's of all the places to go. We stayed at a friends place in SD and with everything that happened we only managed one night to go out - Sat. night. Have fun.. and make sure you try some Carne Assada....... really good

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