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Blind Dates


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ugh.. i went on one.. and only one. i had just broken up wiht my bf so my friend immediately wants to set me up with her bf's roommate. well she made plans, but she kinda forgot to check with the "date" turns out he had alrady made plans wiht his friends that night. right.... so i ended up going out with them to a bar (talk about a 3rd wheel, right?) well the the date and his guy friends ended up meeting up wiht us later on at the bar. Too bad he didnt end up saying two words to me. i think theire was a mutual "disinterest" on both of our parts. i ended up talking to his friends more than him.

again, needless to say that was my first and last blind date


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the first blind date I had was set up by my friends brother...who had a huge crush on me.

The date was sooo sweet. He took me to Jekyll and Hyde's (( a big deal when your 17 ) and afterward we went to this scenic view spot in Jersey...and "talked". He actually turned out to be really shy, despite his demeanor. We had a code word...I had to say "spaghetti" if I liked him and wanted him to kiss me. (( he had seen a pic of me already, so pretty much knew he'd want to kiss me ) It was actually really very sweet and memorable.

Four years later, we broke up. :half:

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Yeah I don't think I'd ever set myself up for that kind of disappoinment...... Especially after watching the show "Blind Date" and seeing the kind of idiots that are out there...

That show is hysterical :laugh: :laugh:

Thank goodness I have somebody :heart::love:

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Originally posted by marcid21

the first blind date I had was set up by my friends brother...who had a huge crush on me.

The date was sooo sweet. He took me to Jekyll and Hyde's (( a big deal when your 17 ) and afterward we went to this scenic view spot in Jersey...and "talked". He actually turned out to be really shy, despite his demeanor. We had a code word...I had to say "spaghetti" if I liked him and wanted him to kiss me. (( he had seen a pic of me already, so pretty much knew he'd want to kiss me ) It was actually really very sweet and memorable.

Four years later, we broke up. :half:

Wow, you went out for 4 years! I guess that was a good blind date;)

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there's was one time a classmate said she had a single friend who resembled another one of our classmates (who was pretty hot and i remember hearing a key word size 4/5).

at the time we didn't know that the setter upper was mental. so, i went to like half study /half meet the girl type thingy.

well, the girl was not a 4/5 (PROLLY DOUBLE THAT), not that i really knew what that was but she didn't resemble the classmate's size. i like wanted to leave right away cause she had told her friend i was there for HER and HER ONLY ...not the study. plus i had to deal with 2 heavy staten island accents all night

the rest of the school year was kinda of funny cause after learning the setter upper had no math skills (i'm talking like 7th grade shit). every time she verbally made a math mistake my buddy would blurt out "yeah, that's close.........kinda like a 4/5" and we would :laugh::laugh: up.

that was the last blind date i will ever have.. to this day if someone wants to set me up, they HAVE TO have at least a picture.

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Originally posted by copahc

I've never been on one before, but I think my friend is going to try to set me up on one

I'm scared

I think it's gonn be a double date thing though, so maybe it wont be that bad

how did i let her talk me into this?

Wow you're brave to be going on one!!! But good for you!

Just be yourself, and make sure you don't go into it having high expectations.... Just take it for what it is - If worse comes to worse, you'll at least have something to look back on and laugh!

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