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Tell me if i did the right thing


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This girl that i've been on and off for 3 yrs has been up to her old shenanigans again ...

Since new years, we've been talking again, and she's been coming on stronger to me, calling me, telling me how much i mean to her. And even though she dated someone back in December, she told me no one has ever made her feel the way i do.

So im like Great!

She even sent me an email apologizing for always coming in then backing out of the relationship. At times, she's said she's not ready for a relationship, but then just recently she said the "L" word to me.

But for over a week, i haven't heard from her. She doesnt respond to my calls, and for what reason i have no idea...

So i cancelled a Valentines gift package of roses and chocolates i was going to send her :(

did i do the right thing?/?

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

Does she typically come back to you after she's done with other men? (or rather, after other men break it off with her?) If so, then you're totally justified in cancelling the package . .

Well, that might very well be the case.

I don't think it's purely a break to see other guys. She actually likes the time for herself to do what she wants. And dating guys is kinda an "on the side" thing, like if she has the time...

But i must also mention that she said she'd like to take things slow, so maybe this is her way of doing that (by not calling and acting distant)

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maybe you can get her something small and benign, just so at least she knows you thought of her on valentine's day, but don't go overboard with a dozen roses...your gift would signal to her how you are feeling at this moment. it seems that you are confused and hoping that this will work....but she's getting weird on you. don't put up with bullshit, it sucks to take it from someone you care about, but don't be a coward either...tell her directly and gently how you feel and see how she reacts...if she can't handle the stress of being in a relationship, then perhaps you would be happier with another smurfette.

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Originally posted by sassa

maybe you can get her something small and benign, just so at least she knows you thought of her on valentine's day, but don't go overboard with a dozen roses...your gift would signal to her how you are feeling at this moment. it seems that you are confused and hoping that this will work....but she's getting weird on you. don't put up with bullshit, it sucks to take it from someone you care about, but don't be a coward either...tell her directly and gently how you feel and see how she reacts...if she can't handle the stress of being in a relationship, then perhaps you would be happier with another smurfette.

I agree with sassa. You should get her something small and insignificant so it shows that you were quite aware it was Valentine's day and you purposely did not get her something big...

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as hard as it may be to break an attachment to a relationship with someone, sometimes it's just better to suck it up and do what's best for you... i don't think you deserve to be treated as your ex-girls default, you did the right thing by cancelling the package. treat yourself instead :)

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Originally posted by mssabina

as hard as it may be to break an attachment to a relationship with someone, sometimes it's just better to suck it up and do what's best for you... i don't think you deserve to be treated as your ex-girls default, you did the right thing by cancelling the package. treat yourself instead :)

I hear all of you. If i got her a gift, it would show that im still around. If anything, i'll send her a card, but that's it.

Those of you who i've spoken to know this girls' ways. It's just gone on far enough, i've put up with so much.

I know for a fact that she's not calling me purposely. Even though i left her messages saying that i want to understand what's goin on, she won't even give me the time of day--

Im heading to California this upcoming weekend, so hopefully that will get my mind off of her :)

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And i just realized something.

There's no reason for me to feel bad. I've done so much for this girl, been there for her in tough times, and she said herself that im the best.

Maybe she's just got mental problems? One of her friends thought so, so maybe that explains it ...

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Originally posted by gmccookny

ehh, im pretty sure i did the right thing.

There's no way im going to show affection for someone that's just ignoring me and playing with my feelings.

Gooooood-bye :moon:

about damn time

She doesnt deserve someone to make an effort for her, because she doesnt do the same for you.

She's eventually going to come back, and when she does, i would tell her everything that you've been holding in and not saying.

You're getting nothing out of this but heartache

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You're both right--

Lauren, i need to open myself, not hide the hurt that she's caused me. I have so much bottled up right now, the only way i let it go is by listening to bangin techno and snowboarding... lol

ANd Serge... i know u and i have been over this... i think i enlarged the times she did stuff for me, and never realized that i did 75% of the planning/kind gestures.

Only when she needs me. I need to remember that. Cuz it shows that this was only one-sided, and that's not going to work.

Thanks again. I just need to instill this in my mind :direct::what:

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well, sounds familiar.... my ex and i were for 2 years, and we broke up but after that, he was always tryin to get back and work things out.. but.. never and still doesnt call, doesn't call me back etc etc. it honestly makes me feel horrible and confused esp when we "hang out" once and even AFTER that happened, he still doesnt call and continues to see the other girl he is seeing. even when he is like "oh i don't like her, the only thing i see in the future is me and her bein friends.." okay so why are u still sleeping with her... ANYWAY sorry to go off on that for so long.. i am NOT gettin anything for him for valentines day i think its a ridiculous idea. i would not sit around and buy things for people, and express my love for people when they don't even have the respect to call you or anything. grrrr.. okay end rant.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by gmccookny

This girl that i've been on and off for 3 yrs has been up to her old shenanigans again ...

Since new years, we've been talking again, and she's been coming on stronger to me, calling me, telling me how much i mean to her. And even though she dated someone back in December, she told me no one has ever made her feel the way i do.

So im like Great!

She even sent me an email apologizing for always coming in then backing out of the relationship. At times, she's said she's not ready for a relationship, but then just recently she said the "L" word to me.

But for over a week, i haven't heard from her. She doesnt respond to my calls, and for what reason i have no idea...

So i cancelled a Valentines gift package of roses and chocolates i was going to send her :(

did i do the right thing?/?

hell yeah you did the right thing!~!

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Originally posted by gmccookny

This girl that i've been on and off for 3 yrs has been up to her old shenanigans again ...

Since new years, we've been talking again, and she's been coming on stronger to me, calling me, telling me how much i mean to her. And even though she dated someone back in December, she told me no one has ever made her feel the way i do.

So im like Great!

She even sent me an email apologizing for always coming in then backing out of the relationship. At times, she's said she's not ready for a relationship, but then just recently she said the "L" word to me.

But for over a week, i haven't heard from her. She doesnt respond to my calls, and for what reason i have no idea...

So i cancelled a Valentines gift package of roses and chocolates i was going to send her :(

did i do the right thing?/?

Is this the same girl that you were saying was bipolar? That may explain a lot

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Originally posted by jroo

hell yeah you did the right thing!~!

Thanks bro ;)

i really feel i did, but the way she's totally not contacting me and playin with my feelings makes me think otherwise. But putting things in perspective, and objectively, is why i like CP so much. I know i did the ritght thing :D

and girlhopeful, not to pun your name, but don't be hopeful for this guy. Like my girl, they are confused souls, and our prescence prolly doesn't help. I know that even if she comes back to me, im not going to just take her back like i always have.

You are doing the right thing. Don't worry,,, Valentines day is played out. Go out with your friends, or take a trip, or rent a good movie. It'll be better than putting up with heartache and drama anytime :aright:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Thanks bro ;)

i really feel i did, but the way she's totally not contacting me and playin with my feelings makes me think otherwise. But putting things in perspective, and objectively, is why i like CP so much. I know i did the ritght thing :D

and girlhopeful, not to pun your name, but don't be hopeful for this guy. Like my girl, they are confused souls, and our prescence prolly doesn't help. I know that even if she comes back to me, im not going to just take her back like i always have.

You are doing the right thing. Don't worry,,, Valentines day is played out. Go out with your friends, or take a trip, or rent a good movie. It'll be better than putting up with heartache and drama anytime :aright:

word. i'm givin up at bein hopeful for this guy now (not that i had made this name in refernce to that lol) but yea.. you're your probably right. too much pain to deal with.. and fuck v day! party at my place! hehe

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