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Christina vs. Brittany

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She's never tried to be something she isn't. Has more talent, and now that she gained a few pounds she is the bomb, a little slutty, but hey, they always said, if you got it, flaunt it. Britney improved her singing and dancing over the years, but will never sing like Christina, by the way Christina's new Album is loaded with potential hits, lots of them. America seems to be getting over the bubblegum all image artists and maybe we will be getting back to the talent and voices again.

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Originally posted by tempkid

def not Brit

I liked Chrstina when she first came out, looked good natural

then she gross me out, but out of nowhere again I'm feeling her and that ass again.

That is it exactly,

Brittany could be your girlfriend and Chirstina the girl that comes between ya!:D

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Christina has a better voice and is lookin pretty hot in her own white trash way lateley, Britney on the other hand can dance her ass of and has one sick body, no voice though.

Conclusion: I would love to get either one of them into my bed any day!!!!!!!!

They are both fuckin hot!!!!!!:D

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I know Mystify is going to kill me for this but I have to say that Christina without a showdow of a doubt has a much more powerful and better voice. Britany is a pop-icon who doesn't have the staying power of someone like Madona(who rules). Christina on the other hand regardless of the fact that she has become trailor-trash will probably still be around in years to come while Britany will loose her luster after she ages................her voice is not what got her to where she was. It was her looks! And it was because of the Mickey Mouse Club that pushed Britany due to popularity over Christina who they knew had a better voice but she needed to blossum out of that geeky stage.............

Sorry Myst, but I was saying this years ago.

None of you can disagree on the voice thing. Notice how Mystify didnt mention Britanys voice being better only that she was classier. I mean, Christinas got a bvoice that you cant believe comes out of that body.

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Sticky, I said a lot more than just Britney's classier!!!!..... Here's also what I think.....

Yes, Christina's voice is beautiful, but I think she is trying way too hard w/her new image. A lot of people are extremely turned off by her dirty image - the least she could do is wash her hair and attempt to look like she actually thought about what she was wearing..... If her goal wasn't to be so dirty/raunchy, she would attract a much broader audience to her beautiful voice/songs....

Regardless of the fact that she doesn't have the best voice in the world, Britney is so much more of a pop culture icon and will remain to be for a very long time coming. The public has always been and is still very drawn to her - They always seem to be interested in what she's up to - she has an amazing appeal - and bottom line, the girl can entertain.....

Sticky I also don't think it's fair to say Britney will lose her lust and beauty after she 'ages', she is growing into a beautiful and sexy young women - and I think she will only get better with time...(as most women do hehe)

Whatever, the point is - we all have our own opinions! :D

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