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dj three @ maze this valantine's day


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thanks for the advice my godess. i would never bring an underaged girl to a club. believe me i have tried in the past and always been turned away at the door. so it's a little embarrassing and it's a waste of time. anyways this girl is really cool pod. she is understanding which is a quality i haven't found in a woman in quite some time. but as soon as i leave the club i will give her a call.

my other two dates are mr c. & three

so what do you have cookin for march pod? thanks for the info on the re-entry. that is my only beef about space no-re-entry which after a while gets old and boring and i wanna smoke a freakin bowl in my car and you are just trapped inside. something tells me that the new space will have no reentry either which i am sure will be my only beef as well.

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Originally posted by pod

I'll be the photographer on the sidelines who gets plowed over by the wide receiver *crunch* there goes a $4,000 telephoto lens!

Sean, are you serious? You better show up!

Yeah dude...can't do it....it's alright....I see Three a lot.

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now THAT was an after party!

Thanks Raincry for your hospitality.

How did you get DJ THREE AND MR C and their entourages there? DHM rocked your place all night and morning.

Did security ever come?

Hopefully conference parties will be justa s good.

3 and C's sets were GREAT. A Great night

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I had a terrific time @ maze on friday 4 valentine's day. this was my first time in the club. what a very nice venue. the people were great. i saw so many familiar faces. like, pod, james 954, and digital 7 outside...danny did u ever get inside?

maze is very nice inside. i love the sound system. the 2nd floor is really cool as well with a great view of the club. the ladies were fine as hell and out on the prowl for valentine's. but what i really enjoyed was the smaller room. who was that mixing. he was great. very progressive and smooth like silk. three and mr. c were on point. 1st time hearing these guys. wow what a show. 2 thumbs up to maze. i will defenitely be going back there very soon. space has some defenite competition. not to mention there was re-entry which was fantastic.

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I'll tell you what, that was a cool party. Mr C and Three threw down...especially Three last 45 minutes...rocked. Mr C set was unbelievable also.

The after party was kicking also. Best one you ever threw Raincry...! DHM (Deep House Movement) threw it down at the afterparty. I wish Mr C and Three brought their records ...but it is understandable since you guys spun earlier and didnt wanna be on the clock...so to speak.

Due to requests by attendees, pictures of the afterparty will NOT be posted










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WOW! what an aMAZEing night.

Maze keeps bringing in the best talent. it's tough competition for Space. Actually, it doesn't even compare. i've been to Maze 5 weekends in a row now......can't say that for any other club. there was no doubt that there would have been a BIG turnout for this.

three, as usual had a great track selection. i wish i could have made it to see him in WPB, but i would have rather missed that party than the one at Maze.

Mr. C and his percussionist RULED!!!!! VERY talented, classy people. those guys really know their shit.

there was nothing but good vibes and great music at the club that trickeled to muh place. I went to pick up mr. C and Dave and when I got back to my place, there was hardly any room to walk and people I didn’t recognize....and peeps running around in my clothes and stuff....lol......... it was kewl, but next time, i’d rather a smaller more 'intimate' crowd.

Dan, as usual you take excellent shots......as well as you Phoenix. btw, is that really YOU dude? :tongue:

thanx to everyone for making this a memorable night....and joe for bringing over his decks....a good time was had no doubt :D:beer::dj:

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the pics look outstanding and just makes me want to be back playing at the club again..wont be too long anyway and cannot wait for the return but so would have loved to have seen another night at maze with it packed and just full of awesome music

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