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The Zoo


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For anyone who's ever heard me bitch about the Zoo (there are no animals, they're always sleeping behind some big ass tree, big waste of time and money*, etc.), I am finally vindicated

*edit* ok, i know the zoo is free, but you always gotta buy a drink or ice cream or panda ears or some shit to validate your "good time"

From the Washington Post Editorial:

A TRIP TO the National Zoo is turning into a cruel test for parents, an exercise in skill with euphemism and restraint of mordant humor. "Mommy, that doesn't look like a prairie dog." Well, no, it's a rat, honey, and he's sharing his underground house with the prairie dogs. (Just as the Serbs "shared" their houses with the Bosnians.) "Mommy, I'm tired of waiting for the dogs to come out. Can we go see those little red pandas?" Well, they're, uh, napping.

Perfect parents no doubt use the occasion for lessons about life cycles. Like Charlotte of "Charlotte's Web," they tell their young charges about Father Earth and Mother Time, or patiently explain what "languishing" means. But the rest of us, chilly and rushed, resort to more comforting half-truths. The giraffes' mommy and daddy? Well, they're napping too. Eventually investigators may determine how the rat problem got out of control, how the rat poison got in the panda cage, what the giraffe autopsy really showed. In the meantime, parents can steer their children to Amazonia, where it's harder to keep track of the fish and fowl and harder still to grow too attached to them.

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Originally posted by revaluation

For anyone who's ever heard me bitch about the Zoo (there are no animals, they're always sleeping behind some big ass tree, big waste of time and money*, etc.), I am finally vindicated

*edit* ok, i know the zoo is free, but you always gotta buy a drink or ice cream or panda ears or some shit to validate your "good time"

From the Washington Post Editorial:

A TRIP TO the National Zoo is turning into a cruel test for parents, an exercise in skill with euphemism and restraint of mordant humor. "Mommy, that doesn't look like a prairie dog." Well, no, it's a rat, honey, and he's sharing his underground house with the prairie dogs. (Just as the Serbs "shared" their houses with the Bosnians.) "Mommy, I'm tired of waiting for the dogs to come out. Can we go see those little red pandas?" Well, they're, uh, napping.

Perfect parents no doubt use the occasion for lessons about life cycles. Like Charlotte of "Charlotte's Web," they tell their young charges about Father Earth and Mother Time, or patiently explain what "languishing" means. But the rest of us, chilly and rushed, resort to more comforting half-truths. The giraffes' mommy and daddy? Well, they're napping too. Eventually investigators may determine how the rat problem got out of control, how the rat poison got in the panda cage, what the giraffe autopsy really showed. In the meantime, parents can steer their children to Amazonia, where it's harder to keep track of the fish and fowl and harder still to grow too attached to them.

Just because you got molested at the zoo doesn't mean that all kids do.

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I hate the editorials in the WP, they all suck, well Gene Weingarten and his Below the Beltway column is the only one I like.

You get what you pay for, the Zoo is free so how could somebody possibly complain. I'm sure if they charged $20 a head then it would be a lot better. Personally I think it's nice, at least in the summer. There's nothing better then smoking a nice spliff and then going to the zoo. Where else are you going to see a bunch of wild animals in the city(with the exception of SE). Plus who cares about the Red Panda's talk about bait and switch those things weren't Panda's more like bats or something. I like the cats, bobcats, lions, cheetah's, those are real animals. Well the giant panda's aren't bad either and let's not forget about the monkey's, I love getting those guys going, talk about entertainment..........:peeleft:

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