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how was everyones valentines day?


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well i got tons of calls from exes or guys ive recently met wanting to hang out, dinner or something

and i considered going out with one cause hes a nice guy and well its vday not fun to be alone

but then i said fuck it, im not gonna be someones date just cause its vday and they are lonely etc, i think the whole holiday is gay anyways...

so i went to the met instead

its funny cause it was actually where my ex was supposed to take me for vday one year, cause i love art, but it didnt happen

and so i came up with the bright idea, if a trip to the met is what i would consider a great way to spend valentines, ill go this year even if none of my friends want to go and i troop it out by myself

but one of my friends went with me..

the museum was fun at the same time disappointing cause i havent been there in over two years, and after spending the summer in italy

well the met does not compare

i dont know what will now?

but i'll continue to make trips there every once in awhile, i'll never take for granted the fact one of the best museums is so close to me

hmmm what else happened...

i was supposed to meet up with some friends later that evening but after all the walking around and being up since 8am i called it an early nite

overall first valentines day i didnt have a valentines cause i didnt want one, haha

and actually it was one of the best vdays

where i went where i wanted to go, saw some great art work, and had some good conversation

that is priceless

not some overpriced dinner, out of season roses, and some thoughtless card with a big red heart on it

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It sucked.

I should have done the Nympho thing and been on my own...

Went out (on the recommendation of other, in order to get over HER) and nearly got into a fight in a Hoboken bar with some drunken slob who was too messed up to keep himself standing straight.

Got spilled on, bumped into, and ended up spending too much money on alcohol than I was planning on...

F'N Hallmark holida sucks.

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mine wasn't so bad....I really didn't expect to be doing anything, being that I have just called off a "thing" week or so ago....

I got home from work, and fell asleep...wasn't feeling well. I was knocked out cold...and my phone rings at 11:30... It's my ex, he's outside my apt.

I let him in and he has a bunch of lily's in his hand...they're soooo pretty. He wasn't trying to be smooth, or get some...he just wanted to do it because...

So we just hung out here, watched some cheesy cable movies, and fell asleep. My V-Day was nookie free...and it was still pretty nice. :D

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Originally posted by eckobarbie

WELL....sigh.. I DID have a boyfriend that day. The next day I didn't.. so everyone can just imagine how horrible it was.

oh yea, and the jewelry he gave me he wanted back.. This v-day i WISHED I was single. It's so much goddam easier.

Eww :eek: I can't believe he asked for the jewlery back, how cheap, why did he even give it to you in the first place then??? What an ass :mad:

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I had a chill V-day. Sent my girl flowers to her work, told her to take her time coming home (she got her nails done and started her shopping for Miami/WMC clothes). Got home, lit some candles, started dinner. She came home, we enjoyed a great meal, if I do say so myself. Had a lil fun :D Then headed out to catch Julius Papp at King King. Julius is always a treat. Stopped by a friends loft party for a minute or two, then home.

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i went out with friends to see scott bond, who kicked ass :aright: . the opening djs were frightful, but it gave us all time to hang out.

afterwards, i drove my best friend (though i'm not his) home for our customary 2-person afterparty, and i ended up staying till 4:30 pm on monday. i had been worried that he had been avoiding me the whole week before and i didn't know why; i had been worrying sooo much. but when he said, "i'm so glad you're here" at some point in the club, i knew i had been freaking out over nothing and that everything was ok.

i'm lucky to have the friends i do, especially my bestest :D , and i really have to stop worrying about losing them, thinking that it's all too good to be true. this valentine's was about celebrating the love i have for them, and trying to have more faith in it - not living in failed relationships and friendships from the past :) .

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