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The one country and race of people that disgust me.....


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Figured,..sorry about the blub before,..but anyhoo... If the Brits had the right to protect Hong Kong from China during the "lease"..then by God, the French should too. And Oh, btw, did you know Kuwait was actually part of Iraq that Britain carved away purely on economic reasons? I find these politics very amusing and disgusting !! It goes a little something like this... Oh..I can do this and that whenever I want to..why?..Coz I can. Another player emerges and does the same thing...And voila ! Everybody goes gung-ho !! Oh pah leeeease !!

And for all those advocating for war..I just got one thing to tell you, this wont turn out to be like the previous wars... Hell, the Indians built a nuke right under everyones' noses...and a few months later while the CIA was scratching ass wondering how that happened, boom..Pakistan unveils their own !! and they did so only coz they have over a million trooops amassed on either side of the borders fighting for territory. I can bet my life there's a whole string of countries with nukes that no one knows.

So, lets give peace a friggin chance, its enough what damage we've already done to this planet.... a nuclear winter will just finish off whats left of it !!:mad:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Figured,..sorry about the blub before,..but anyhoo... If the Brits had the right to protect Hong Kong from China during the "lease"..then by God, the French should too. And Oh, btw, did you know Kuwait was actually part of Iraq that Britain carved away purely on economic reasons? I find these politics very amusing and disgusting !! It goes a little something like this... Oh..I can do this and that whenever I want to..why?..Coz I can. Another player emerges and does the same thing...And voila ! Everybody goes gung-ho !! Oh pah leeeease !!

And for all those advocating for war..I just got one thing to tell you, this wont turn out to be like the previous wars... Hell, the Indians built a nuke right under everyones' noses...and a few months later while the CIA was scratching ass wondering how that happened, boom..Pakistan unveils their own !! and they did so only coz they have over a million trooops amassed on either side of the borders fighting for territory. I can bet my life there's a whole string of countries with nukes that no one knows.

So, lets give peace a friggin chance, its enough what damage we've already done to this planet.... a nuclear winter will just finish off whats left of it !!:mad:

indeed..very nicely said!!!

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

You truely dont understand all the bs you spit out

The French are trying to uptake some sort of "peaceful resistance" with Iraq........strikingly similar to their "policy of appeasement" that they carried out with Hitler. They want more UN inspections and full survailance (sp?) over Iraqi activity. This has been tried in the past for years and nothing has been accomplished and Iraq continues to laugh at the rest of the world.

The French are so blindstakingly scared of war that they want to enforce the same policy that led to them gettin bitch slapped by Hitler 60 years ago and needed the "bullies" in the US to bail them out.

I have absolutely no respect for the French government.....they really are a bunch of pussies. They back out of any confrontation that they can.

talking about pu*sies -- wasn't greece for almost 500 years ruled bt the ottoman empire? it didn't even EXIST as a state in those days...(unlike france, i dare say). also after the greeks gained independance, they set a german/british (saxen-coburg) king on their throne. quite a brave choice i think...


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Originally posted by zlatang

talking about pu*sies -- wasn't greece for almost 500 years ruled bt the ottoman empire? it didn't even EXIST as a state in those days...(unlike france, i dare say). also after the greeks gained independance, they set a german/british (saxen-coburg) king on their throne. quite a brave choice i think...


let me guess your french ;)

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

You truely dont understand all the bs you spit out

The French are trying to uptake some sort of "peaceful resistance" with Iraq........strikingly similar to their "policy of appeasement" that they carried out with Hitler. They want more UN inspections and full survailance (sp?) over Iraqi activity. This has been tried in the past for years and nothing has been accomplished and Iraq continues to laugh at the rest of the world.

The French are so blindstakingly scared of war that they want to enforce the same policy that led to them gettin bitch slapped by Hitler 60 years ago and needed the "bullies" in the US to bail them out.

I have absolutely no respect for the French government.....they really are a bunch of pussies. They back out of any confrontation that they can.

just because i disagree with your rhetoric does not mean i spew bullshit, maybe if you grew up a little and debated with me on a more elevated, intellectual level, i would actually have some respect for what you wrote. in any case, i disagree, just because the french do not want war does not mean they're "pussies". if anything, i think the human race would benefit from not killing each other for once. if you're so for the war, why don't you enlist and kill some of these people..you seem to hate them enough.


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Originally posted by zlatang

talking about pu*sies -- wasn't greece for almost 500 years ruled bt the ottoman empire? it didn't even EXIST as a state in those days...(unlike france, i dare say). also after the greeks gained independance, they set a german/british (saxen-coburg) king on their throne. quite a brave choice i think...


What happened before that, since you wanna talk about ancient history?????? Oh yeah, the Greeks dominated the known world at the time.

Every race has their periods....after the Greeks it was the Romans, then Moores, then Ottomans along with the French and so on.......

try to keep hatin and spittin out stupid shit bringing up 500 years ago. You seriously need to back the fuck off my cock which you want so bad........herb

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

What happened before that, since you wanna talk about ancient history?????? Oh yeah, the Greeks dominated the known world at the time.

Every race has their periods....after the Greeks it was the Romans, then Moores, then Ottomans along with the French and so on.......

try to keep hatin and spittin out stupid shit bringing up 500 years ago. You seriously need to back the fuck off my cock which you want so bad........herb

oh man i wouldn't touch your oily cock even with a 6' long stick. :vomit2:

it's you who said that the french are pussies. i suppose you concluded that from the fact they don't like fighting wars. well that just called into my mind the fact that the greeks didn't fight the war against their invaders for FIVE HUNDRED YEARS. so before you criticise someone you better reflect on the history of the nation you so proudly present here with its flag.

one other thing: when greece was 'dominating the well known part of the world' there existed other far more stable and larger civilisations and states (china for one). the greek domination as you think of it (ie in a single state and NOT in separate city-states) was quite short, and under a MACEDONIAN ruler known as alexander the great.

and now a disclaimer: i don't hate the greeks -- i deeply respect them (this doesn't include all of the greeks of course). the ancient greeks have given the european culture what no other civilisation gave it -- its roots; their achievements are unparalelled in the european history. without greece we wouldn't have europe as we know it today. however this doesn't neccessarily make them BRAVE.

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Originally posted by zlatang

oh man i wouldn't touch your oily cock even with a 6' long stick. :vomit2:

it's you who said that the french are pussies. i suppose you concluded that from the fact they don't like fighting wars. well that just called into my mind the fact that the greeks didn't fight the war against their invaders for FIVE HUNDRED YEARS. so before you criticise someone you better reflect on the history of the nation you so proudly present here with its flag.

one other thing: when greece was 'dominating the well known part of the world' there existed other far more stable and larger civilisations and states (china for one). the greek domination as you think of it (ie in a single state and NOT in separate city-states) was quite short, and under a MACEDONIAN ruler known as alexander the great.

and now a disclaimer: i don't hate the greeks -- i deeply respect them (this doesn't include all of the greeks of course). the ancient greeks have given the european culture what no other civilisation gave it -- its roots; their achievements are unparalelled in the european history. without greece we wouldn't have europe as we know it today. however this doesn't neccessarily make them BRAVE.

So when you decide to come after me you bash Greeks but when you start realizing you're offending more than one person you back down and make level headed claims........

weak.......so weak

ahhh well, I'm through with you

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

So when you decide to come after me you bash Greeks but when you start realizing you're offending more than one person you back down and make level headed claims........

weak.......so weak

ahhh well, I'm through with you

i am not after you -- i was merely trying to show you how relative claims about a nation being heroic are... one needs some introspection before one offends someone else, and this lesson, it seems, you'll never learn.

i'll never be against a nation as such -- i leave that to you, for you are the one who generalises about the french etc. unlike you, i am not a person who enjoys offending at all...i thought by now that was clear...

however since your goal here is to offend and to "be through" with a person or with a whole nation, then i leave it to you to introspect (if you can do that at all) and find out what kind of frustration gives you that drive...


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