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The Bachelorette


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Anyone watch it???

I'm so upset that she didn't pick Charlie :( She built him up so much by saying that stuff about him being "the one" - He really thought she was going to pick him :(

Ryan and her seem really happy, but for some reason, I wanted Charlie to be with her :(

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I wanted Charlie to win until tonight. He was a good guy but he wasn't in love w/ her...He walked outside saying "he hopes to fall in love" when on the other hand Ryan was head over heels....

& Charlie pissed me off in the limo the way he was talking he walked into that thinking he was going to win hands down :rolleyes: But besides that I thought it was the cutest thing EVER when she was giving him her little speech They were so cute together & very much in love it got me very depressed :( lol

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OMG ME TOO GIRL. I JUST POSTED THE SAME SHIT ON THE SEX BOARD. i was wondering where u r. luckily i came here to browse... i wanted her to pick charlie too, they seemed like they clicked from day one. i thought ryan would be a lot more hurt than charlie if he didnt get picked and i guess that says something... very cute. unrealistic that after 6 dates or so they are in LOVE though.


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Originally posted by somebitch

OMG ME TOO GIRL. I JUST POSTED THE SAME SHIT ON THE SEX BOARD. i was wondering where u r. luckily i came here to browse... i wanted her to pick charlie too, they seemed like they clicked from day one. i thought ryan would be a lot more hurt than charlie if he didnt get picked and i guess that says something... very cute. unrealistic that after 6 dates or so they are in LOVE though.


I knew YOU would feel me on this!!!! ;) She just shouldn't have said that stuff to Charlie, he was so happy and all smiles and then she's just like ".....unfortunately...." I like got up and was screaming at my TV!!!!!!!

:laugh: Ryan would've def. been more hurt, like suicidal or something, but I dunno something about him irks me

Gotta watch the special tomorrow night!

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I knew YOU would feel me on this!!!! ;) She just shouldn't have said that stuff to Charlie, he was so happy and all smiles and then she's just like ".....unfortunately...." I like got up and was screaming at my TV!!!!!!!

:laugh: Ryan would've def. been more hurt, like suicidal or something, but I dunno something about him irks me

Gotta watch the special tomorrow night!

i know, it was kinda mean how she told charlie. she made him feel so separate from the rest, like their thing was above everyone elses, then she said how she felt when she first saw him and that those feelings were there everytime they were together, it was like she told him he was the one then she told him he wasnt the one 2 seconds later!!!


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Originally posted by psychosweetie

They kind of made it seem like she slept w/ Charlie...when she was giving that sex speech:confused:

No I think he was concerned with the fact that if he was intimate with her, she very well could be intimate with Ryan also... and this made him uncomfortable.... she was just saying to him that if she was to be intimate with either of them, it would be solely about them at that time.... ehh whatever... why am I stressing this :blank:

Bottom line: Charlie :aright:

:peeright: Ryan :peeleft:

(I'm sorry he's just too cheesy for me, Charlie was more of a manly man and clicked so well with her)

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Ehhh, i liked Ryan better, for the reasons sweetie mentioned, and his smile just seemed more genuine for some reason.

Then again, i only watched it twice, and from what u girls are saying, Ryan sounds like a sap :laugh:

I think i associate more with Ryan than with Charlie. Plus, Ryan had a better hairstyle ;)

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oh i liked ryan wayyyyyyy better than charlie. i was rooting for him the whole time. although personally i am not much for mush, but i just thought he was so adorable. the strong silenet type

and yeah.. when i found out he was an all america football player at CU that made him even more attractive.. lol -- AND ATHLETIC!

ive watched all the shows, but missed this one! :blown:

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Originally posted by nycchic24

oh i liked ryan wayyyyyyy better than charlie. i was rooting for him the whole time. although personally i am not much for mush, but i just thought he was so adorable. the strong silenet type

and yeah.. when i found out he was an all america football player at CU that made him even more attractive.. lol -- AND ATHLETIC!

ive watched all the shows, but missed this one! :blown:

Ryan was adorable & he had a gorrrrrgeous body!! He might have been a sap (the poems started to get annoying lol) but he's a good guy

....Yea, Charlie's real hot w/ his mushroom haircut & all :laugh:

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I LOVE Ryan. I'm so happy he got picked. All my friends and I were rooting for him. He is sooo cute. I think they will make a good couple.

I've decided after watching last night's show, that I want to be the Bachelorette! At first I thought it was stupid... but now I think It's awesome. If I were 30, and single (which i'm sure I will be) I would love it if I had 25 hot successful guys to choose from to pick a mate. She found an awesome guy. I'm so jealous!

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