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What if someone you were with . . .


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I'm still trying to understand why it is soo gross to sleep with a male as opposed to a woman with a woman. I mean I just see it as pure ignorance. Some of you preach and preach about how you have gay friends yada yada, going back to Tastys point, but yet when it comes to close to home, aka a man you were with sleeping with another male, its a big no no

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Thanx babe. I agree, I don't think I would experiment with a girl, say with a strap on per say cause it isn't in me as well. But if you choose to do it then so be it. I don't think it anyone has the right to judge someones sexuality. eh, it is an idealistic world we live in and I doubt that it will change anytime soon:(

Judge someone's sexuality?????

If a guy does sexual things with another guy then he has homosexual thoughts and is therefore not straight......end of story. Same with a girl and another girl. Call it experimenting or whatever.....there would be no urge to experiment if there wasn't some thought behind it.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

there would be no urge to experiment if there wasn't some thought behind it.

Well duh.

I don’t think the point here is why/how someone is appealed (or not) by the idea of being with the same sex. . .

Thread has become more of the fact that it is still not accepted by the majority of people and quite possibly even considered "taboo" and/or "nasty" for someone to have been with the same sex (apparently by the boards reaction, bisexual. . .bi. . .u know. . .relating to both and not just homo. . .men seem to have the bad end of the stick) :grin: (badpun)

It’s so funny.

I spoke of this situation with some friends and coworkers - male – I’m guessing 3 out of 5 say to me "the dude is totally gay!" (If a man is bisexual) and "well if I were with the girl id try to convince her to get her friend back!!" (If a woman is bisexual). . .


Pathetic. . .

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....so you can experiment with:





and so on and so on


NOT SEX...cause if you do it brings an automatic label....this IS pathetic...you are deemed and labeled an alcoholic, a homosexual, etc. after a series of actions and a set of behavioral patterns occur ...NOT one act...is it really that hard to understand?...

...and lest we not ask the question of circumstance?...because if you think each case is the same for each person, i would be amazed that you can actually put these letters together to form the appropriate words....


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Judge someone's sexuality?????

If a guy does sexual things with another guy then he has homosexual thoughts and is therefore not straight......end of story. Same with a girl and another girl. Call it experimenting or whatever.....there would be no urge to experiment if there wasn't some thought behind it.

:laugh: :laugh: you can't be serious. :confused::blank: So he isn't straight and now your claiming a girl isn't straight either, refer back to your other post where it was ok for women and not men:rolleyes: . . . thats the end of the story!
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Originally posted by phatman

....so you can experiment with:





and so on and so on


NOT SEX...cause if you do it brings an automatic label....this IS pathetic...you are deemed and labeled an alcoholic, a homosexual, etc. after a series of actions and a set of behavioral patterns occur ...NOT one act...is it really that hard to understand?...

...and lest we not ask the question of circumstance?...because if you think each case is the same for each person, i would be amazed that you can actually put these letters together to form the appropriate words....


I LOVE YOU! :love:

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Originally posted by phatman

....so you can experiment with:





and so on and so on


NOT SEX...cause if you do it brings an automatic label....this IS pathetic...you are deemed and labeled an alcoholic, a homosexual, etc. after a series of actions and a set of behavioral patterns occur ...NOT one act...is it really that hard to understand?...

...and lest we not ask the question of circumstance?...because if you think each case is the same for each person, i would be amazed that you can actually put these letters together to form the appropriate words....


:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Originally posted by clubkat

It’s so funny.

I spoke of this situation with some friends and coworkers - male – I’m guessing 3 out of 5 say to me "the dude is totally gay!" (If a man is bisexual) and "well if I were with the girl id try to convince her to get her friend back!!" (If a woman is bisexual). . .


Pathetic. . .

same thing happened to me today in school. I asked some friends of mine and they said he was gay and that they would never hook up with a guy who did that. WTF:mad: Mind you these are people who I perceived as being open-minded, I guess the true side of people come out when it comes down to it. But then they turn around and are like I have nothing wrong with gays, bi's etc. Well if you didn't have anything wrong with it you wouldn't perceive a male sleeping with another male as gross or appauling. . . .argh this is soo frustrating, some things will never change:(

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when someone like Jon says that he doesn't find the idea of sleeping with a man appealing, it's understandable because he is someone who has only had heterosexual encounters and fantasties. it's just not his thing.

but... when a woman who sleeps with men (and therefore doesn't find the idea of sexual relations with a man unappealing) says she would feel uncomfortable having sex with a man who had also had male partners, it doesn't make sense to me. she likes men, so what's so weird about her sexual partner also liking men?

either it's homophobia, or it's insecurity based on an ugly stereotype that bisexuals are more likely to be unfaithful or dishonest with their partners. if your bisexual partner says s/he's interested in you, you have no more reason to worry about it than if your heterosexual partner says s/he's interested in you. provided, of course, you aren't dating a schmuck (a character fault not limited to one sexuality or another...)

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