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Breaking up with someone . . .


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. . . to find out the week you broke up he hooked up with your bestfriend:( Its been a year or so since we did, but I saw him recently and he told me that he hooked up with my closest friend, well practically my sister the week we broke it off. Its been so long I won't question her about it, but it still upsets me a bit. And to think when she introduced us and said how we would be great for each other. And she was also there coaxing me when he and I were breaking up. I don't know how to react or what to say. I guess nothing now since its been so long but WTF :mad: It's just wrong . . . :bigfinge::(

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Originally posted by exoticbikinigr

he is a scumbag!!!! grr thats so messed up

the best friend has just as much fault!

the relationship obviously held some meaning and she was the one who even got them together. . .u know. . .thats just shady.

especially if they hooked up the same week and shes all "yeah whats your problem hes a good guy ::thinks "good guy with his tounge":: y are u two not together!?" :blown:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

. . . to find out the week you broke up he hooked up with your bestfriend:( Its been a year or so since we did, but I saw him recently and he told me that he hooked up with my closest friend, well practically my sister the week we broke it off. Its been so long I won't question her about it, but it still upsets me a bit. And to think when she introduced us and said how we would be great for each other. And she was also there coaxing me when he and I were breaking up. I don't know how to react or what to say. I guess nothing now since its been so long but WTF :mad: It's just wrong . . . :bigfinge::(

what a skank...hook me up with her Z

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same thing happened to me...i told my friend i liked this guy we got together next thing i know she is pining for him behind my back needless to say he ditched me and got with her...since she was supposedly my best friend i only confronted her about it, she had the audacity to tell me you cant call 'dibs' on guys if you arent even dating...so i took two seconds to re-evalute our friendship then i never spoke to either of them again...some people r just soo trashy...definitely a shitty feeling as well:(

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Originally posted by psychosweetie

Thats really fucked up of your friend...i know personally, I would at least say something

I did say something but hey it happened so long ago eh whatever. I love the girl and I am in no way threatened that she would do that to me again.
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Originally posted by clubkat

the best friend has just as much fault!

Moreso, I'd say... it's a given that guys can easily do something fucked up (or girls, as the case might be), but your girls are supposed to be there for you through thick and thin...

Sorry to hear it Z, that blows! :(:blown:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I did say something but hey it happened so long ago eh whatever. I love the girl and I am in no way threatened that she would do that to me again.

bebe i just thought of something. . .

what if u ever wanted to rekindle something with this guy. . .wouldnt it be rather awkward if you three where in the room at the same time either if its been years or whatnot?

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i had almost the exact same thing happen to me...

broke up, my ex and a friend of mine were friends when we broke up, so about a week later i talk to each of them and say "hey, you guys should get together." i really would have been fine with it. they both swear up and down that they would never do that. actual quote from him "i would never do that to you, you're my friend and you love her. i value your friendship too much to do that to you." find out 2 days later, that they had hooked up the night before. i cut them both loose, end of story. i was far more hurt by him than her. he was my friend, and lied straight to my face.

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...i would confront your friend...just to let her know that you know...if you still are down with her, why not find out what went down?...time is not nearly as relavant as the action committed...if this shit was done on the dl then you need to expose it and find out what kind of friend she really is...not saying the guy is without blame either...but obviously you dont hold him in the same light as you do her...

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D: I won't feel awkard if I see them at the same time. I actually suggested that we should all get together, her and her b/f, myself and this dude. But ya know its the fact that they hooked up, just dont like shit like that.

Nick: I already confronted her and she apologized. Its all good the friendship I have with her is worth more than her simply fooling around with him. They both told me exactly what happened. The stories were the same. I don't care but I had just found out about it and needed to vent

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