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I hope that Spirit does not fuck up the Twilo space

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WOW ..someone is getting it...LOL

u just cant fucken open a club in NY anymore....

u ogtaa have some Great Marketing IDea's to soften the

"were gonna be Dancing till 11am on sunday morning routine"


i have good Feelings about this...

TRUST, lol


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Originally posted by jaysea

WOW ..someone is getting it...LOL

u just cant fucken open a club in NY anymore....

u ogtaa have some Great Marketing IDea's to soften the

"were gonna be Dancing till 11am on sunday morning routine"


i have good Feelings about this...

TRUST, lol


Bro, I wish that I could share your optimism. But all that shit described as what they are going to have, the aroma therapy room, the meta-physical healing room (?), the henna tatoo shit, etc. It's one thing to try to do things to "explain the dancing until 11am Sunday morning" but it doesn't seem like the dancing part is even the central part of this operation, based on how is has been described so far.

I mean are you going out of your way to veil the operation you are putting together with an appearance of something other than a dance club?

I still just say speakers, DJ's, lights and action! When I want culture I will go to a museum.

When I want music I should be going to W27th.

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Originally posted by fwilso01

Guess what dickhead--- Us "dirtbags" made the scene what it is today.....once you juicers and guidos found out it was "cool" you ruined it!

Exaaaaactly... :idea:

Anyway, I agree w/Jaysea... the place hasn't even opened up yet and people are already bitching about it? :rolleyes: Good god... everyone's a fuckin' critic... :rolleyes:

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a brain surgen could figure this out

Do u think a CLUB.....in NYC will stay open, with a Fucking MASSAGE Table.....inside it........NO


these guys who are opening this club, are VERY SMART...

and know what there doing.....

all, if not most of the shit mentioned will be stuff that has to do with the Shows....Not the SATURDAY night.........there will be crazy stage shows n such! <Yea>, but a massage Tale room, is gonna be a loung with beds in it.....> u getting me? lol

it might stay that way for 1 night, but clubs cant open with massage tables.... that would Deff fall under the Crack Den law...and in a way promotes Drug use.....

but saturday...its gonna be a dance club......and the dance floor is gonna look really cool....

just give it a chance...lets see who they pull for Dj's..



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Originally posted by jaysea

a brain surgen could figure this out

Do u think a CLUB.....in NYC will stay open, with a Fucking MASSAGE Table.....inside it........NO


these guys who are opening this club, are VERY SMART...

and know what there doing.....

all, if not most of the shit mentioned will be stuff that has to do with the Shows....Not the SATURDAY night.........there will be crazy stage shows n such! <Yea>, but a massage Tale room, is gonna be a loung with beds in it.....> u getting me? lol

it might stay that way for 1 night, but clubs cant open with massage tables.... that would Deff fall under the Crack Den law...and in a way promotes Drug use.....

but saturday...its gonna be a dance club......and the dance floor is gonna look really cool....

just give it a chance...lets see who they pull for Dj's..



You bitch all day long on this board.

But fair enough.

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Originally posted by jaysea

a brain surgen could figure this out

Do u think a CLUB.....in NYC will stay open, with a Fucking MASSAGE Table.....inside it........NO


these guys who are opening this club, are VERY SMART...

and know what there doing.....

all, if not most of the shit mentioned will be stuff that has to do with the Shows....Not the SATURDAY night.........there will be crazy stage shows n such! <Yea>, but a massage Tale room, is gonna be a loung with beds in it.....> u getting me? lol

it might stay that way for 1 night, but clubs cant open with massage tables.... that would Deff fall under the Crack Den law...and in a way promotes Drug use.....

but saturday...its gonna be a dance club......and the dance floor is gonna look really cool....

just give it a chance...lets see who they pull for Dj's..




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Originally posted by pglkm

They are doing it exactly right.. you can't just open up a megaclub in New york anymore. by making it a club just one night a week and then using the club for shows or shit like that the rest of the week is a great idea.. it will make the club and the city a ton of money and give New york something new..not just some big drug infested club like exit waiting to get closed down..take advantage of its size..owners of clubs have to be smarter now..they have to bring a whole new concept to clubs..it makes more sense for them to bring in a better looking crowd that spends more money and have good music..you can have a nice looking crowd that some drink and some party other ways and still be into the music..look at crobar in miami.. great looking crowd mostly drinking crowd and great international dj's..i saw timo maas and carl cox rip that place a new asshole last year..the vibe has awesome..the place was filled with girls and they have a big gay night there to..

the days of having little kids on drugs spending no money dressing like dirtbags going to a club is over..club owners need to make money and not have the cops on there ass..

I agree 110%, if they do away with dresscodes and start letting underage kids in, its going to become another drug infested club and it will be shut down. One the other hand, they should also enforce a shirt policy for all the sweaty juiced guidos. If they let in a good looking crowd which drinks, and hire some great talent (ie. djs, dancers, performers) this place will be a huge success

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There dosnt have to be a dress code, just becasue there isnt a dress code dosnt mean that theres more drugs or whatever, thats stupid. I understand about the underage kids and all and eventually that leads to problems but to say if there isnt a dress code it will cause problems is wrong. We like to go out comfortable and able to dance all night in sneakers and whatever. Having to dress up to go dance is stupid, this place sounds like its going to have some quality djs who wants to wear dress shoes all night long? I know i dont. Everyone always has something to say already and the doors arent even open. Let the place open then we can all judge till then we just have to wait.

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i predict a great product of a venue.

what is wrong with mixing "culture" in with a night club expereince? As long as the main dance floor is a full on dance experience, who gives a shit what happens in the rest of hte space?

Why did lunatarium get nominated best dance club? Most of the parties there have been crap, but the art isntalltaions pull off the unique space.

All said, I'll prolly never step foot inside. No love for techno in nyc.

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I agree.

Just TRY to imagine........

what the church goers thought their place of worship would be like years from when they were going to Sunday masses.........


I feel bad that Twilo closed. I hope that this new place will be worth going to. Try not to compare it to Twilo though, just because it's in the same building. (Just as the church goers who had no clue what would happen to their church.)

Sure it would be nice, but if you focus on that thought...you may be setting yourselves for dissapointment. They just pay the rent and expenses......

WE make the night happen together.

Originally posted by zeeker

I hope the place follows suit to what Twilo was all about, and keep to the basics with the music too. But it's kind of unfair to judge it in comparison to Twilo or SF just because it occupies the same space. Afterall, they may have a totally different idea about what they want to do with the place. It's kind of funny that when it's mentioned that someone bought the space on 27th, everybody gets all excited cause 'Twilo's back.' It's not.

RIP Twilo blah blah blah

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The reason they got the liquor license (6am) as well as get the ever impossible Cabaret license was because the owner (1 man and not a corporation) convinced the community board that the space would be for the most part a performance space and NOT a club. The only condition was that he would be allowed to opeate a dance club 1 day a week.

If after 6 months of operation he has no violations and a clean track record then the community board (4) would approve a second and probably third night as a club.

All the Hollistic, theater, restaurant themes were a very important part of why the space was allowed to even open again.

Yet you are bitchin about them not making it a full on club again and why it's not a Sascha & Digweed club again.

Look at the bigger picture here and not just your instant gratification.

This city is steeped in Politics and things are done for reasons.

Admittedly the club scene is in total dissaray at the moment but that is manily due to bad management and owners running spaces for the only purpose but to milk as much money as they can out of it.

The previous manager of Twilo (now running ARC) is the reason it got shut down because he lost control, yet you still go and support him and blame the city for shutting down clubs.

Blame the person who attracted the wrong attention. Throwing OD'd kids into cupboards till the drugs wore off was not the smartest thing in the world to do.

The reason's Exit and Sound Factiory got shut down was also for bad management and lack of proper control. Oh and guess what, Now they are marked clubs and will in time be shut for good.

Why do you think the ROXY never gets hassle? Because the owners are real professionals and know how to manage their space. They have good community relations and regularly contribute to the area as well as have a good relationship with the local Police Captain and Fire Chief.

The owner of Spirit also did a very smart thing because he didn't lease the space. He bought the ENTIRE building which for the community gives him a far stronger interest in making sure he protects his investment.

Now we all know that possibly the Olympics could be here in 2012 as well as a new football staduim being built on the West side. This area is the last industrial area in Manhattan to explode and it's about to do just that. Look at what happened to Tribeca during the 90's and how much money is there now. The West side of Manhattan is about to get museams, clubs, bars restaurants, boutiques, theaters, art galleries all spilling up from Chelsea so Spirit is in the perfect position to take advantage of this growth.

Sorry for rambling but these things need to be said an some clarity needs to be posted on these boards as the drama from false rumors is part of the reason things in clubland are so bad.

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nice info.. seems like u know what your talking about

Originally posted by john62

The reason they got the liquor license (6am) as well as get the ever impossible Cabaret license was because the owner (1 man and not a corporation) convinced the community board that the space would be for the most part a performance space and NOT a club. The only condition was that he would be allowed to opeate a dance club 1 day a week.

If after 6 months of operation he has no violations and a clean track record then the community board (4) would approve a second and probably third night as a club.

All the Hollistic, theater, restaurant themes were a very important part of why the space was allowed to even open again.

Yet you are bitchin about them not making it a full on club again and why it's not a Sascha & Digweed club again.

Look at the bigger picture here and not just your instant gratification.

This city is steeped in Politics and things are done for reasons.

Admittedly the club scene is in total dissaray at the moment but that is manily due to bad management and owners running spaces for the only purpose but to milk as much money as they can out of it.

The previous manager of Twilo (now running ARC) is the reason it got shut down because he lost control, yet you still go and support him and blame the city for shutting down clubs.

Blame the person who attracted the wrong attention. Throwing OD'd kids into cupboards till the drugs wore off was not the smartest thing in the world to do.

The reason's Exit and Sound Factiory got shut down was also for bad management and lack of proper control. Oh and guess what, Now they are marked clubs and will in time be shut for good.

Why do you think the ROXY never gets hassle? Because the owners are real professionals and know how to manage their space. They have good community relations and regularly contribute to the area as well as have a good relationship with the local Police Captain and Fire Chief.

The owner of Spirit also did a very smart thing because he didn't lease the space. He bought the ENTIRE building which for the community gives him a far stronger interest in making sure he protects his investment.

Now we all know that possibly the Olympics could be here in 2012 as well as a new football staduim being built on the West side. This area is the last industrial area in Manhattan to explode and it's about to do just that. Look at what happened to Tribeca during the 90's and how much money is there now. The West side of Manhattan is about to get museams, clubs, bars restaurants, boutiques, theaters, art galleries all spilling up from Chelsea so Spirit is in the perfect position to take advantage of this growth.

Sorry for rambling but these things need to be said an some clarity needs to be posted on these boards as the drama from false rumors is part of the reason things in clubland are so bad.

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Originally posted by john62

The reason they got the liquor license (6am) as well as get the ever impossible Cabaret license was because the owner (1 man and not a corporation) convinced the community board that the space would be for the most part a performance space and NOT a club. The only condition was that he would be allowed to opeate a dance club 1 day a week.

If after 6 months of operation he has no violations and a clean track record then the community board (4) would approve a second and probably third night as a club.

All the Hollistic, theater, restaurant themes were a very important part of why the space was allowed to even open again.

Yet you are bitchin about them not making it a full on club again and why it's not a Sascha & Digweed club again.

Look at the bigger picture here and not just your instant gratification.

This city is steeped in Politics and things are done for reasons.

Admittedly the club scene is in total dissaray at the moment but that is manily due to bad management and owners running spaces for the only purpose but to milk as much money as they can out of it.

The previous manager of Twilo (now running ARC) is the reason it got shut down because he lost control, yet you still go and support him and blame the city for shutting down clubs.

Blame the person who attracted the wrong attention. Throwing OD'd kids into cupboards till the drugs wore off was not the smartest thing in the world to do.

The reason's Exit and Sound Factiory got shut down was also for bad management and lack of proper control. Oh and guess what, Now they are marked clubs and will in time be shut for good.

Why do you think the ROXY never gets hassle? Because the owners are real professionals and know how to manage their space. They have good community relations and regularly contribute to the area as well as have a good relationship with the local Police Captain and Fire Chief.

The owner of Spirit also did a very smart thing because he didn't lease the space. He bought the ENTIRE building which for the community gives him a far stronger interest in making sure he protects his investment.

Now we all know that possibly the Olympics could be here in 2012 as well as a new football staduim being built on the West side. This area is the last industrial area in Manhattan to explode and it's about to do just that. Look at what happened to Tribeca during the 90's and how much money is there now. The West side of Manhattan is about to get museams, clubs, bars restaurants, boutiques, theaters, art galleries all spilling up from Chelsea so Spirit is in the perfect position to take advantage of this growth.

Sorry for rambling but these things need to be said an some clarity needs to be posted on these boards as the drama from false rumors is part of the reason things in clubland are so bad.

Yeah, this is EXTREMELY informative, thanks bro.

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the current manager of arc had nothing to do with twilo's closure.

might want to point fingers at all the 30 year old queens that couldn't maintain sunday mornings. jUnior didn't rail against ghb for nothing.

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There was a Police report(shown to me by a friend in the Police department) that stated that the manager(Who you think is not to blame) of the club as well as the club owner and head of security were all aware that these kids were OD'ing on a cocktail of GHB, E, Coke,Special-K etc and rather than call 911 which would have automatically meant the Police coming to the space the made some very specific choices.

First choice was to hire a private EMS unit(paid for by the management of Twilo) to be permanently situated outside the club in the event that they had a serious health or drug problem.

The second management decision made was to put some of these kids into a small storage room and let them sleep it off with the assistance of several cold buckets of water.

There was even a CCTV camera in the room and I understand that some of this was actually recorded. The tapes however mysteriously vanished.

When all this came to light due to several Poice interviews and pressure put on the head of security and some ex-employees of the club, all was revealed and it WAS the management that made that fateful decisions. Lucky for them that nobody died else they would be now be in Prison serving long sentences.

What then happened was that the city tried a series of methods to try and shut down the club and came up with the idea of sending in the Department of Buildings to do some spot checks on the premisis and subsiquently found a series of violations. On the strength of these violations there was enough ammunition for the DOB to recommend the withdrawl of the cabaret license. In essence they used the fact that you could not dance to shut down the space. (quite clever really)

The community board(4) them had a meeting together with the buildings past owner and decided that the space would never be allowed again to house a full time club and the names of the management were recorded as undesirables within the State Liquor Authority and some other city agencies.

When that manager then became the head honcho at Vinyl, first thing he did was change the name to ARC then re-apply to the SLA for a liquor license not with his name but under the name of his rich German investor.

The community board 1 however were made aware that this person was involved in ARC and was another major reason why Arc was denied the application for liquor.

I believe the vote was 27 against and 3 for the license approval.

There is a massive Condo development going up directly across and all around the street from ARC and it's only a matter of time before the pressure will be put on ARC to close or re-establish itself as a gourmet supermarket, coffee house, bookstore in order to serve the ever expanding residential Tribeca community.

The reason why Crobar succeded in getting all their licenses for their space on 28th street and approval by community board 4 was that the Crobar owners (Cal & Kenny) have a good track record of running clubs in Chicago and Miami.

They too are real professionals that know how to run their space.

I believe that within a year Spirit and Crobar NYC are going to completely dominate the New York Superclub scene with their originality and dedication to providing an amazing entertainment experience coupled with the best music and DJ's in the World.

The days of Arc, SF,EXIT,Webster Hall, Roxy, Limelight are all but numbered and will soon come to an end.

There, that enough info for you???

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The chances of the Olympics making it to NYC are pretty low....

Is there really a neighborhood board in the Meat Packing District? I mean who the hell lives over there that would give a shit about what nightclubs there are.

The only person I ever met that lived around there was Eddie Baez, b/c he used to live above Twilo... and I'm sure that he didn't mind.....

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