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Ever get arrested at spring break? ..I did... story -->

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I went to panama city beach for spring break when i was like 18. Its a really hick place but still was nuts.

We where standing out in front of our hotel and i had a mixed drink in a cup. Out of no where a cop came up to me and was like "what's in the cup" I was thinking i would tell him the truth and maybe he would be cool about it so i told him and he was like hands against the car! cuffed me and shit/ He was like the consumption of alcohol in public is illegal in Florida.

I was like shit man i didn't know I am not from here. he didn't care. So down out the police station they where like "you can either come back in a month for mandatory court and face up to 5000 dollars in fines and possible inprsement

.......Or you can go to spring break court tomorrow"

So of course I'm like "what the fuck is spring break court???!" and they where like "spring break court we do a quick trial and you carry out the sentence with a group of other spring breakers the committed a similar crime." aka community service. So i got up the next morning at 7am and got on a bus with tons of spring break chix and dudes and they took us to a fucking grammar school to pick up trash!!!! these are all little kids walking around and where all half drunk spring breakers hahhhah .. funny ass shit.

So anyway i ducked in the school to get water and i ran into a teacher and she asked me what i was doing there and i explained. She was pretty cool and asked me to sit with her class!!! It turns out their computer was broken and i offered my help and fixed it. Then they took my picture with the whole class and i still have it to this day.

Its funny because that's the only day out of my spring break i remembered because i was semi-sober there.

haha just felt like sharing that.

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That's why your supposed to go out of the country on Spring Break Ant. In Mexico you don't have those kinds of rules to abide by, but then again you don't wanna land yourself in a Mexican prison either for going overboard.

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Daytona, we got locked up in Animal cages for 10 hours.

They set up animal circus cages in town, and put 6 people in per cage. There was still hay in the fucking thing when I was in it

Cancun, my boys got into a huge brawl, and 6 little Mexican's came out of the woodwork and stun-guned them to the floor till my boys couldn't even move. They had black and blues up and down their bodies for weeks

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  • 1 year later...

my buddy almosy got arrested in cancun(oasis) hotel. i was hanging out with a group of girls with a few of my other friends at the hotel......then we get the knock on the hotel door.....

its the mexico cops with my good buddy in his boxers...soaked and drunk as hell,lol......

he got busted skinny dipping with some chick,lol....we then had to pay off the cops to let him go....

thats just one night in cancun........many other stories

good times

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Daytona, we got locked up in Animal cages for 10 hours.

They set up animal circus cages in town, and put 6 people in per cage. There was still hay in the fucking thing when I was in it

Cancun, my boys got into a huge brawl, and 6 little Mexican's came out of the woodwork and stun-guned them to the floor till my boys couldn't even move. They had black and blues up and down their bodies for weeks

Gee willikers...

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hooked up at Plantation's next to Penrods, with some girl at Spring Break back in 1989, we went to her room got a blanket and some beers, went to the beach and got in on then we both passed out. We were rudely awakened by a spotlight in the hands of the beach patrol, she still had no shirt on, he was enjoying the show and running down the list of laws we broke, sleeping(camping)on the beach, indecent exposure, plus he knew she wasn't 21, I had just turned 21. She was mouthing off to him to turn off the light, etc, I appologized for breaking the laws, being from out of town, and asked him to turn off the light so she could get dressed and we would leave if he gave us a break. I guess being nice and since he got a free show, he let us go- Thank God!! I hear down in Fla they have those Monkey Blue Laws that you don't get out of jail until you pay your bail and fine, that's it.

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Cancun, my boys got into a huge brawl, and 6 little Mexican's came out of the woodwork and stun-guned them to the floor till my boys couldn't even move. They had black and blues up and down their bodies for weeks

Thats is some :funny: shit. The cops in cancun are small little mexicans, so it looks like u can run shit there. But when something goes down they pop out of thew wood work like cock roaches. And by the way you tell it they took care of everyone.

I wish I was there to see it, I love watchin brawls and then the cops coming in and fuckin everyone up.

Another place where they go overboard is Seaside.

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A friend of mine did a year in mexican jail for having pills on him. He thought it would be smart to explain that they werent all his and he was only holding them for friends. Apparently "holding" is as good as saying "selling". Cost his parents a ton of money and time to get him out. After a year.

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Yeah Mexico is pretty brutal, especially Cancun where the cops know all the little kids have mom and dad's cash to spend. I never made it during college for SPring break but some of my friends went. I guess I was lucky cause someone I know got into an argument with a Mexican since the guy took his $20 bill that he dropped when taking his camera out of his pocket. Long story short they got into a fight and this kid fucked the mexican up. Cops brought him in and set his bail at $10k - cash. Parents had to fly out there and everything....very ugly.

I saw a kid get arressted in Seaside for yelling at his friends since they were walking the wrong direction to the car. Cops said "Your arrested for being a public nuisance." Pathetic. I got in trouble for breaking a window by mistake; i paid the owner back the same week and it still took a shit load of money to get out of that mess. It sucks since most of the cops out there are our age, and they're "those guys" that had no life in high school so they take it out on the kids having fun. Yeah, get the kids who are fighting, but lets get real. No need to arrest every intoxicated person on the street. When i went to Seaside COurt I remmeber there was like 350 cases on the docket, at least 250 for underage drinking, and those are each AT LEAST $300 a pop. If you opt out of 1 day community service in Seaside it goes to like $400 a pop. Talk about a business; makes me sick. :vomit2:

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