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WHat about VIrgins


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since we're talking about Virginity how does everyone feel about taking someone's virgininty or dating a virgin? i've dated a few and after we banged it became the best sex i had, something about tight pussy......:drool:

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i don't buy what you're saying - not just 'cause sex is a lot more than physical, for me, but because virgins don't know what they're doing. my first time i felt awkward as hell; i don't think my pussy being tight made up for that :rolleyes: . the guy didn't give a shit, i can tell you that, but that's another story :kill9::otopic: .

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i would never take someones virginity away... if i was in it just for ass... i wouldnt do it, cuz 1 they get too attacted, and i think she should give it to someone she cares about alot. i dont really deserve it.

but if it a girl i cared around. i know how wierd it will be to have sex the first time. i would make her feel comfortable as possible. making sure i dont hurt her.


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Originally posted by weyes

i don't buy what you're saying - not just 'cause sex is a lot more than physical, for me, but because virgins don't know what they're doing. my first time i felt awkward as hell; i don't think my pussy being tight made up for that :rolleyes: . the guy didn't give a shit, i can tell you that, but that's another story :kill9::otopic: .

im not saying the sex we had for the first time was the best sex i said it BECAME the best sex i had, i would never have a one night stand with a girl whose virginity i took, that's just wrong, but idk i guess im just attracted to those innocent girls.

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Originally posted by damack

im not saying the sex we had for the first time was the best sex i said it BECAME the best sex i had, i would never have a one night stand with a girl whose virginity i took, that's just wrong, but idk i guess im just attracted to those innocent girls.

another correction.... virginity doesnt necessarily = innocence.


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Originally posted by damack

since we're talking about Virginity how does everyone feel about taking someone's virgininty or dating a virgin? i've dated a few and after we banged it became the best sex i had, something about tight pussy......:drool:

if u want tight why not have anal :idea:
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Now listen to me, while you're kissin' her cheek, Smearin' her lipstick, slip this in her drink.

Now all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitch's earlobe...

Yo! This girl's only 15 years old!, You shouldn't take advantage of her, that's not fair!

Yo, look at her bush...does it got hair? (Uh huh.)

Fuck this bitch right here on the spot bare, Til she passes out and she forgot how she got there..

Man, ain't you ever seen that one movie KIDS?

No, but I seen a porno with Son Doobiest!

shit, you wanna get hauled off to jail?

Man, fuck that, hit that shit raw dog then bail...

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Originally posted by joeg

Man, ain't you ever seen that one movie KIDS?

i was gonna bring that up! that guy was sickening :no: .
Originally posted by linabinaand for the record.. being a virgin doesnt mean u dont know what ur doing!
linabina, even you must concede that most virgins aren't just "technical virgins" - meaning ones who'll do just about everything else, as long as they don't have penile-vaginal intercourse.

i'm not passing judgment at all on this, but i don't understand why someone would do all kinds of making out type things (kissing, touching, etc.), oral, and anal sex, but would not have penile-vaginal sex, just to preserve his/her "virginity." that just seems like a technicality that really doesn't count, to me.

webster's defines "virgin" as "an absolutely chaste young woman," and defines "chaste" as "innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse." "intercourse" is then defined as "physical sexual contact between individuals that involves the genitalia of at least one person." oral sex is still illegal in many states, technically devirginizing many people who've only had oral sex.

i don't agree with that, but i don't get the "i'll do everything but that" idea. if the notion is that you're not to give your body to someone till marriage, the penis meeting the vagina is just one small part of the activity. if you give everything else but that to someone before marriage, i don't see how that's not giving almost all of your body away.

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different people have different meanings of virginity.

thats all there is to it. u have urs, i have mine, everyone else has theirs. no one is right or wrong... but its a personal decision... a personal feeling and i dont think anyone has the right to criticuze anyone else for their beliefs on it... not saying that u r.. but im just saying in general

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