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Thumbs up to President Bush's Speech..


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same stuff that i have been saying in arguing with some of you nimrods in every other thread about this.. that the american people are being threatened and saddam will be disarmed even if it has to be by force..... nothing i haven't said already.. for details check back to the thread from a couple weeks ago;)

TIME TO PROCEEDD before another 9-11

AMERICA will prevail!!

and great speech by the pres :aright:

:D :D :D :D

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Originally posted by girly

same stuff that i have been saying in arguing with some of you nimrods in every other thread about this.. that the american people are being threatened and saddam will be disarmed even if it has to be by force..... nothing i haven't said already.. for details check back to the thread from a couple weeks ago;)

TIME TO PROCEEDD before another 9-11

AMERICA will prevail!!

and great speech by the pres :aright:

:D :D :D :D

ever stopped to question WHY 9/11 happened in the first place?

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Originally posted by sassa

ever stopped to question WHY 9/11 happened in the first place?

yeah i have.. and I know. But guess what I live in America and so does my family and friends and thats what is important to me so whatever the reasons of why it happened is irrevelant at this point. just like the president I am concerned of the safety of myself and my people here and if this is what it is gonan take then so be it..

no need to question me cause you disagree and its sad that you do IMO.

and we have also and continue to do a lot of good for people, more then any other country in this world has done..

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sassa- i would like to know how you would feel if we didn't go to war and saddam used his weapons and killed several of your family members.. how would you feel then? that there was a reason why they were killed adnd that they deserved it? Thats what you seem to say..

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If you don't agree with Bush then what do you suppose we do?

This guy has been playing the UN for 12 years and getting

away with it.everyone has an opinion and i respect their opinion I'm not for war, but I dont hear anyone else giving an alternate solution?

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Saddam hasnt done anything with his weapons...all of the sudden america is only supposed to have weapons?

America should stop trying the the world police, and mind their own business

oohh and how is the war in afghanistan going? i dont hear much aobut that any more and where is osama? What did the war in afganistan accomplish? nothing and the same will happen in Iraq

This is stupid for america to go into Iraq...first go into afghanistan and now back into Iraq...what are the people of the middle east and muslims supposed to think?

America comes into capture one guy and kills innocnet people in the process. The people lving in Iraq have no problem with saddam. It looks as if america is going after muslim countries almost like a holy war against muslims.

So instead of going to Iraq..........................................america should go into NORTH KOREA since they have already said they have NUKES and they arent supposed to

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ARRRRGH!!...fuckin STOP WITH THIS SHIT!!! ...weve had 5 threads regarding this war...i dotn want this to turn into another 10 pg blood bath..with people pullin stats out of their asses..we all got our opinions..LET SLEEPIN DOGS LIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Originally posted by chris817

If you don't agree with Bush then what do you suppose we do?

This guy has been playing the UN for 12 years and getting

away with it.everyone has an opinion and i respect their opinion I'm not for war, but I dont hear anyone else giving an alternate solution?

exactly..No one is for war.and no one here who is anti- american has a alternate solution. they think they know it all while they are sitting on a computer typing LMAO hello?, while other people are fighting for them to have the freedom to do that.... of course there are reasons 9/11 happened.. For you to sit and type on your computer and voice your opinion other people elsewhere are living poorly.. .. this is Sadam fucking hussein and I agree with the president that whatever has to be done to protect us here has to be done.. Its sad it has come this far but he even said himself, this is his last option and saddem is choosing whether we go to war or not..

sorry rambling:rolleyes: :tongue:

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Originally posted by Taub

America should stop trying the the world police, and mind their own business

guess we shoulda done that 60 years ago too and then france wouldn't be able to use their veto b/c THERE'D BE NO FRANCE.. stupid US, shoulda stopped trying to be world police.. then again i suppose we wouldn't have britain to side w/ us either, so maybe its really a draw..

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Originally posted by Taub

Saddam hasnt done anything with his weapons...all of the

America comes into capture one guy and kills innocnet people in the process. .


its either us or them buddy :aright: who cares if he hasn't done anything wiht his weapons the proof that he has them and that this is sadam fucking hussein says enough.. What if we don't do anything and then in a couple of years thousands and thousands more americans are killed.. thats the point.. the risk can't be taken.. oh well

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Originally posted by girly

enough said. time to proceed

see, people like this make me 1/2 want US to lose if we invade Iraq, so the unintelligent/arrogant among us will learn some goddamn humility...

*2nd post and spitting flames*

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Originally posted by fullclip

see, people like this make me 1/2 want US to lose if we invade Iraq, so the unintelligent/arrogant among us will learn some goddamn humility...

*2nd post and spitting flames*

I am neither unintellignt or arrogant despite what some of you nimrods on here may think:D I am sad about this world just as much as some of you probably are.. BUt guess what this is what i believe and i follow the presidents decision and words that he spoke tonight.. if you don't like it then fuck you...why don't you indulge us with your knowledge and opinion..thats what clubplanet is about!!:D

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Originally posted by girly

its either us or them buddy :aright: who cares if he hasn't done anything wiht his weapons the proof that he has them and that this is sadam fucking hussein says enough.. What if we don't do anything and then in a couple of years thousands and thousands more americans are killed.. thats the point.. the risk can't be taken.. oh well

First go into NORTH KOREA because they admit they have it and they arent supposed to have it.

Some of you should talk to americans traveling outside of the US, i am sure they must be having a lot of fun, this just brings more and more hate to americans and already there is plenty of hate.

I want to see waht happens when the us tries to invade iraq.....its only England/US/spain that are for the war.

The NAM = Non Aligned Members which make up 55% of the worlds population are against the US taking action against Iraq

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Originally posted by Taub

Saddam hasnt done anything with his weapons...all of the sudden america is only supposed to have weapons?

The people lving in Iraq have no problem with saddam. It looks as if america is going after muslim countries almost like a holy war against muslims.

Saddam has not done anything YET with his weapons. He has missiles that can go well into Isreal Don't think he is not licking his lips in anticipation of that day. Then will that be enough for us to invade Iraq?

How do you know the people in Iraq have no problem living with him as their leader? They have no choice in the matter; he will kill them and their families if anyone speaks out against him. They don't call him the butcher of Baghdad b/c he owns a meat shop

America is not going after all muslim countries only the ones that support and allow terrorism.

Again I dont support war but i have not heard anyone come up with a better solution

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Originally posted by Taub

First go into NORTH KOREA because they admit they have it and they arent supposed to have it.

Some of you should talk to americans traveling outside of the US, i am sure they must be having a lot of fun, this just brings more and more hate to americans and already there is plenty of hate.

I want to see waht happens when the us tries to invade iraq.....its only England/US/spain that are for the war.

The NAM = Non Aligned Members which make up 55% of the worlds population are against the US taking action against Iraq

I believe the president touched on everything you are talking about right now.. And IMO the war won't last very long.. But sad to say I guess we will see..

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Originally posted by Taub

its only England/US/spain that are for the war.

guess again..

france and germany are the minority on their own turf..






czech republic




not to mention, french parliament is not even behind chirac.. russia is holding out to leverage their bargaining power...

and way to dodge my other statement too..

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i try not to watch the news or keep up with world politics, because let's face it, the media is just a by- product of the government, and all their trying to do is build support for their war out of scaring americans ala "bowling in columbine"; but with that being said, i can't believe this guy is the leader of the freeworld, he says " my number one job is to protect the american people". yea we should really feel safe now. what a joke. i guess what i really hate about him is he has no presence whatsoever. he looks like a retarded puppet behind that podium. he looked like them idiots in k-holes while constipating when he was asked a question, and i quote " can you repeat the other six parts of that question?" ugh no, retard there was only three parts to the question you were asked, and if you had bothered to answer them right away you would've remembered them instead of babbling on for 5 minutes kinda like i'm doing now. ;) oh well, let's wait to 2004.

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I don't know how a press conference became a speech, and I don't know how a good "speech" consists of dodging questions, repeating unthought out slogans, and other nonsense...

but I digress.

North Korea is a far more plausible threat than Iraq, and we shouldn't even be intervening there yet...

This administration makes up rules as it goes along and if it invades Iraq now it is doing so as a basically preemptive war, and to paraphrase journalist Helen Thomas, that'll do nothing but legitimize Pearl Harbor...

We should give the inspectors more time and if they find what they are looking for, then we should organize a coalition...

Getting back to the speech, that speech was horrible and a reflection of Bush's presidency and perception in the world--nothing but American arrogance....

And don't get me started when he said "I swore on the Bible," doesn't this idiot (referring to Bush) realize this is giving an impression that this is an attack on Islam, which will only make things very ugly later on...

that's my take...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

guess again..

france and germany are the minority on their own turf..






czech republic




not to mention, french parliament is not even behind chirac.. russia is holding out to leverage their bargaining power...

and way to dodge my other statement too..

only those countires make up the population of the world???

the arab league is against it the NAM is agaist it, russia, france and germany

But why is that no one has anything to say about NORth KOrea? what happens if they use thier NUKES against the US? THey even said they will use it

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Originally posted by fullclip


And don't get me started when he said "I swore on the Bible," doesn't this idiot (referring to Bush) realize this is giving an impression that this is an attack on Islam, which will only make things very ugly later on...

that's my take...

i was going to mention that. i almost fell off my chair when he said that. the NERVE. takes balls to say that. or just a big retard. u pick.

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Originally posted by fullclip

And don't get me started when he said "I swore on the Bible," doesn't this idiot (referring to Bush) realize this is giving an impression that this is an attack on Islam, which will only make things very ugly later on...

I do agree with you on this one. He is bringing up religion way too much. Kinda interisting article about his religious beliefs in Newsweek

religion and politics do not mix

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Originally posted by Taub

But why is that no one has anything to say about NORth KOrea? what happens if they use thier NUKES against the US? THey even said they will use it

north korea doesn't have the technology to fire a nuke 5000 miles. the only reason north korea started the nuke plant is because it thinks the US is going to attack them next. everything was fine until Bush labeled them the AXIS of EVIL after 911 and for no reason at all...

if i was kim jong il and i had the nukes i'd flaunt it as hell to scare the US into signing a non-aggression treaty which is all they are asking. but why is the US avoiding signing it??? Because Bush wants to attack it next. basically Bush wants no other country to have nukes other than the US so we can RULE THE WORLD!!! sounds a bit like HITLER dont you think???

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