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Fuck off if you are against the war!!! How soon we forget. I am so sick of these people who think we should not go to war, get the fuck out of the country if you don't think these degenerates deserve to be tortured - hell I could care less if their woman and children burn - Sorry I don't mean to get all political and shit but I just learned that 60% of the country is against the war- I guess their friends and family weren't faced with the option of either burning or leaping to their death I hate these people :flame:

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Originally posted by ninadd

Fuck off if you are against the war!!! How soon we forget. I am so sick of these people who think we should not go to war, get the fuck out of the country if you don't think these degenerates deserve to be tortured - hell I could care less if their woman and children burn - Sorry I don't mean to get all political and shit but I just learned that 60% of the country is against the war- I guess their friends and family weren't faced with the option of either burning or leaping to their death I hate these people :flame:

I Agree 1000%. We def need to destroy these people who brought our country so much Trauma. People are quick to forget i guess.

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Originally posted by ninadd

Fuck off if you are against the war!!! How soon we forget. I am so sick of these people who think we should not go to war, get the fuck out of the country if you don't think these degenerates deserve to be tortured - hell I could care less if their woman and children burn - Sorry I don't mean to get all political and shit but I just learned that 60% of the country is against the war- I guess their friends and family weren't faced with the option of either burning or leaping to their death I hate these people :flame:

Yeah kill em all!!

China -dead!

Iraq -dead!

France -dead!

All those fucken countries I would personally poor gasoline on there children and light a match and laugh while the skin melts off there faces

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Wow..............................I agree with you 10000000000%. These idiots think that we can avoid war by doing more weapon inspections. Why? So they could keep moving there weapons around and we can look like idiots. Fuck that.

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Originally posted by ninadd

Fuck off if you are against the war!!! How soon we forget. I am so sick of these people who think we should not go to war, get the fuck out of the country if you don't think these degenerates deserve to be tortured - hell I could care less if their woman and children burn - Sorry I don't mean to get all political and shit but I just learned that 60% of the country is against the war- I guess their friends and family weren't faced with the option of either burning or leaping to their death I hate these people :flame:

I'm for the war and all.

But you sound very ignorant.

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W is on a mission to finish what daddy started, so it doesn't really matter what this country's position is on dealing w/ Saddam.

either way, lay some nukes and be done w/ that side of the globe already. (then also, contain wind patterns so that no radiation migrates to jerz.. thx)

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Guest hotshit
Originally posted by technojesus

Ignorance is the correct term to describe the mentalities exhibited on this thread. "lay some nukes".. what a fuckin moron... I guess its that easy when you sit in front of the Xbox and blow shit up rite? tool

Why are we going to war with Iraq again? Oh they blew up the WTC, did they and the government proved that too right???. Oh yeah their a major threat to the United States because of their weapons, oh but Korea, Cuba, and about 14 other nat ions with mass weaponry are not. Doge kid is right Bush is on amission to finish what his father started he knows he will most likely not get reelected, but who cares because lets say we do "blow up" Iraq then what, Korea, Cuba their just gonna peace it up with us and put away their guns. All the other arabic nations are just going to say oh alright we won't bring any more terror to the US now, lets move on to Canada. You tell me why we are going to war and what will it solve and I will agree that this war is worthy. Go ahead throw me some facts not ignorance.

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HOLLAAA to TECNO and DOGE.........

are you two done fighten over who gets the barbie doll yet.......

diggas got a better plan, how bout i tie my hand behind my back and just bitch slap the two of you..............

or better yet tie the two of you in a room with a computer on each end and have you guys have keyboard wars from across the room, i'm sick of seeing ya guys yip yip yip yap yap yap over intelligence and daily breaking news news.................

heres a headline for the 2 of you "YOUR BOTH FUGGIN GIRLS, SHUT IT ALREADY...........HI RAY"....................

people like the two of you pillow biters are the main reason we have violence and war ya fuggin cyber freaks........

so put the keyboards down light a candle, put yer heads in the snow and cool off..............


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Originally posted by ninadd

Fuck off if you are against the war!!! How soon we forget. I am so sick of these people who think we should not go to war, get the fuck out of the country if you don't think these degenerates deserve to be tortured - hell I could care less if their woman and children burn - Sorry I don't mean to get all political and shit but I just learned that 60% of the country is against the war- I guess their friends and family weren't faced with the option of either burning or leaping to their death I hate these people :flame:

That could quite possibly be the most ignorant "pro-war" statement I have heard to date. Thats right, I should get the fuck out the country b/c I dont agree with president Bush's actions. I love how people assume that people who are anti-war have never lost a love one due to it - or as you stated "burning or leaping to death. I respect your opinion, but dont tell people to fuck off b/c they dont agree with something.

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its really hard to say that i am for or against war

only because one of my very dear friends is leaving on Sunday for Kuwait. he has no idea exactly where nor for how long his service will be... Its very easy to say lets just go and bomb the shit and cause mass destruction but at theh same time we will also lose many casualties as well. I know thats just part of "war" but just to repeat, its different when it hits close to home :(

i am not political nor very religious but i do pray for the troops and wish them "godspeed" home.

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Originally posted by technojesus

Ignorance is the correct term to describe the mentalities exhibited on this thread. "lay some nukes".. what a fuckin moron... I guess its that easy when you sit in front of the Xbox and blow shit up rite? tool

I have family stationed in Germany who are waiting to be shipped out - I couldn't be more proud and a boyfriend who is seriously thinking about joining to go fight and I will help him pack his bags so no it is not easy and this is not an ignorant statement. Terroism is not going to be stopped unless we go to war-this is not vietnam which some people compared it to because we have every right to get involved and if you think different than you are the one ignorant.


And yes you should get out of the country if you can not support your president - as a citizen your suppose to stand behind your country and respect the decisions that the country makes. To me protesting the country's decision is treason which means - GET OUT.

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Originally posted by ninadd

And yes you should get out of the country if you can not support your president - as a citizen your suppose to stand behind your country and respect the decisions that the country makes. To me protesting the country's decision is treason which means - GET OUT.


Im not about to sit here and type away my political views on Clubnyc.com......

my signature says it all :)

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Originally posted by njbigtime

Hey- Tecno why dont you get the fuck out this country pal! Who the fuck do you think you are?

yawnn... who am i? Only a US born american who paid more taxes last year to our gov't than you make a year... thats who

If that doesnt give me the right to exercise my freedoms, then you tell me what it is that the colonials fought for in the Revolutionary War jerkoff

You and your gungho hillbillies can take the pitchforks out of your asses and realize that your bigotted and racist views are exactly what the American public are AGAINST!

Go ahead and blow shit up like the moron Dogekid said and you'll see that when they come back and take down the Empire state building, they're prob gonna say its justified by Bush's actions against them. Its catch 22 and a vicious cycle that will only bite us in the ass.... Get Osama and Saddam.. I agree... but to talk annihilation of countries and people that dont necessarily agree with these madmen is purely moronic and disgusting!

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First off pal- I can gurantee you didnt pay more money in taxes last year than I make. I will never speak of numbers but lets just say I have more money in my name at the age of 23 years old then you probably ever will. And really money doesnt make a man, I hate people who think money is everything in life. It is so tacky.

Second i will not sit here and argue over the net and then shake your hand when we meet in person. So lets just continue this face to face, I have to tell you, I will not buy you a shot and laugh about this. Not my style.

So you tough guy let me know when you like to meet and finish this conversation.....

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first off, digga.. hi. now, what are you talking about again???

bigtime.. always lookin out. you and stacked should be on our front lines.

to the rest of you, regarding this thread or any other i've ever ever ever posted on. keep one thing in mind before you either back me or camp outside my house, form picket lines and protest my every word... 99.999999999% of what i say on this site is sarcastic and irrelevant.

the only truthful statement you'll ever read under doge's name is.... "who gives a shit?" which certainly seems to apply today.

enjoy your weekend.

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tough guy? you're the one who called me out and when you realize I'm not one to sit timidly, you wanna "meet"? lol.. you're funny

buying shots and laughing aint my style either bud... no sense in continuing a discussion when you exhibited no respect the first time around


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When is somone going to be the poop out of him already.

Bigtime - I need some of that money for south beach give it. Im a broke little chicky right now.

Doge - how are you my little morsel????Long time no chat how is Roomie?

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Originally posted by ninadd

.And yes you should get out of the country if you can not support your president - as a citizen your suppose to stand behind your country and respect the decisions that the country makes. To me protesting the country's decision is treason which means - GET OUT.

We dont have to support our president, that is what this country is founded on - this isnt a dictatorship, its a democracy. Remember, we have that little thing call the first amendment, freedom of speech, religion, press, the right to gather - & this war isnt a decision that the entire country is making. What if Bush decided to nuke England off of the face of the earth for no reason, would you still tell us to support him or get the fuck out - or what about making abortions illegal again (which he want s to do) then if we dont agree we should get the fuck out? Are you kidding me? The president does not know everything, he is not always going to make the right decisions (thats why we have congress & the house of representitives) What you are saying just sound so absurd & ignorant.

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