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Ever dated a clubber?

Dated a clubber you met cold?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Dated a clubber you met cold?

    • Yes I have and it went ok.
    • Yes I have and it was terrible! Never again! I *still* have gel/glitter on my car seat.
    • Yes I have, would try again
    • No, I haven't. Ick.
    • No, I haven't and my friends better not either.

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Have you ever dated someone you met cold at a club? (I'm not talking friend of a friend there or something, someone totally out of the blue). Have you ever discouraged one of your friends from going out with someone they met there just on principle?

I like to have a good time on the dance floor and often times I find myself with a lovely girl and we have a great time. Digits get swapped, phone calls are made, laughs are had, dates are planned, but in the end I end up with more flakes than a Jersey winter.

It doesn't seem to matter if I was a gentleman on the dance floor or a little bad :devil: or how initially interested I or the girl seemed to be. I'm a decent looking guy and I don't have anywhere near this amount of dead ends with girls I meet elsewhere.

I love the music and dancing and I don't see a problem with going out with someone I met there (who, duh, shares my interest by being there). I hear crap about "clubs are for mating, not dating" thrown about by guys and girls often enough. It makes me wonder if friends of these girls are talking them out of it ("guys there only want one thing" or assorted BS lines out of a bad afterschool special :biggrin: ). My friends give me static about club girls too, but I have met great people there and I know enough to be open minded. It just seems that a lot of people aren't.

I still enjoy clubbing and don't go to just meet people so I don't plan on stopping or anything, but I was just curious on other's thoughts/experiences.

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awsome time with a "clubber"... super fun on the dance floor--great dancers... don't get me wrong! he was a very nice guy.

HOWEVER, (even tho i'm a girly girl myself), he was more high-maintenance than me!!! forever tanning, shopping, etc., i felt like there was nothing else to do or talk about.

i guess it's ok to date a "clubber" -- but get one with a personality. :D and good "cash flow" and generosity. ;)

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Originally posted by ysolt

awsome time with a "clubber"... super fun on the dance floor--great dancers... don't get me wrong! he was a very nice guy.

HOWEVER, (even tho i'm a girly girl myself), he was more high-maintenance than me!!! forever tanning, shopping, etc., i felt like there was nothing else to do or talk about.

i guess it's ok to date a "clubber" -- but get one with a personality. :D and good "cash flow" and generosity. ;)

Hahahaha - I think I know who you're talking about ;)

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Originally posted by ysolt

awsome time with a "clubber"... super fun on the dance floor--great dancers... don't get me wrong! he was a very nice guy.

HOWEVER, (even tho i'm a girly girl myself), he was more high-maintenance than me!!! forever tanning, shopping, etc., i felt like there was nothing else to do or talk about.

i guess it's ok to date a "clubber" -- but get one with a personality. :D and good "cash flow" and generosity. ;)

Hahaha. Yeah, guys and girls can be a bit overboard on vanity sometimes. You definitely gotta find someone who has other things going on in their lives as well.

liqidtouch: good idea. can't seem to do it though. *MOD*


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havent..never have and i dont think i will unless a guy is passionate about other things too :) its great to share the same interest such as clubbing, but one day i think we'll grow out of this phase and this is why there should be more to him than clubbing :) just my own deal...and ysolt, HAH! :tongue:

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I am a club girl and what i have found is that regardless where you met the person, how you met the person and so on, you always gotta watch out...........

Bar guys get too drunk and tend to be slobby, club guys get too f-ed up, are too high maintaince (i like a guy who takes care of himself) and alot do tend to have HUGE sex drives that make them hump tranvestites in a club if they cant find any ass.........

My friends all say dont look for a guy at a club........well i like clubs so why not??? I personally dont wanna get all dressed up and go skippin along in a library lookin for mr right

There is a select few good ones who go to clubs for the dancing and the music and to be with friends (i'd like to say me and my friends are part of that select few). The stereotype is what ruins it.

My last bf i met thru friends but at Factory, that ended up being our down fall, even though we had soooooo much in common and so much fun............he loved factory more then me and now its over.

well anyways................:hat:

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I just dont think that if you are single the Club scene is a place to find a boyfriend/girlfriend...but if you have and it works out than more power to ya...

I have never met/dated/tried to find a guy in a club...

my boyfriend does DJ, but I didnt meet him in a club at all...:)

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I hear your points...

I will def say that i dont expect, or plan on meeting ppl in clubs, but it happens. One thing is that you know you have at least some similar interstests... but at the same time these ppl tend to be a little more superficial and you have to weed through alot more bS. Needless to say that i have my guard at high alert with guys i meet in clubs. One of my guy friends once warned me, "they can be the nicest sweetest guy out of a club, but once you walk through those doors - they are all dawgS!" :laugh:

but on the flip side.. how do you try to explain to a non-clubber that you wake up on a sunday morning to spend your sunday afteroon in a club? that you plan a vacation based on a music conference? or specifically to go to a certain club(s)? :idea::cool:

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personally i find it insulting..................

this is a club site, we all go to clubs, do you think you are a bad person?????

do you think you have nothing to offer a guy/girl?

thats basically what people say about you cause you are in a club unless that person enjoys clubs also....

which equals common interest...........

if clubs are all you have in common then so what live it up with that person til it gets old and if there is more to clubs between you and that person then seriously thats awesome

there is always always more to a person just depends who clicks and who doesnt but never judge a person just cause you dont see what others do

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Guest hotshit

Oh god, plenty of times. It doesn't matter where or when you meet someone. If your looking to hook up and have a little fun than do it. If you have a deep connection then make it serious. Clubs are a social scene and people are always meeting people. The one problem with getting involved with someone at a club is you see them everywhere, so there is no avoiding someone you don't want to see. Thats why I never take it too far.

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