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friggen cp


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yeah so i fucked jon like twice

wtf so cause ur his boy ur going to seek some sort of vengance for him

jon ur an asshole for ever telling anyone from cp

wtf arent u an adult cant u keep what u do to urself

i dont appreciate this fucking drama and kid shit coming from people ive never met or even know????

check urself!

i dont take shit from anyone especially some fucking loser hiding behind a computer whose never even met me

and if u think ur going to fucking disrespect me like that and thats it ur fucking wrong

u dont know who ur fucking with, so i suggest u fucking apologize

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I nag him sometimes because yeah, he is a little whore. But he knows that and we joke with each other. Unfortunatey you took it the wrong way. In no way was that comment directed towards you, and even if it had been, i at least had the sense not to post anything that would link you and him or instigate that you were involved with him. You however, did a fine job of that on your reply.

alright cintron so u say "even if it had been"

u know damn right thats what u meant

and yeah no one might link it

but me

and that is the fucking point

who the fuck are u to call me anything?

me picking up on it is all that matters

especially cause it aint true

i dont care if everyone reads this now

its the point that u fucking know cause jon told u

and then u insult me indirectly knowing that i would see this

who the fuck do u think u are

u say im on a high horse?

no honey ur sitting behind ur ivory tower making judgements on me on misinformation

and then u say it says mountains about me for airing it

no cause how the fuck do u know?

did i tell u?


fucking grow some common decency and respect cause ur fucking corny ass posts about someone else's personal shit is going to fucking come back at u

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Originally posted by nympho69

fucking grow some common decency and respect cause ur fucking corny ass posts about someone else's personal shit is going to fucking come back at u

as far as i can remember, the only person here posting all the details of her relationships with others is you.

if you still want to believe my post was about you, i'm sure you will keep doing that till the end of time. Unfortunately for you, it wasn't, and you just dumped your dirty laundry all over CP for no reason.

there is a thing called "tact" and it's become crystal clear that you do not posess such a trait, nor understand how to keep your relationships and sexual encounters under lock and key.

I'm sure any argument to be done will be continued between you and Jon, because through your comments, you have insulted both him and yourself far more than you have done to me.

I am done with you. Take a walk, child

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Originally posted by cintron

as far as i can remember, the only person here posting all the details of her relationships with others is you.

if you still want to believe my post was about you, i'm sure you will keep doing that till the end of time. Unfortunately for you, it wasn't, and you just dumped your dirty laundry all over CP for no reason.

there is a thing called "tact" and it's become crystal clear that you do not posess such a trait, nor understand how to keep your relationships and sexual encounters under lock and key.

I'm sure any argument to be done will be continued between you and Jon, because through your comments, you have insulted both him and yourself far more than you have done to me.

I am done with you. Take a walk, child

how have i done anything u were the last straw with ur fucking constant insults aimed at me

the fact that u know i hooked up with jon before


he told u

that is the fucking problem

hes fucking told half of cp

and they elude in a number of ways or suggest they know in posts

honey i dont have any dirty laundry to air

im not at all ashamed of what i do

but what bothers me is that some fucking prick who doesnt know me but knows someone i hooked up with feels he has some sort of right to make comments aimed at me when he doesnt even know what happened

im still waiting for my apology cause uve insulted me in a number of ways and u have no fucking right or reason to do so

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i suggest if you have beef with Jon, to take it up with Jon.

i have no right to air your personal problems on a public messageboard, and that's why i didn't. it's unfortunate you saw it that way but i cannot control your thoughts.

if people are ALLUDING to your encounters with him, or making remarks on the side, then perhaps that is a sign that they know too much about your personal life. whether or not you feel you have something to hide is a seperate matter. others will always view your experiences and how they reflect upon you in a different light from which you see.

don't know what to tell you, but i am certainly not apoligizing for something i never did. I suggest you may want to apologize to Jon for putting things out in the open, then talk to him about keeping stuff between you quiet. what's done is done, no need to dig up skeletons.

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Originally posted by cintron

i suggest if you have beef with Jon, to take it up with Jon.

i have no right to air your personal problems on a public messageboard, and that's why i didn't. it's unfortunate you saw it that way but i cannot control your thoughts.

if people are ALLUDING to your encounters with him, or making remarks on the side, then perhaps that is a sign that they know too much about your personal life. whether or not you feel you have something to hide is a seperate matter. others will always view your experiences and how they reflect upon you in a different light from which you see.

don't know what to tell you, but i am certainly not apoligizing for something i never did. I suggest you may want to apologize to Jon for putting things out in the open, then talk to him about keeping stuff between you quiet. what's done is done, no need to dig up skeletons.

well ive noticed u constantly have some remark for my posts and this has been going on for a few weeks

and well today u made it more personal then the past

but even in the past when ur fucking name popped out of nowhere starting drama with me i asked someone who the fuck u were and well it all came together after that....

but today i had to fucking call u out on it cause u crossed a line

even if i was the only one who would catch what u were saying

im just letting u know quit it

cause u dont know me

and even though u wont admit it u were being rude

u know that and u know u were doing it on purpose u have been doing it on purpose

and if u think im just going to sit here and not at least post something in retaliation well im not a pussy like u

and i have more respect for people then to make judgements about someone i dont know

bottom line dont fuck with me, thats all i want ur fucking dumb ass to grasp right now

i could care less about u knowing what happened or even the rest of the board

i dont look for fucking acceptance or the board to support me in this fucking argument right now

but if ur g oing to me a chicken head, insult my intelligence, or actively try to combat me on every thread, well ur fucking pushing me

stop now the message is for u not for the board, i could care less if they dont think u were wrong

i know u were, and so do u

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who gives a shit who fucked who. you should use the ignore button, it works wonders. that does really suck that jon couldnt keep his mouth shut. i would never consider someone from here dateable/fuckable because of potenital drama... it is not worth having a bunch of people you dont know thinking they know stuff about u when in reality you could care less but they drop little bs hints here and there to make themselves feel better or whatever. hehe. :rolleyes:

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by spragga25

And that's why stuff here needs to be kept on the D-L!!

AMEN babe. You said it.

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by nympho69

yeah and i bet u 20 bucks he told u too???

u can send me the money by the mail...

:rolleyes: Geez lady. Theres no more need for anyone to tell anyone else ANYTHING. Its all on here for people to see!!! Get a grip.

And a life maybe.

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Originally posted by nympho69

yeah and i bet u 20 bucks he told u too???

u can send me the money by the mail...

You gotta be kidding me...I have way more things to worry about then who banged who on "As CP turns".

Did I know you banged him? Never had a clue and I could care less.

Now give me my $20 :D

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Originally posted by spragga25

You gotta be kidding me...I have way more things to worry about then who banged who on "As CP turns".

Did I know you banged him? Never had a clue and I could care less.

Now give me my $20 :D

haha really

ill give u 20 im true to my word

when are u going to be in the city

if not ill mail it to u


hey one good thing came out of this spragga made 20 bucks

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Originally posted by nympho69

haha really

ill give u 20 im true to my word

when are u going to be in the city

if not ill mail it to u


hey one good thing came out of this spragga made 20 bucks

How about u give me a lapdance and we'll call it even ;)

Oops...don't want cpers thinking we're married! :laugh: :laugh:

I'll be back again 3rd week of April

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I cant believe its took me this long to see this......


Go back to fuckin Pueto Rico and suck 50 dicks in the bathrooms of an Exit equivalent ya fuckin trailor park trick

Unbelievable......you are the stupid twit that started leakin that shit all over the board and tellin everybody how you finally got me. I'm not a kiss and tell and actually tried to keep that shit on the raps...but you had to keep pluggin away to get me goin. I told no one.....you're the cunt who started talkin about how I was in bed and talkin about my dick size....WHAT DID YOU THINK THAT NO ONE WOULD FIGURE IT OUT?????? ARE YOU THAT DENSE? Are you that upset at me dissin your ass for good that you keep on trying to start stupid shit and try to get me jealous and angry?

God you were a mistake.......

P.S. Gentlemen, good luck with her. She aint that tough to fuck....warning though, she aint all she's cracked up to be

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Originally posted by somebitch

who gives a shit who fucked who. you should use the ignore button, it works wonders. that does really suck that jon couldnt keep his mouth shut. i would never consider someone from here dateable/fuckable because of potenital drama... it is not worth having a bunch of people you dont know thinking they know stuff about u when in reality you could care less but they drop little bs hints here and there to make themselves feel better or whatever. hehe. :rolleyes:

I didn't say a word......

She started IMing people on here about it......and talking about it. I'll leave their names off just so I don't blow up their spot, but even with that she started just talkin and talkin about it. Honestly, it wasnt even worth me talkin about so I just let it go.....but shit still keeps coming up.

Serves me right I guess for messin with someone I knew beforehand was gonna turn into a head case.

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Originally posted by nympho69

how have i done anything u were the last straw with ur fucking constant insults aimed at me

the fact that u know i hooked up with jon before


he told u

that is the fucking problem

hes fucking told half of cp

and they elude in a number of ways or suggest they know in posts

you really are a headcase........I told no one until it was leaked out by you and I kept getting IMs on people laughing at me and going.....OMG, I hope you bagged it

you told Pete the same week, remember?

dont toot your horn hunny, you weren't worth talking about

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I didn't say a word......

She started IMing people on here about it......and talking about it. I'll leave their names off just so I don't blow up their spot, but even with that she started just talkin and talkin about it. Honestly, it wasnt even worth me talkin about so I just let it go.....but shit still keeps coming up.

Serves me right I guess for messin with someone I knew beforehand was gonna turn into a head case.

:nono: u dont get involved with people who know people u know. u should know better. hehe.
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Originally posted by somebitch

:nono: u dont get involved with people who know people u know. u should know better. hehe.

Its not like I havn't gotten involved with other people on here and they kept their mouths shut.....as did I

Its no one else's business till its official, thats the way I see it.

Now people air out dirty laundry on a public messageboard for no reason and in the end, I look bad. You think I wanted it like that?

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u really gotta be kidding me

why are u trying to make it sound as if im a whore

u know that aint true

how long did it take before i even considered sleeping with u?

how many times did u try to kiss me in a club and i turned away?

shit jon i knew u for like a year before i hooked up with u

and u were the first and last person from cp

u know damn right im not a chicken, i didnt even suck ur dick

and please dont even try to insult my sexual performance

because that is definitely the area u were lacking in

hence why i stopped fucking u

i dont need ur little dick services

waste of a good 10 min in my day....

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