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We Need To Bomb France.


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Well if we don't bomb them, we should at least air drop the poor french civilians some soap, which has obviously been banned in their country.

BTW they didn't support Desert Storm either, they made all our planes fly AROUND france! at the cost of millions.

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ouah...was expecting much more open minded people on this message board....am actually French....and am far from being an admirer of Chirac....he should be in jail for what he did when he was a mayor of Paris ( bribes, etc...)...but have u ever wondered why more and more people and governements rally against this war every day..??...read the european, south american press or even the New York Times...is everyone wrong while Bush or Rumsfeld are right ??....even the British won't take part as their Parlement will never vote to support the war....

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Originally posted by Hasselot

ouah...was expecting much more open minded people on this message board....am actually French....and am far from being an admirer of Chirac....he should be in jail for what he did when he was a mayor of Paris ( bribes, etc...)...but have u ever wondered why more and more people and governements rally against this war every day..??...read the european, south american press or even the New York Times...is everyone wrong while Bush or Rumsfeld are right ??....even the British won't take part as their Parlement will never vote to support the war....

yes Iraq has given open arm's in welcoming the same fockers that bombed us on 911. Iraq has not disarmed and still has enough cemical wepons to kill millions.

You know Germany did this exact same things after WWW1. They were supposed to dissarm and look what happend. If we would have taken the same approch then as we are going to do now then 6 million Jew's would not have been killed.

So I guess you think we should set back and let Sadam collect more poison gas so he can kill half of Iseral????????????????

Fock you go back to France.:blown:

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Boicot the french...don't eat their cheese, don't drink their wine...don't drive Renault or Citroen...is as simple as that...French are the most ungrateful bitches in the world...I'm not just saying...trust me...I know the french and the french suck...by the way, boicot only the french guys, the french girls are super nice.

If you must have a glass of wine go for Californian wine...very easy on the palate.


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very, very true....maybe all of this only started because of israel being so close to irak....is it more about saddam or about israel...??....and saddam has had 10 years to attack israel if he wanted to...but nothing happened....don't give us the BS about liberating the iraki people...this is the last thing Bush is concerned about...and it is not about setting back and wait for saddam to act...it is about controling him and avoid an unnecessary and costly war...i mean...it may be a necessary war for the Republican to discuss other things than the worrying economic situation in the US...

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Originally posted by Hasselot

very, very true....maybe all of this only started because of israel being so close to irak....is it more about saddam or about israel...??....and saddam has had 10 years to attack israel if he wanted to...but nothing happened....don't give us the BS about liberating the iraki people...this is the last thing Bush is concerned about...and it is not about setting back and wait for saddam to act...it is about controling him and avoid an unnecessary and costly war...i mean...it may be a necessary war for the Republican to discuss other things than the worrying economic situation in the US...

very valid points ! ;)
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We all have the right to our opinion. Some of you might not agree with what I say in this post. Believe me, that is the esence of democracy, and freedom. And we are blessed to be able to do so.

I believe there is no real need to destroy a country for the faults of a dictator. The use of force should be used only as a last resort. I don't defend the French position. Most countries don't defend the French position. They defend their own position. That is, there is no need to go to war, which means killing many innocents. More so if slowly, but surely, we could reduce the military threat of Saddam.

World order should be a balance. The United Nations is the forum. More important than ever this time. The respect to this institution has reached this year, so far, its most important challenge. We live in a civilized world, where world democracy finds its way in the UN, by giving each country a vote, all equal under the eyes of humanity. The US has been the leader in the UN. Today it is practically isolated. In the most important issue. War.

The rest of the world's opinion should count, not because of how much military or economic power they have, but because humans reason, that is our natural attribute to differentiate us from all other animals.

Every case in human history which we nowadays study as wrong, started by an abuse of power. Linking the horrific events of September 11 to Iraq is seen WEAKLY or NON-EXISTANT by most of the world. Their media coverage is the thermometer.

Losing the confidence of allies is highly risky. The possibility of uniting the Arab world against the US is scary. Not because of their power, but because their religious extremists will multiply. And that could mean long lasting instability on these soils.

The basis for the growth of this country has been stability. Instability, like the chaos after 911, can still be felt, in the economy. But it was even worst in the initial fear we all had, in our freedom to live in peace.

Perhaps you remember that the start of the 5th French Republic, in 1958, and the re-birth of the France we all know today, came after Algerian terrorists created total panic inside France. As their only means to gain their independence. Taking their independence struggle to their enemy's soil. They caused the end of the Fourth Republic. Yes, terorism, by religious fanatics destroyed France. President Charles de Gaulle decided to give Algeria its independence in 1962.

The French lived those terror days. They don't want to see them repeated. It is their right to do so. They learned something. Try to find peace, under all means, instead of war.

Violence is not a solution. That's why a child can take their own parents to court for abuse and violence. And we all defend that.

As much as we don't want to see it, we live in an ever more united world. Why lose the trust of the rest? There is a phrase that summarizes all this: "I'd rather lose one minute in my life, than my life in one minute".

God, let us find a peaceful way out of this war. Lets do it for our grandsons, so they don't pay for the hate that a unilateral war can provoke. They would have no fault for their destiny. We would. And life is not a movie. The French we all criticize learned it with blood and tears.

Spread the word: "Just say no to war"

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I have been to Iraq, I have talked to many people who have had to live under that murderous fuck. I have talked to people who have had their relatives killed because they left the country. I have seen the fear in people’s eyes as they talk about living under him, even when they are 3000 miles away.

To let this sadistic fuck take another breath of air, is a travesty for 99% or Iraq.

We gave peace a chance for 12 years. Real people have died, lived in fear, and have no chance of a future because the world doesn’t have the balls to take this fucker out.

Pay the horrible price now before the bill becomes astronomical. What do you think would happen when one mad man can threaten 50% of the worlds oil? Do you really think it just means higher gas prices? It means a worldwide recession, less aid to give to developing nations, more people starving than there are now, and the continuation of millions living in tyranny.

get a pair of balls and do the unfortunate task now before more people have to die. Inaction is the moral equivalent of condoning murder.

If you think the price of war is higher than the price of doing nothing, in both lives and everything else, you are as ignorant as saleen.

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Originally posted by bingo

people here are truly stupid if alot of ypu can respect the opinions of others with that said, i stand behind france and russia for veto-ing the war


you got a point...people here are truly stupid...but you are wrong on supporting france and russia, pick up a history book and learn that it was the us and its alliates who saved france and russia from the nazi in second world war...what's going on today comes to show clearly that history will teach us nothing...france should support us in return for being a free country today...hum...I lost my train of though...where was I??? Oh yeah...FUCK THE FRENCH!!!

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Originally posted by bingo

people here are truly stupid if alot of ypu can respect the opinions of others with that said, i stand behind france and russia for veto-ing the war


Don't get me wrong, I totally respect milano and his opinion, and especially the fact that he at least tries to rationalize it. I do disrespect those that fiercely hold their opinion either way without any factual basis.

I just think I am right! (as usual :) ) and have a more informed opinion. And trust me, I do not have a gung-ho caviler attitude towards war, I seen (and unfortunately smelled) the results of war, and it is beyond comprehension. (especially to the 18 & 19yr olds who fight it)


Do we wait another 12 years and tell every crackpot that we are not willing to enforce international law and thus allow another sadam to grow in power? Or do we act? and if not now, when?

There are really only two choices, and only one of them will result in fewer deaths and a better world. IMO, we need to act now or we (and the world) will pay for it later.

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Originally posted by shroomy

Don't get me wrong, I totally respect milano and his opinion, and especially the fact that he at least tries to rationalize it. I do disrespect those that fiercely hold their opinion either way without any factual basis.

I just think I am right! (as usual :) ) and have a more informed opinion. And trust me, I do not have a gung-ho caviler attitude towards war, I seen (and unfortunately smelled) the results of war, and it is beyond comprehension. (especially to the 18 & 19yr olds who fight it)


Do we wait another 12 years and tell every crackpot that we are not willing to enforce international law and thus allow another sadam to grow in power? Or do we act? and if not now, when?

There are really only two choices, and only one of them will result in fewer deaths and a better world. IMO, we need to act now or we (and the world) will pay for it later.

we just can't wait 12 more years...we may not be here in 12 years...I think.


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Originally posted by bingo

people here are truly stupid if alot of ypu can respect the opinions of others with that said, i stand behind france and russia for veto-ing the war


yea i think your opinion sucks dick...stand behind those fucks..u should join em so we can blast your ass.

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Originally posted by milano


God, let us find a peaceful way out of this war. Lets do it for our grandsons, so they don't pay for the hate that a unilateral war can provoke. They would have no fault for their destiny. We would. And life is not a movie. The French we all criticize learned it with blood and tears.

Spread the word: "Just say no to war"

As much as I enjoyed your soliloquy I just can't applaude an effort to sit back and do nothing. I was in absolute terror the day the twin towers came under attack. My five year old son was in preschool and the first thing I thought was how this would change his future forever. Then the Anthrax laced envolopes started arriving and again I thought... "oh my God, what if my little boy were to inhale anthrax?" If we just sit back now, it won't stop there. Fear will be part of our daily lives. We'll have another Hitler on our hands. I DON'T want my son to grow up in an America overrun by fear.

Honestly, I feel that if it wasn't for all the tree hugging, hippie motherfuckers we have in our country Sadaam would already be LONG GONE. THAT, however, is another discussion. :)

BTW, did anyone hear Bono's take on all of this? Surprisingly, he supports Bush's efforts. He says he has no interest in the politics of the whole thing. His interests are humanitarian alone. According to him, they've never been able to get the area the aid it needs becuase they haven't been allowed to do so by the gov't.

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