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We Need To Bomb France.


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The US would still be part of Britain if the French hadn't helped the American Revolutionaries.

The French backed Union troops in the Civil War while the British backed Confederate troops.


OMG, this does look like Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam back in 1983.

I'm against the war, but also think Saddam should be removed. But if we are going to state our position on something, we then have the duty to know all possible angles of the story, not only the ones that we are in accordance with. American foreign policy isn't always benign as we all think it might be.

The US let Saddam rise to power and aided him in his war with Iran, once he's gone, then what will happen? Another strongman in Iraq that suits US interests. That was Saddam 25 years ago.

Saudi money has been linked to Osama, by all reasoning, go after the Saudi's also, but you can't.

2004 is an electoral year an their is a country in recession, rising unemployment, defecit in education, etc. why do you think Bush is so eager to get this war over and done with?

Reach a solution to the Arab-Israeli problem. This will only go and on and on.

If you wnat to hate the French, hate the properly, send this back:


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The truth my friends and it pisses me off to admitt it...we are being kept from the real reasons for this conflict...how do we know what's real, anyways? It's like believing corn flakes are really made of corn...yup! I am a pacificist...if sometimes I blow up people in this post with animated nuclear bombs, I'm obviously joking...I'm all worried about what's going to happen...I'm seeing things develope in ways that are absolutely growing out of proportion and I believe that at this pace we'll soon reach the point of no return...from then on...anything can happen...peace!


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Originally posted by funketeer


Unfortunately funk the cost of peace is sometimes war. And do you think we have peace now?

If you have two people and one is intent on fighting, you have to fight, there is no other choice but getting your ass kicked.

Just because you value peace and life, does not mean they do.

take a look at what a nice liberal org like Human Rights Watch has to say about Iraq --> here

BTW how many people don't realize what a destablizing force we are by being in Saudi Arabia? Infidels are in Mecca! and the only reason we are there is because of the threat posed by sadam. Before we were in Saudi, the Saudi government was the #1 target of Bin Ladin.

There are consiquences that most people are simply not aware of.

also tell this little girl who was gassed in her mothers arms because sadam didn't like her ethnicity, that we are going to give peace a little more time.


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Originally posted by milano

I respect all of your concepts, fellow CPers. Not agreeing with them doesn't disqualify you, only enriches our debate, and serves for me to know how difficult a task the UN has.

Thank you for respecting mine.


very well stated ! as funketeer said "PEACE AT ALL COST " although it may sound like a cliche to some. I will stand behind my country, in whatever course we take, but I won’t stand with a blindfold on..
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and ask that to all the Iranians that were gassed in the war with Iraq while the US administration watched in full hapiness how all of that happened or lets bring it closer to home ans ask all the Vietnam vets how they feel when normal relations were resitablished with Hanoi?

where was the US support when the Kurds rose up in arms after the first Gulf War allowing that poor child to and her mom and countless others to be gassed?

if the US was able to win the Cold War without ever nuking the USSR, why cant it negotiate a peaceful resolution to the Iraqi issue?

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if the US was able to win the Cold War without ever nuking the USSR, why cant it negotiate a peaceful resolution to the Iraqi issue?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


you should rethink that

I mean the soviet union is over man. Half the country left and have there own governments now. The US really didn't "win" the cold war IMO. The other guys just ran out of money and quit.

Any who ever brought up the point about Sadam and the oil is right. You always here "Its just because the oil man". Yeah no shit. People say that in a pissy little voice and they do not even think about how importan the oil is. I mean oil runs the whole fucking world. You take away all the oil over there and your looking and a world wide depresion that would last for the rest of all of our lives.:idea:

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Originally posted by thehog

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


you should rethink that

I mean the soviet union is over man. Half the country left and have there own governments now. The US really didn't "win" the cold war IMO. The other guys just ran out of money and quit.


yeah no shit the Soviet Union is over, which was a larger threat, the Ruskies at their time with their Army, or Saddam? I'm willing to bet Iraq falls in a couple of days. What is done in Iraq after the war is what is of importance, and ain't nobody on this adminsitration knows what the plan will be.

Time will tell if whoever ends up in power in Iraq doesnt turn into another Saddam 20 years from now. :idea:

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I'd say we invade ... Jordan ... Syria ... Turkey ... Iran ... Kuwait ... and Saudi Arabia ... :eek:

Isolate the f***er ... so he has nowhere to hide ... and then ...

send cheeselini to play there ... :rolleyes::D

Needed to take the tension away something soooo delicate as this ...

PEACE and LOVE ... I really mean it ... :hat:

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"the risk that somehow inaction will make the world safer is a risk I am not willing to take"

-George W Bush in his primetime news conference on Iraq.

we need to wipe these guys out. and at the same time we are STILL fighting the war on terror as we saw them catch the 3rd biggest Al Queda member. Osama is next.

htese guys dont nderstand PEACE. nobody likes war but sometimes we have to have war to make the world better after.

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Guest saleen351


I lost two neighbors...

My ECU boys got out due to luck.....

My one neighbor had 2 daughters both around 5 years old..

for you anti war fucks, its america whether or not I agree with you, but once the war starts, you no longer as a good american can not support our troops and our cause.. if you don't support us once it starts, move to france, the most conquered country on the planet. Hell why don't we give france back to germany:idea:

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Originally posted by shroomy

Unfortunately funk the cost of peace is sometimes war. And do you think we have peace now?

If you have two people and one is intent on fighting, you have to fight, there is no other choice but getting your ass kicked.

Just because you value peace and life, does not mean they do.

You understood well Shroomy, that's exactly where I stand...peace at all cost...terrorism is an anomaly I know too well, it has to be erradicated from the face of the Earth and a most severe lesson must be set for those who consider it an option.

This time, the enemy is not concentrated in a single territory, terrorists cells are diseminated all over the globe and even though it may take years as well as blood, sweat and tears...we, the believers of brotherly love and peace will come on top...evil must not prevail and it won't...it's apparent to me that process that has been sparked has no way to be turned back now...brace yourselves and be brave...how? Take a stand, choose your side now, don't be confused about your beliefs...it's a war waged for humanity and the wellbeing of generations to come.

peace at all cost


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Vicman has some good points.

The US has made many mistakes in the past, like all countries have.

But just because a country or person has done the wrong thing in the past, it shouldn't preclude doint the right thing now.

We probably wouldn't be so worried if it wasn't for the oil resources that Iraq has.

True, but they also wouldn't be such a threat to the rest of the world, and we tried to do the right thing in somalia, and yugoslavia, and they didn't have oil.

We were able to "win" the cold war with out a war (well, besides Korea, Vietnam, Afganistan, Angola, & Laos to name a few)

For the most part, the cold war was between countries that had rational leaders. Not a delusional megalomaniac who thinks god has anointed him the defender of his people, and thus any decision he makes must be just.

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