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Just saw a briefing on the war...


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i just saw a slight briefing on the war about how saddam is not going to evacuate after 48 hours...so i guess its pretty safe to say that on wednesday at 8pm we will go to war...

now with that i have a few comments to say.

about 8 of my fraternity brothers have been activated to go to war...the last of them i believe will be sent on Friday...to defend the country from people like this fucking bastard.

I just finished seeing the 9-11 dvd my mother had bought when she was up in NY... and what made me break and write this was the telephone conversation a man on one of the hijacked planes had with his wife and children...he had called them while the plane was being hijacked and told them how was was going to do something about it...that if they never saw him again that he loved them very much....man...i started to cry...what a fuckin hero..he was part of the plane crash that didnt hit anything...i hope people like this guy go down in history forever...and i pray to God or whoever is up there that they take down this piece of shit once and for all. Fuck those who want to do harm to us..fuck them ALL.

and to all who think differently, i have only this to say to you:

until the day comes where you cannot go to the beach, have a bbq, go to a club, without worrying that night whether someone might kill you, or a bomb might hit....that will be the day when you will have known what freedom is.

Fuck the Taliban. Fuck all who oppose us.

and i WISH i had an inkling of the courage that man had on that plane...i am also however, equally proud that people i knwo that are extremely close to me are going to war to make sure people like you and I can sleep at night without worrying about the terror that seeks to cloak the world in darkness....

:( so you all know..on power 96..they have a hotline for anyone to leave messages to their friends at war...that people will be able to call and hear from that are away from the US. so if u all know anyone that is going to war..please...pray for them...they have our hopes on their shoulders...

Freedom is priceless...but has a great cost...hopefully the heroic efforts of our allies, our president, and most of all...our patriotic soldiers, will make sure that this priceless treasure we take for granted is kept in our hands and out of the threat of communism and the Taliban, even Hussein.

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the 9/11 terrorists were mostly saudi's and were funded by shieks that sold americans oil.

Alqueda and the Iraqi regime do not get along. As matter a fact alqueda hates sadam because Iraq is not goverened as a religious state which goes against everything those extermists dumbfucks think.

I hate sadam as much as the next guy but using 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq is in very bad taste.

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I just caught the weirdest piece of news I've seen in years...on CNN...Saddam Hussein has given out 7 million guns to the people of Baghdad for them to fight along their military...they showed a crowd of about a thousand men, women and children all armed with revolvers, guns, pistols, shotguns and automatic rifles...someone please pinch me...


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ive gone back and forth with the war issue...heres what i think:

the events of 9/11 hit me really hard. im originally from NYC..i worked in the WTC from 90-92. i worked on the 75th floor. i had to be at work at 6am. had i still worked there on 9/11, i would not be around to write this post today. my sister works about 3 blocks from the trade center...the day of the attacks we couldnt get in touch with her. my family spent the whole day wondering if she was alive or dead. at almost midnight we got word that she was ok.

i dont think its the right thing for Bush to keep drawing references to 9/11 as a justification to go after Iraq. is the taliban linked to Hussien??...maybe..seems possible but we dont know....

what we do know is that after the gulf war, provisions were set for Hussien and Iraq..and he hasnt followed them...bottom line...he has violated them...so what do we do??..someone has to enforce this...so, do we ignore it??...

i keep hearing people asking the question..."what did Iraq ever do to the United States".....is Iraq a threat to the U.S. ??

lets say you had a huge fight with someone in school and you knew that they hated you...and then you found out one day that they brought a gun to school....would you feel safe?...would you be justified in doing something to protect yourself????

United states is the most powerful country in the world, as a world power we have gone to war to protect other countries and to protect our own.

freedom comes with a price...thats the bottom line...it did back in 1776 and it still does...

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