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No more dancing at Plant Bar

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The nightclub merry-go-round never stops. Poor Plant Bar got nabbed for cabaret violations a couple weeks ago, leaving dedicated followers of Dan Selzer's Monday-night Transmissions party all dressed up with no place to go. Plant's been padlocked since Friday, March 7, and had a hearing in court on Thursday, March 13. The venue was fined and allowed to reopen as long as it barred dancing. Co-owner Dominique said one of the stipulations was that he would not be allowed to send e-mails or make flyers promoting events at the venue. As a result, he said that Plant would be DJ-free by April, and would likely resemble a smaller version of Max Fish—replete with pool table and jukebox. "The saga of dancing as a crime in New York City continues, and now Plant Bar is being punished for allegedly having dancing in its facility," said the venue's lawyer, Norman Siegel, the former head of the New York Civil Liberties Union. "This makes absolutely no sense. The struggle to change the cabaret no-dancing laws must continue."

taken from the viilage voice

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As some of you may be aware Plant Bar was padlocked last

week by the Board of Consumer Affairs for unlicensed cabaret

activity (dancing).

I have managed to work out a deal with consumer affairs allowing

Plant Bar to re-open (tonight). The unfortunate reality is


1) No Dancing (ever)

2) No DJs after 1 month (so I guess April 14) Marcus &

Dominique, as owners, are allowed to DJ.

3) No promotion of any kind, no emails, flyers, listings


4) No appeal. We were in the process of an appeal that we

were hoping would possibly enable us to have this ridiculous

law (watch Footloose) changed. We cannot continue this

appeal. My attorney, Norman Siegel, will continue to

champion this cause and we at Plant Music hope to be a part

of the cause in some way.

I feel at this point I should quote some great leader of

democracy and freedom but what is the fucking point?


dancing. We are not allowed to tell you who is DJing but I

can say we have some dope DJs from Dublin on Saturday to

celebrate St. Patrick's Day weekend. Please do not dance as

it will mean will be shut forever.

Thanks for all the support, Dominique & Marcus aka Plant.

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you gotta be fucking kidding me... that place was so fucking chill...

cabaret laws? what a fucking joke... talk about violation of rights... jesus...

this is what i mean about the smoking ban... 2 years from now they'll start closing down bars because they found 3 people smoking... you know? can't give them any fucking power....

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Do you guys know what the Caberet Laws say? from my minimal research on the law, this is what i found (an obsurdly vague law which can be used as an excuse shut down any bar they want):

( i may be paraphrasing slightly but. . .)

Anything which can be interpreted as a "rhythmic movement to music" is a violation of the caberet laws. That means technically Sitting at a bar boppin your head is a violation. :what: That means a musician tapping his foot on stage to stay in time with the rest of the band is moving rhythmically to the music and is hence ILLEGAL. :cuss:

IMHO, this law is so rediculously open just to use to target bars because Tapping your hands, air guitar, rocking back and forth while singing along, flashy bartending,and clapping could feasibly be missconstrued as "rhythmic movement to music". I'm sure other things could be misconstrued too . . .

I know somewhere there is a movement to Legalize Dance in NYC, but i dont know or remember who is in charge of that. If anyone know about it please fill me in.

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one my favorite bars... :(

basically, if you have more than 3 people shaking their ass, it is considered a violation of this cabaret law. there is even an undercover task force that roams the city to bust bars with more than 3 people dancing.


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Originally posted by kitty19

one my favorite bars... :(

basically, if you have more than 3 people shaking their ass, it is considered a violation of this cabaret law. there is even an undercover task force that roams the city to bust bars with more than 3 people dancing.


HAHAHAHA omg, our tax payer dollars actually support this kind of garbage???? jesus christ...

hey, this just in... apparently if you blink more than 5 times per minute, the venue can be shut down... :blank:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Damn, this really sucks :mad3:

Someone's gotta do something about this. A bar/club without dancing is like a hamburger without the meat.


Does someone want to make me a hamburger? I'm hungry.:blank:

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Originally posted by joeg

HAHAHAHA omg, our tax payer dollars actually support this kind of garbage???? jesus christ...

hey, this just in... apparently if you blink more than 5 times per minute, the venue can be shut down... :blank:

other nightlcubs in this city support the cabaret laws....the owner of Lotus has been a very vocal supporter of them

and in case anyone was considering a legal challenge....the supreme court has already ruled that dancing is not a form of speech :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

other nightlcubs in this city support the cabaret laws....the owner of Lotus has been a very vocal supporter of them

and in case anyone was considering a legal challenge....the supreme court has already ruled that dancing is not a form of speech :rolleyes:

tell that to the native americans and some african tribes...

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

other nightlcubs in this city support the cabaret laws....the owner of Lotus has been a very vocal supporter of them

and in case anyone was considering a legal challenge....the supreme court has already ruled that dancing is not a form of speech :rolleyes:

its not expression?! :confused:

and what does lotus have to gain by having cabaret laws in place? :confused:

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just goes to show you how messed up the nyc system is.

i'm beggining to think we live under a facist regime. just came back from tokyo, and wow are things different over there. cops are unbelievably nice, you can smoke anywhere, and theres none of these stupid cabaret laws.

NYC has really fallen behind the rest of the world..... its pretty sad

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

just goes to show you how messed up the nyc system is.

i'm beggining to think we live under a facist regime. just came back from tokyo, and wow are things different over there. cops are unbelievably nice, you can smoke anywhere, and theres none of these stupid cabaret laws.

NYC has really fallen behind the rest of the world..... its pretty sad

well, i'm surprised the supreme court didn't overturn it... (which isn't just nyc, its the US as a whole)

but i don't want to live in any country without a bill of rights and democracy...

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Originally posted by joeg

its not expression?! :confused:

and what does lotus have to gain by having cabaret laws in place? :confused:

the owner of Lotus argues that so many clubs worked their asses off to secure these liscences....repealing the law would mkae their efforts all for naught...and allow more competition

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

the owner of Lotus argues that so many clubs worked their asses off to secure these liscences....repealing the law would mkae their efforts all for naught...and allow more competition


many slave owners worked their asses off to get slaves... so letting them go would make their efforts all for naught...

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um.... whatever is in thepast is a sunk cost, and has absolutely no relevance on the future. competition would be a good thing, and something that NYC nightlife is in desperate need of.

on another note though, i was thinking

NYC is losing all of its big venues. Twilo, Limelight, Tunnel, SF, Exit,

and even though some of these reopened, they just arent the same as before. nightlife now is too focused on small lounges, and that kinds of takes away the unity aspect that used to be so big. I remember a few years ago you used to see PLUR all over message boards. its a dead concept now, unfortunately.

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

I remember a few years ago you used to see PLUR all over message boards. its a dead concept now, unfortunately.

PLUR irks me. . . .Reminds me too much of Candy kids. . .the modern equiv of Hippies (kinda) I'm glad its gone. Besides, you'd see it on the Boards, but in the clubs it was all the Look at my new BangBang clothes and how hot i am, i dont think my shirt is tight enough to show my muscles, and i'm dancing, but not to the music, i'm really just trying to look sexy, etc, which i guess is ok if you're into that shit, but i never really was.

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