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Tiesto = asshole!!!


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what a fucking miserable prick....saw him at Dancevalley at Opium and he was a total dick..very rude...

on the other hand marco v and johan were so cool....its a damn shame because without the public, dickheads like tiesto wouldnt even have a job...

used to be a huge fan....damn shame

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Originally posted by sgtfury

what a fucking miserable prick....saw him at Dancevalley at Opium and he was a total dick..very rude...

on the other hand marco v and johan were so cool....its a damn shame because without the public, dickheads like tiesto wouldnt even have a job...

used to be a huge fan....damn shame

you dare to share the story :confused:

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Originally posted by sgtfury

what a fucking miserable prick....saw him at Dancevalley at Opium and he was a total dick..very rude...

on the other hand marco v and johan were so cool....its a damn shame because without the public, dickheads like tiesto wouldnt even have a job...

used to be a huge fan....damn shame


An asshole does not just become a superstar dj like Tiesto has, he was probably just being a dick to you, I heard from other people that have met them that he is a very cool guy box2.gif

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ok...ill give a desription of the the most recent situation i witnessed...bear in mind, this is the THIRD such situation ive been privy to..

picture the scene..superstar DJ Tiesto is hanging out at and 2 fans approach him in a very unobtrusive manner indicating that they really enjoyed his set from Space the other night...Tiesto literally turns his back on his adoring fans..turned his back and walked away....

3 years ago..i saw john elway in a restaurant...i waited unitl he was done eating and then i asked him for a autograph...he looked at me and said, im sorry, im very tired..can we possibly do this another time....i respected that..

bottom line is that whether you are a famous dj, a singer, sports star..whatever....these guys become rich and famous because of the public..without people like you and I that buy the records and go to the clubs they would be nothing....

dont shit where you eat

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Originally posted by sgtfury

what a fucking miserable prick....saw him at Dancevalley at Opium and he was a total dick..very rude...

on the other hand marco v and johan were so cool....its a damn shame because without the public, dickheads like tiesto wouldnt even have a job...

used to be a huge fan....damn shame

I heard from a friend that Tiesto was an asshole... Sorry to hear that Greg. That really sux when you admire a DJ and they end up being a dick...

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i gota agree with sgt on this one...i mean i love tiesto- hes one of my fave djs, but at the dancevalley party, he was a dick to me also- and im a girl!!!! a bunch of my friends approached him at first too to tell him that they are part of his forum and he just turned his back on them. they really wanted a pic with him so i tried to get it for them.l so when i approached him, he was still around other people and i guess he thought i was kinda of aggressive saying "hey tiesto" and he was like "hey easy easy" and his friend told me to back off and then a girl that was talki to him said "dont hit on him!" so thats not cool. later on, when he wasnt surrounded, my friends got a pic with him but i was too pissed at him so i didnt wana get in the pic. i know its silly and i saw how there was alot of ppl around him talkin to him, but he kinda dissed the wrong people. wutever, im still a fan of his music and style but im not gona approach him anymore. last year when i spoke to him at space b4 he was #1 he was alot more approachable and was nice.

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