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If You Had Two Wishes-

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I wish we were all animated southpark characters... I, of course, would be cartman... and crackorn would be kenny...

"Oh my god, they killed Jimmy!!!" 'YOU BASTARDS!!!!'

but he'd be back in the next episode....

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1) To bring back a really special girl-friend of mine who was tragically murdered a few years back just so i can feel her touch and see her smile and hear her infectious laugh just one last time.

2) To actually have gotten the chance to catch Queen in concert at Wembley Stadium.

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Originally posted by quoth

1) To bring back a really special girl-friend of mine who was tragically murdered a few years back just so i can feel her touch and see her smile and hear her infectious laugh just one last time.

2) To actually have gotten the chance to catch Queen in concert at Wembley Stadium.

remember when freddy mercury died and they released it was of aids and that he was bi.

and the whole world was like "Freddy mercury was gay ?!?!"

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Originally posted by siceone

remember when freddy mercury died and they released it was of aids and that he was bi.

and the whole world was like "Freddy mercury was gay ?!?!"

Like as if u couldn't tell already right?

Regardless....he was simply the best...gay..bi...straight....there can be only one Freddie Mercury....all it takes is someone to hear the octave range of his voice to understand it is unlike any other and what made them a great band.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

So far nychunk and starvingartist have the best wishes imo.

I would have to disagree, Starving artist basically wished to be a god, I think with out the increased capacity to process information the unlimeted information taken in would eventually drive her insane in my opinion. and The eternal youth thing. after you spend enough time in this world you're going to want to leave it especially after you know every thing about it as per the other wish. but you can't and every day will be marginally gratifying cause there wouldn't be much to look forward too. and you can't check out cause you're immortal. IMHO

once again as for NY CHUNK I would give the same explination.

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Originally posted by siceone

I would have to disagree, Starving artist basically wished to be a god, I think with out the increased capacity to process information the unlimeted information taken in would eventually drive her insane in my opinion. and The eternal youth thing. after you spend enough time in this world you're going to want to leave it especially after you know every thing about it as per the other wish. but you can't and every day will be marginally gratifying cause there wouldn't be much to look forward too. and you can't check out cause you're immortal. IMHO

once again as for NY CHUNK I would give the same explination.

I had no idea you were a clinical psychologist. First, no one has ever lived with an unlimited capacity to learn, so what makes you think you can predict that it will lead to insanity? Information is unlimited right now, you and I right now will never read even 1% of the books that exist right now. I think it is foolish to say that learning leads to insanity, I believe it leads to wisdom and peace of mind. As for eternal youth, our opinions our vastly different. I do not think it is wishing to be a god, and this is also a hypothetical scenario. the person who would be able to grant you this wish would in fact be greater then you, therefore it is not wishing to be a god. (if your going to try and get technical on me, I will return the favor). Also it seems you do not appreciate life to the extent that I do. The more time I spend in this world, the more my love for life grows. And being that I will have an unlimited capacity to learn, tehre will never be a dull moment because there will always be another book, poem, journal, etc to read.

Well I thought this thread was made to reply with your own answers not to attempt to belittle others. I for one don't think your answer holds anything to be desired, but I wont conjure up an ill thought explanation as to why not. Because I do not know your beliefs, thoughts, and reasons for choosing the answer.

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Originally posted by starvingartist

I had no idea you were a clinical psychologist. First, no one has ever lived with an unlimited capacity to learn, so what makes you think you can predict that it will lead to insanity? Information is unlimited right now, you and I right now will never read even 1% of the books that exist right now. I think it is foolish to say that learning leads to insanity, I believe it leads to wisdom and peace of mind. As for eternal youth, our opinions our vastly different. I do not think it is wishing to be a god, and this is also a hypothetical scenario. the person who would be able to grant you this wish would in fact be greater then you, therefore it is not wishing to be a god. (if your going to try and get technical on me, I will return the favor). Also it seems you do not appreciate life to the extent that I do. The more time I spend in this world, the more my love for life grows. And being that I will have an unlimited capacity to learn, tehre will never be a dull moment because there will always be another book, poem, journal, etc to read.

Well I thought this thread was made to reply with your own answers not to attempt to belittle others. I for one don't think your answer holds anything to be desired, but I wont conjure up an ill thought explanation as to why not. Because I do not know your beliefs, thoughts, and reasons for choosing the answer.

wasn't a flame it was my opinion that's why I said in my opnion. and I wasn't belittling anyone. If I was I would have said That it was stupid or something like that. I merely said that I disagreed that your wish was the best wished. and it wasn't even directed at you it was directed at crackcorn. I didn't even say they were BAD I just disagreed with the statement that they were the best.

don't be so touchy.


also I would have to disagree with the fact that there would be new information everyday. the dark ages was a time when very little information was new in over 300 years. There are and have been and most probably will be a decrease in the rate or even a total stoppage of information.

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Originally posted by siceone

wasn't a flame it was my opinion that's why I said in my opnion. and I wasn't belittling anyone. If I was I would have said That it was stupid or something like that. I merely said that I disagreed that your wish was the best wished. and it wasn't even directed at you it was directed at crackcorn. I didn't even say they were BAD I just disagreed with the statement that they were the best.

don't be so touchy.


also I would have to disagree with the fact that there would be new information everyday. the dark ages was a time when very little information was new in over 300 years. There are and have been and most probably will be a decrease in the rate or even a total stoppage of information.

Well the information up to today's date will keep me busy for at least a few centuries, lol.

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Originally posted by starvingartist

Well the information up to today's date will keep me busy for at least a few centuries, lol.

you didn't respond to my post on the other thread last night. what's the matter couldn't hack it?

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