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Taken from elitefitness.com...Please Read

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This is a post I just read on Elitefitness.com...It really makes you think if it is really "worth it"...? After just coming back from South Beach...I realize this could have been anyone of us.

Another fallen soldier due to drugs (post #1)

I hope I never have to deal with the things that i have dealt with this past week. 20 of us went to Acapulco to have a good time, lay in the sun, and party at the coolest clubs in the world-19 of us came back. This is for all you bros who party too hard and think that it will never happen to them.

A buddy of mine drank all day and all night with no food in his system for 4 days straight. I can guarantee he did a few bumps here and there. One night after happy hour he started to get chest pains. We called the hotel doctor and he said to bring him to the local hospital. He was so bad that he was medivacked to Texas where he was treated for dehyradtion. He wouldnt tell the docs he has been rolling or doing yae because he didn't want to get in trouble, all he said was alcohol. Two days later i get a call saying he died. Man, what a fucking tragedy. 21 years old, life was in his hands with so much potential.

I just wanted to post this to share this horrific tragedy with you bros because i am sure you have done the same. Just be careful if you are going to do these things and always make sure you have a friend that knows when youve had too much.

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yeah ppl have to remember that just bc you are on vacation, you are not invinceable.

a couple years ago, coming back from cancun.. my friends bf, drank all day at the airport and then took 3 OC's before getting on the plane. he went into cardiac arrest and they had to make an emergency landing! kid survived, but we were all in shock :eek:

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Originally posted by njstacked2

3 OC's is a bit extreme....

yeah it is. but kids in bosotn eat OC"s like they are candy. that wsa one thing i was surprised about when i moved down here. (that they werent as popular here, but THAT is a good thing) i have seen OC's mess up so many ppl's lives and get them hooked. I know one kid who needs to take 2 OC 40's a day in order to just function -- (physically hooked) :eek:

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Not to make light of this VERY SERIOUS matter but have had a couple close ones...leaving TEMPS on Sunday after going straight.... non-stop from Sandbar to TEMPS on Sunday.

(Check me on the spelling)...but Pediolyte is the only thing that got me back to "somewhat" normal. Bouncers at Factory wanted to call 911 as I walked out.....can only imagine what I looked like.

Sorry to hear about this....the sun magnifies the negative side-effects 10 fold.

Well done bigtime!!! Been a good boy since Labor Day Sunday last year!!

Let me tell u....I couldnt drink the last couple weeks because of blood tests and stuff for a physical.......and I found THAT tougher to stick to than not doing "bad things".

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Guest hotshit

Its sad that someone can go too far with partying and die. I know many people have come close and the worst thing is wasted talent like Sonny said in Bronx Tale. I almost died last August at Sandbar because I was just out of control and I hit a car and smacked up some people and then swung a bat at some cops and almost got shot. But I learned my lesson. No one is immortal. You got to take it easy, have a good time but don't go pass your limits.

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it's horrible what happend to the kid, i was down there when it happend. A few of my friends new him, heard he did a lot of xanax and coke. Def makes you think twice, a little selfish but i'm just glad it wasn't me. I'm sure i did as much shit as that kid down there and it's just scary to think this could happen to anyone.

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Guest hotshit
Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria

question.....your not the one that decked some chic were u?

Saw some kid go insane last year @ Sandbar...held up the parking lot for hrs.....knocked her out cold.

No way, I hit a car and then they threw a bat at my back window. So at the next light I got out of the car and starting beating the shit out of some guys in a drunken rage. Then a cop came at me and I swung at him, and eventually got arrested. i would never hit a chic no freakin way. But what was the kid wearing if you remember i think i was there when that happend.

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uuhhmm....the only reason I realized it is because I couldnt get out to go to VINYL quick enough.....(aaahhhhh memories)......

but for real....he was wearing a sleeveless shirt I think..... may have been roid rage? Just a guess.

All of a sudden I hear the sound of skin.....and this chic is on the floor OUT LIKE A LIGHT!!!

I think she make have tapped him on the shoulder...and he thought that it was someone else or something..... but let me tell you.......... it was not a love-tap.

Felt bad. Vague recollection so dont quote me on this....but it happened towards the back.

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