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Exit 3/28 - Reviews anyone?

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Originally posted by househead24

Never said it was a good time just said there was alot of people up there...were u wearin white UFO pants and a backwards hat? cause thats the only fool I saw with UFO pants then there were some wacked out 12 year old trailer trash girls jumpin around like freaks...You people are so annoying why dont u go to a fuckin rave and od on E....Dont matter if the coat rooms empty rather sit in there listen to decent music then go up to the red room and watch homos like you Jump Around like House Of Pain...

dude, you're a moron. You don't like the raver types at Exit? Stay the fuck out. They have equally, if not more of a right to be there than any other 'type' of person in that place on a given Friday night. Like I said, you're a moron...not a whole lot more to say about that one.

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Originally posted by househead24

Never said it was a good time just said there was alot of people up there...were u wearin white UFO pants and a backwards hat? cause thats the only fool I saw with UFO pants then there were some wacked out 12 year old trailer trash girls jumpin around like freaks...You people are so annoying why dont u go to a fuckin rave and od on E....Dont matter if the coat rooms empty rather sit in there listen to decent music then go up to the red room and watch homos like you Jump Around like House Of Pain...

id rather go chill in the red room with e heads then watch u on the main floor in your fake armani glasses and your mavi jeans and big ima fag AIX shirt and watch u do the SFskip because u wanna be like eveyone else.......get a clue man... the scene should be about variety and acceptance not putting down a type of crowd... the only reason i did was because i had to show u how you sounded
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who ever said i wore a/x shirts and knock off glasses..."dont make an ass out of yourself by assuming"...whatever im not even gunna waste my time coming back at you fags...UFO hoes stay in the red room and ill stay on the floor with the rest of the civilized people and dance around like I wish i was in SF ok...happy beotch

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Originally posted by househead24

who ever said i wore a/x shirts and knock off glasses..."dont make an ass out of yourself by assuming"...whatever im not even gunna waste my time coming back at you fags...UFO hoes stay in the red room and ill stay on the floor with the rest of the civilized people and dance around like I wish i was in SF ok...happy beotch

:laugh: you moron. Re-read your first posts. You were the fist one to assume something about him....that he was wearing UFO's and was friends with kids who did. And he also ended his post by saying something along the lines of 'just saying that to show you how it sounds.'

Why don't you take the tough guy attitude elsewhere son. Or better yet, bring the tough guy act with you this Friday to the red room and tell some kid wearing UFO's you think he's a fag, or a 'beotch.' He'll either hit you, or more likely, laugh in your face. It's a club. Most people go to have fun and enjoy the music and people's company, not to judge people by what they wear and how they dance. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by zeeker

:laugh: you moron. Re-read your first posts. You were the fist one to assume something about him....that he was wearing UFO's and was friends with kids who did. And he also ended his post by saying something along the lines of 'just saying that to show you how it sounds.'

Why don't you take the tough guy attitude elsewhere son. Or better yet, bring the tough guy act with you this Friday to the red room and tell some kid wearing UFO's you think he's a fag, or a 'beotch.' He'll either hit you, or more likely, laugh in your face. It's a club. Most people go to have fun and enjoy the music and people's company, not to judge people by what they wear and how they dance. :rolleyes:

amen zeeker.....

and to all the people saying another exit post with drama..... u wanna know why because its always someone that doesnt like it starts in with the people that go...... they need to get a life

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uhh ohh tough guys...haha u want war homo go fight in Iraq we got plenty of probelms goin on over there so I dont need you telling me shit about war...talkin all this trash over a keyboard...keep wearin your UFhoes and i'll keep dancing on the main floor k partner?...by the way are on your names Scott???

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Originally posted by exit24e

man you guys want war... you come this friday... main floor by the right speaker, by th juice bar. Ask around for me, and then talk shit bout people wearing ufos. I am gona be wearing a bright blue pair this week.

If I see you on Friday, wearing UFO's, I will seriously throw an un-opened Red Bull at your head. :shaky:

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