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Smoking Ban -- How Has it Affected You?

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Originally posted by clubplanetdan

Has anyone tried to light up at a bar so far? Have you skipped going out because of it?

Is this all going to blow over in a few weeks or months, and we'll just get used to it?

Inquiring minds want to know!

i lit up in Bliss on friday, and nobody said ish to me... i was the only smoking but again noone said anything... i do not see this staying effect much longer after bloomie is ousted...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i do not see this staying effect much longer after bloomie is ousted...

don't forget Pataki. Statewide law goes into effect June 1. It doesn't seem like the type of law that would be reversed. It would be like lowering emissions standards on cars or reallowing smoking on airplanes. People thought the restaurant smoking ban of 1995 would be reversed and that never did.

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very good point... however a think that nightlife is a large portion of NYC's revenues outside of tourism, and bway... and if overall rev's are down because of this, there may be a good chance that it might be reversed and or you never know who or what the next canidate for office might be or say to get the position... however you do raise a very good point and i feel going by the track record of how things panned out in the past you may be right...

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Originally posted by erica127

me either & i am kinda scared cuz if i go out & really drink i like to have a cigarette or two, but don't smoke when i'm not drinkin so it's not too bad....

a lot of my friends are pissed though cuz u do have to go to the 4th level in fatory to smoke & it's a pain in the ass...people choose to smoke & others choose not to smoke, i jsut feel bad that the ones that smoke are gettin punished hard

I went out this past weekend and was a "victim" of this bullshit smoking ban.. it was not only annoying to have to walk outside everytime i wanted to smoke a stoge, but the so called clean air inside the club only allowed the other smells to become more apparent.. i noticed so much BO and the 2 places i went to both smelled like piss.

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Originally posted by chrishaolin

i noticed so much BO and the 2 places i went to both smelled like piss.


that's actually a really good point... All the smells that you normally wouldn't notice, are now becoming more apparent. After a night of dancing, I could see how the BO would start getting to people.

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by maximman


that's actually a really good point... All the smells that you normally wouldn't notice, are now becoming more apparent. After a night of dancing, I could see how the BO would start getting to people.

:laugh: :laugh:

alot of people in the places i went were definitely NOT Sure!

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although on friday when i went to local bars in staten island i couldnt smoke, sunday at roseland a number of people didnt give a fuck, mostly because there isnt someone walking around yet, telling people not to smoke. I don't know if it sounds dumb, but I HAD to light up everytime a good song came on. It's just not the same without it.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

very good point... however a think that nightlife is a large portion of NYC's revenues outside of tourism, and bway... and if overall rev's are down because of this, there may be a good chance that it might be reversed and or you never know who or what the next canidate for office might be or say to get the position... however you do raise a very good point and i feel going by the track record of how things panned out in the past you may be right...

objectively speaking, of course...

revenues may dip in the very short term, but after the initial crankyness wears off, that won't happen in the big picture. People aren't going to stop going out. In 1995 restaurant owners were scared shitless that the new law would put them out of business. We saw that wasn't the case at all. People still want to eat at restaurants.

In the end, the vast majority of the voting public (if you don't vote, you don't count) has embraced the law. All of the kids stomping their feet saying "fuck bloomberg" and "fuck pataki" and "i'll keep doing whatever I want"...they are insignificant to politicians and are just a minute slice of the 17 million people we have in NY state, of which 80% are non-smokers.

As for a future elected official elliminating the ban, there isn't a chance that would pass through various city councils and the state senate. Smokers, for lack of a better term, are treated as lepers by the media, so anyone using that as a selling point in a bid for election would be laughed right off the podium. And as for Mayor Mike, well...he didn't make billions by making unwise business decisions. He was elected because of his business background, to *begin* to get us out of a fiscal crisis worse than NYC has seen in decades. His primary objective, unfortunately, is not improving your nightlife.

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I'm so sick of reading all of this anti-smoking jargin... banning any sort of civil liberty because it is a nuisance (or even a health hazard) to some people is absolutely ridiculous. People who smoke don't get off on spreading their second-hand around and infecting the lungs of non-smokers... they just choose to light up, for whatever fucking reason they have, and it's our fucking choice if we want to fuck up our lungs. It is absolutely unlawful for the government to step in and tell PRIVATE BAR OWNERS that they cannot allow their customers to smoke in THEIR OWN FUCKING BAR! So if I own a bar, you're telling me that I'm not allowed to light up a cigarette in my own PRIVATE PROPERTY? Fuck that! There should be some sort of compromise here... if you don't want to come home reeking of cigarette smoke then there should be a bar that accomodates non-smokers. That's the beauty of capitalism - if there's a market for it then someone can open it up. But at the same time, for the millions of smokers that don't give a fuck about coming home smelling like smoke - there should be bars that allow smoking! There should be NO GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE on this issue! It is not right for Bloomberg to ban smoking AT EVERY BAR! It's fucking ridiculous. If you don't like smoke - then don't fucking hang out at a bar that allows smoking. The point I'm trying to make is that there should be two types here - bars for nonsmokers and bars for smokers. This way everyone is satisfied. Anything else is an imposition on the other side and it's absolutely unfair. Sorry for the rant but I had to get that off my chest.

BTW I hope you quit smoking for your own sake, but maybe you're too weak???

WAAAHH! Get used to the new law. You smoker's are in the minority here. As for CA being a fascist state, how fascist is your belief that YOUR habit and YOU being in the minoroty and not beoing allowed to smoke is unfair? Smoking forces us to deal with the same haerlth risks you smokers choose to deal with only we have no choice! Maybe drinkers should be allowed to drink as much as they want and then drive. Hell, if they can make it home without getting a traffic ticket or hurting anyone else, then I say it's all good! Apply logic uniformly.

Also 'many' of you smokers throw your butts on the ground. Not only do smokers impact negatively the health of non-smokers, but 'many' of them litter as well. Just goes to show you the selfishness and disregard for others that 'many' smokers have.

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

BTW I hope you quit smoking for your own sake, but maybe you're too weak???

WAAAHH! Get used to the new law. You smoker's are in the minority here. As for CA being a fascist state, how fascist is your belief that YOUR habit and YOU being in the minoroty and not beoing allowed to smoke is unfair? Smoking forces us to deal with the same haerlth risks you smokers choose to deal with only we have no choice! Maybe drinkers should be allowed to drink as much as they want and then drive. Hell, if they can make it home without getting a traffic ticket or hurting anyone else, then I say it's all good! Apply logic uniformly.

Also 'many' of you smokers throw your butts on the ground. Not only do smokers impact negatively the health of non-smokers, but 'many' of them litter as well. Just goes to show you the selfishness and disregard for others that 'many' smokers have.

Wow that was some of the most hypocritical idiocy i have ever read. You start your moronic rant with a value-laden insult... just because YOU don't smoke doesn't mean NOBODY ELSE SHOULD! If you feel that your lungs and health are more important to you than puffing on a cigarette, that is YOUR CHOICE! You hope we quit smoking FOR OUR SAKE?? Who the fuck are you?? Did you ever think that some people DON'T WANT to quit? Do not equate weakness with an activity that contradicts your own values!

Second, yes - smokers are in the minority. But what does this have to do with government intervention? So because blacks are in the minority should we reinstate segregation??? Smoking does not necessarily force anyone to deal with its health risks other than the person doing the smoking. When you go to a bar that you know allows smoking, you are making the sacrifice of going into that bar! As I said before, the problem is that before the ban there were no bars that were non-smoking, which admittedly was unfair to non-smokers. At the same time, outlawing smoking at EVERY BAR is equally unfair to smokers! There should be bars for both groups - period! Smokers aren't trying to impose their ways onto those that don't smoke - we simply want our own space to do it. Many people enjoy smoking while drinking... they should have the right to do so. Furthermore, many bar owners have a clientele that, in the majority, smokes! This particularly includes dive bars. The owners of these bars should have the right to make the decision on whether or not smoking is allowed in their private business! In the end, extremists on both ends are what hurt the argument as a whole. We need a compromise that makes everyone happy, and that compromise lies in opening both smoking AND non-smoking bars, and giving the people, the consumers, the right to choose what type of bar they want to go to. Saying that smoking is "bad for you" is not enough of a reason to outlaw it, otherwise drinking would not be legal either. And saying: "well there's no such thing as second hand alcohol" is irrelevant as well because I feel that non-smokers should be provided with a smoke-free haven for drinking... but smokers should also be provided with a haven for them as well! If Amsterdam makes this work with marijuana, surely we can work something out with tobacco!

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I am a smoker, and I see both sides of this.

A- Yes, smoke for non-smokers is tough to deal with and does pose a long-term health risk. + clothes smelling, etc.

B- It should be the right of the establishment to decide it's own policy on this and state it at the door. If it loses business from one group, it will gain it from the other.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

although on friday when i went to local bars in staten island i couldnt smoke, sunday at roseland a number of people didnt give a fuck, mostly because there isnt someone walking around yet, telling people not to smoke. I don't know if it sounds dumb, but I HAD to light up everytime a good song came on. It's just not the same without it.

i hear ya... i was biting a straw the entire night saturday when i was in the city... just curious what bars did you go to in si??

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All you non-smokers that say we pollute your bodies...well, do you drive a car or ever take cab anywhere. What do you think that does to your body? How about everything that pollutes the air. I don't here anyone complaining about that. Even the non-smokers, smoke when they drink. What about those of you that say I'm just a social smoker?

Majority of the people in NYC are smokers. More business is lost from smokers. Think about that.


:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

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Originally posted by chrishaolin

i hear ya... i was biting a straw the entire night saturday when i was in the city... just curious what bars did you go to in si??

We went to Level One in Annadale, then to the Waterloo and last but not least, Jimmy Maxx, where I puked in the utility closet!!! HAHAHA, what a great night. Sorry to post that disgusting scene.

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Originally posted by grtstprtyevr

Wow that was some of the most hypocritical idiocy i have ever read. You start your moronic rant with a value-laden insult... just because YOU don't smoke doesn't mean NOBODY ELSE SHOULD! If you feel that your lungs and health are more important to you than puffing on a cigarette, that is YOUR CHOICE! You hope we quit smoking FOR OUR SAKE?? Who the fuck are you?? Did you ever think that some people DON'T WANT to quit? Do not equate weakness with an activity that contradicts your own values!

Second, yes - smokers are in the minority. But what does this have to do with government intervention? So because blacks are in the minority should we reinstate segregation??? Smoking does not necessarily force anyone to deal with its health risks other than the person doing the smoking. When you go to a bar that you know allows smoking, you are making the sacrifice of going into that bar! As I said before, the problem is that before the ban there were no bars that were non-smoking, which admittedly was unfair to non-smokers. At the same time, outlawing smoking at EVERY BAR is equally unfair to smokers! There should be bars for both groups - period! Smokers aren't trying to impose their ways onto those that don't smoke - we simply want our own space to do it. Many people enjoy smoking while drinking... they should have the right to do so. Furthermore, many bar owners have a clientele that, in the majority, smokes! This particularly includes dive bars. The owners of these bars should have the right to make the decision on whether or not smoking is allowed in their private business! In the end, extremists on both ends are what hurt the argument as a whole. We need a compromise that makes everyone happy, and that compromise lies in opening both smoking AND non-smoking bars, and giving the people, the consumers, the right to choose what type of bar they want to go to. Saying that smoking is "bad for you" is not enough of a reason to outlaw it, otherwise drinking would not be legal either. And saying: "well there's no such thing as second hand alcohol" is irrelevant as well because I feel that non-smokers should be provided with a smoke-free haven for drinking... but smokers should also be provided with a haven for them as well! If Amsterdam makes this work with marijuana, surely we can work something out with tobacco!

JESUS. who are yooooooouuuuuuu??? I keep bumping into your extremely well written posts and I must say, a good writer does turn me on!!!!!! Where are you from? ;)

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:mad: :mad: :mad: who wants to know how i feel about this stupid , idiotic rule, wtf 90% of the people in nyc freakin smokes ... that 10% that doesnt always get there freakin ways... sorry for flipping out, but i am... i went out this weekend and i totally forgot, i was at this bar/lounge and i took out a cig. my bf started laughing and told me duh you cant smoke anymore in the bars/clubs... he hate's me smoking so he is part of that 10% percent that is totally happy... f that:rolleyes: later on the night i gave up, i saw this guy smoking and i said fc*k it, im just gonna smoke what are they gonna do to me, kick my azz out , better off i can smoke my lungs outside anyways :laugh: :laugh:

i havent been clubbing since the "make smokers suffer" rule... but i will be at the roxy for pvd and i have no freakin clue how i m gonna survive:cry: :cry: :cry:

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

JESUS. who are yooooooouuuuuuu??? I keep bumping into your extremely well written posts and I must say, a good writer does turn me on!!!!!! Where are you from? ;)

agreed... very well written posts...

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Originally posted by grtstprtyevr

Second, yes - smokers are in the minority. But what does this have to do with government intervention? So because blacks are in the minority should we reinstate segregation???

Equating smoking to segregation is the most asinine statement I have EVER heard.

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but it is a form of segregation... youre segregating smokers from non-smokers...

seg·re·gate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sgr-gt)

v. seg·re·gat·ed, seg·re·gat·ing, seg·re·gates

v. tr.

To separate or isolate from others or from a main body or group. See Synonyms at isolate.

To impose the separation of (a race or class) from the rest of society.

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