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Why the hell did I ever leave?


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I am sitting here in New York, kicking myself in the ass for leaving Miami three years ago.

Just got back from partying in Miami over the weekend (still have friends and visit at least once a month), and just don't dig this 28-degree weather anymore. And everything is ugly. The streets are ugly, the buildings are ugly, the weather is ugly, the people are ugly. Hurl...

Those of you who have spent some time living in both cities - am I on crack? Or is this a side effect of overdoing it a little?

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I agree with you about the weather, but I still believe NYC is the most happening city on the planet as far as electronic music goes. Guess in winter time you just gotta suck it up... wink.gif I mean, look what you have on a WEEKLY basis: Dance Ritual w/ Lil' Louis V on Wednesdays, Subliminal Sessions on Thursdays, DT @ Vinyl on Fridays, and Body & Soul on Sundays... not to mention all of the guest / other resident DJ spots in between! Miami has NOTHING to compare; not even close in my opinion... but we of course still have a great time.


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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Originally posted by arrakis:

Miami has NOTHING to compare; not even close in my opinion... but we of course still have a great time.

Yes and no. I've never gone to Miami to see any specific DJ, but from what I hear, when someone big from Europe visits the States, they play both New York and Miami anyway. Examples: Carl Cox played Twilo on Friday, Space on Saturday. Paul van Dyk does the same thing. Don't know about Sasha & Digweed, but I'm sure they do come every now and then.

It's not even the cold that bugs me so much, but the fact that as the city as a whole goes, NYC is not as fun as Miami. Obnoxious yuppies, goofy silicone alley-types, snobby soho hipster-wanna-be's, and spoiled upper east side princess kinds. And like I said, I went to work and to lunch and back today, and... didn't see one good-looking person. Everyone is bundled up, pale and diseased-looking. Ew.

Maybe I just have seasonal depression or something. cwm25.gif

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Yeah I understand about the seasonal deal. I have a lot of friends in NY and they all give me the same shit. But musically...there's no comparison between ny and miami. There's always something to do or someone to see in NY. Here you usually have to wait for the "big names" to come around. In ny, it's on a regular basis.

WMC - can't wait!



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What are you talking about, Phrank? Big names come around here on a regular basis too! Plus, we've got great resident performers/DJs...

Though I agree with resident. I've experienced both scenes, and I like it down here much better...the people are friendlier, clubbing is more convenient, it's more decadent, and yeah the weather is better...adds to the friendliness I guess! Parking's cheaper too. cwm30.gif

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hey kevin, how on gods green earth can you think that "NYC is the most happening place on the planet as far as electronic music goes"??? that is just rediculous...there is no where in the states or anywhere else on the planet that is more "happening" in the electronic dance music scene on a day to day basis then england...london specificly. every day of the week they have any given number of things going on feat. what we call "big name dj's"...NYC, Miami, San Fran can't even come close to keeping up with that!!

to the rest of you...as far as the states go...miami has had every dj NYC has had sometimes years before NYC ever knew who they where Ie...danny howells, steve lawler, anthony pappa, dave seaman, sasha & digweed, carl cox, nick warren, lee burridge etc...i mean crist, we had sasha & digweed back in '92'!! danny howells in '98'!! steve lawler was a resedent at groove jet for almost a year back in '98'/'99'...anthony pappa was here @ play in ft. lauderdale in oct.'99' for his first ever (outside the conference which again is in miami) US apperance!

plus florida is one of the best talent pools in the world for new up and coming dj's...i mean where do you people think jimmy van m., louis diaz, sean cusick, jon cowan, dj three (now another one of twilo's resedents), chris fortier, the funky green dogs aka murk aka oscer g. + partner...are from?!?!?!?! and these are just the known dj's...thats no to say all the as yet unknown dj's like rob dowell, john keating, mark vain, stephen luke etc...what does NYC have as far as big time home grown talant besides tenaglia & lil louie?? i have a few friends that spin up there and are damn good Ie...bill patrick, serge and diego but other then that there is nothing coming out of NYC except what miami has already had and will continue to get!!

miami gets the same stuff and just as much of it as NYC with the exception of maybe sasha & digweed & tenaglia & lil louie...which we still get at least 3 to 4 times a year!! we have at least 2 and sometimes 3 or 4 brillant partys a month!! which is the same as NYC...

so all this NYC has a better scene then miami is bullocks!! in the '90s' miami had it first and NYC is just now catching up!!


[This message has been edited by marick (edited 12-06-2000).]

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As a native New Yorker; who still loves NY. Miami and New York have an equal share of DJ Talent. Miami has many assets. Lots of beautiful women, Great weather, The Best Collegian Football teams ( Noles, Gators, and The Canes), Great Professional Sports Teams, Excellent Restaurants, etc. However, New York has many assets; that even New Yorkers take for granted. For Example Great Arts year around (Theatre, Opera, etc), Outstanding Museums, Supeberb Restaurants, An abundance of Professional Sports Teams, Beautiful Natural Habitats (Adirondack Mountains, Catskill Mountains, Lake Placid, etc. . Sure, right now the weather sucks. Look around you; there is so much to do. Miami & New York I love them both… Looking forward to heading up to New York for Christmas.




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I generally agree with most here.....I have not lived in NYC, to be fair, but OVERALL I think we have a it a little better down here. Yes, NYC has all the big residencies, there are no off-weeks, etc, but we get our fair share. And as Marick pointed out, this town has a dance music history of its own. As far as I can remember, even back when I wanted nothing to do with it, Miami has always embraced dance music, probably much more than any other US city except possibly SF and NYC, of course.

General living environment is not even close......Miami over NYC in a landslide. Yes, NYC is very "cultured" - and you just don't get a lot of that in Miami, but the fact remains.....the original poster is right. New York City is cold, dirty, dark and ugly as hell. Here in Miami, we have a big blue sky. In New York, you look up and you see.....the World Trade Center or the Chrysler Building. We can comfortably go to the beach year round. I also agree, maybe it's just my personal preferences, but the people of New York aren't all that looks-wise. To be fair, though, I also think that Miami is highly overrated in terms of there being so many good looking people. I work in downtown Miami.....and walking down the streets during lunchtime with all the others in the big office buildings.....I'm lucky if I see 2-3 attractive women per week. Of course, when I worked on South Beach, this was a different story entirely.

Believe it or not, my two favorite cities as far as women I find attractive are: Salt Lake City and Denver.....LOL ok I am through talking about women as if they are slabs of meat. My apologies cwm20.gif

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i would like to take this time to correct something i said in my above post...

anthony pappa's first ever US aperence was in miami @ groovejet on march 5th 1999. it was a renaissance party. when was the last time renaissance threw a party in NYC??? can you say never??? however this party was not during the winter music conference as i stated above. this was even better, it was 2 weeks before the conference!! and now look at him up at twilo where people are just now starting to learn who he is.

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Whoa, I've created a monster of a thread here!

I'll leave the music/scene issue alone for a moment. Yes, there are some differences, for example, I doubt that many people in Miami have heard of Jonathan Peters of Sound Factory, but for the most part, they're close. The major difference between MIA and NYC is that New York is just not into fun anymore. Enter our anti-fun mayor with his cabaret license bullshit (for those that don't know, in NYC clubs need a separate license to have dancing, and it's very hard to get). Plus the fact that it's so freaking expensive to live here that people without daytime jobs (i.e., models, actors, artists, dj's, etc - the fun crowd) are forced to live elsewhere. Most of the people living in Manhattan are now the corporate tool types, or the silicone alley kinds. Most of them aren't exactly fun to hang with. Whereas, I used to live on South Beach 1995-1998, and I loved the fact that most of my friends did... essentially nothing!

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i'm from jersey and i go to UM and i miss nyc so much. i hate the whole trendy shit down here. i miss the good old crazy nyc clubbin. i mean for instance i was doin strings at level on saturday, and they took them away b/c the owner thought they were gonna injure somebody. That would never happen in nyc. Besides the weather, NY is the place to be.

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you know kevin is a house-head - for him London is a few steps behind the curve... though we are discovering a nice underground house community in sofla...

personally, i think both cities have wonderful attributes and quite a few downsides...right now, my choice is miami/sofla. But i need my NYC fixes to keep my sanity - the shopping (where else to get my chic black outfits) and the culture of course...something Miami is sorely lacking.


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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marick, ok so u opened my eyes and made me remember the names the passed through here years ago. i lived in orlando in the early 90's when sasha was a resident at Club Aahzz and both him and digweed would play regularly at the Reunion parties. three would be there like every weekend. too many names to mention would go from miami to orlando. and who can forget simons in gainesville? Upon moving back in 94, i witnessed some of the best music that the rest of the US had no idea of. i didn't either. but i do now. miami did have it first, but ny is catchin up and usually offers more of a selection of "big names" on a regular basis. yes miami does have it's share, but it's usually 1 or 2 dj's a week (not including the locals). there are probably dj's spinnin here weekly that i don't even know about, but having a daughter would do that to you. and that's why i check these posts regularly to see who's playin. w/o that, i wouldn't have a clue. but i will agree that the homegrown talent is somewhat better - from what i've heard.

blah blah blah...just givin my .02

and patrick - 2-3 good looking women per week? where are you hiding man? i'm in downtown daily and there are beautiful women everywhere. guess my standards are a bit different than yours. s'all good tho. i just think we have the cream of the crop here. sorry women...not meant in a derogatory way. just givin props. cwm1.gif



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You all have made valid points for each city, but it's people like wrv69 that tick me off a bit...they have the whole 'oh it's so better in city x' attitude...my logic is to ask them 'Why don't you go back there, then?' They'd be one less body congesting US-1, one less body sucking financial aid at his or her school, one less body sucking away various other resources that could go to people who like to live here...

Also, wrv, you have to understand Level is a higher class place, they take injuring patrons a little more seriously than your average club..compare it to speeding...sure, I can safely drive 120 miles an hour, but most people can't, so there's speed limits to keep them safe. In other words, you might be able to string us all into submission with your 'mAd gLoWstiKinG sKilZZ' but I can't count how many times I've been hit by some madman swinging his glowsticks about...

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Originally posted by pod:

What are you talking about, Phrank? Big names come around here on a regular basis too! Plus, we've got great resident performers/DJs...

Though I agree with resident. I've experienced both scenes, and I like it down here much better...the people are friendlier, clubbing is more convenient, it's more decadent, and yeah the weather is better...adds to the friendliness I guess! Parking's cheaper too. cwm30.gif

i understand your arguement, but my post wasn't directed towards one style of music. there are so many dj's that go to ny...and only ny...to spin. whether it be hip hop, acid jazz, house, d&b, experimental, etc., there are so many dj's that never come over here. and they seem to frequent nyc. u know what i'm sayin?



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yes bon. i know kevin is a house head but then he shouldn't generalize like that...he should of said that NYC is the most happening place on the planet as far as HOUSE MUSIC goes...not "as far as electronic dance music goes" because electronic dance music is alot more then just house-music...

as for the person who mentioned jonathan peters...IMO he is a joke!! from what i've been told he spins top 40 dance hits and high energy trance in the same fashon as george acosta...and george acosta has got to be one of if not thee worst dj in the known universe!!

jonathan peters is far from being world renowned and outside of people from NYC and the few (like me) who have heard of him, he is not known outside of NYC...if you consitter that you best home grown talant then you've got alot to learn!!

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Originally posted by marick:

as for the person who mentioned jonathan peters...IMO he is a joke!! from what i've been told he spins top 40 dance hits and high energy trance in the same fashon as george acosta...and george acosta has got to be one of if not thee worst dj in the known universe!!

Whoa, time-out. You've never seen JP play, you've only "been told", and you take it upon yourself to do the bashing? Oh please. A) Isn't it kind of wrong to bash something you've not experienced yourself? B) Whoever told you this is talking about a different Jonathan Peters than I know. Peters plays afterhours at Sound Factory Saturdays - about as hard as house music gets anywhere. I'm saying this even though I'm not a true follower of his, but I sure have been to SF on Sunday mornings, and he rocks the roof off the place.

Rachel knows what I'm talking about. Right?

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Marick> Give me London's weekly line-up that compares to NYC... and of course I'm a househead. I'm sick of fucking people who claim they're open to all forms of electronic music. Bullshit. Have some balls and stick up for what you really feel. I love house music; hate trance... period, end of story. Confusion causes madness! cwm26.gif P.S. And in my opinion there's no comparison b/w FL's resident DJs and NYC's.


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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kevin: i'm not going to sit hear and try to list every party that england has in one week all you have to do is go out and get any UK dace mag. and look at the line-ups at all the diffrent clubs from bedrock to bar M...fabric to home to bed to gatecrasher to renaissance to cream etc...and those don't include all the little one off partys that are thrown in peoples back yards!! there's no way on gods green earth that anywhere in the states can compete with the UK as far as big dj's spinning on a weekly basis.

as for being open to all forms of electronic music...you've been in my house, now i dare you to try and tell me that i'm not open to all froms of electronic music!! i have house, trance, brackbeat, D&B, downtempo, ambient, techno, hard house, progressive house, tribal house, tech-house etc... all in my collection!! now what were you saying???

i love ALL forms of electronic dance music! and in my opinion the reason why the scene has gotten so stale is because of people like you who live and die by one sound!! thats why everything coming out in the progressive scene and the hard house and trance scenes all sounds the same...because the producers are all single minded and don't see anything but their own sound as being any good!! your always telling the trance heads to have an open mind and to give house a chance...well, why don't you practice what you preach because your def. not being open minded right now!!

as for NYC talant vs. FL talant...i'm not sayng that FL is better or NYC is better...all i'm saying is that they are equel. FL has jimmy van m, austin leeds, jon cowan, boyd westerman, joe c, three, rabbit in the moon, sean cusick, louis diaz, stryke, chris fortier, kyle hogan, oscer g etc...who does NYC have?? danny tenaglia (which by the way made his name down in miami back at the begining), tony humphries, erick morillo, roger sanchez, masters at work, david morales, fankie knuckles, armand van helden...all of the above mentioned dj's from FL & NYC are world class dj's and are reconized in the UK...in my opinion FL is more eclectic then NYC but other then that they are the same!

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Marick> Honestly, it's obvious you prefer prog/tech house; you really don't care for / know "true" house such as Masters of Work, Tony Humphries, Frankie Knuckles, etc. But that (prog/tech house) music genre is now "cool" and "popular", so all the GU heads are scrambling to find some other niche as they've quickly moved from trance to prog and now what. Those FL DJs you mentioned CANNOT EVEN BE COMPARED (in my opinion) to the NY DJs you spoke of in the same sentence... c'mon, if you actually believe that then you need some education (compare what Frankie Knuckles and Lil' Louis have done for the dance music community to say Luis Diaz and RITM). And FL more "eclectic" than NYC? Give me a break! I'll put NYC over Miami any day for its variety of electronic music forms: drum 'n' bass, house, trance, hip-hop, etc. And as far as the UK clubs you mentioned; sure they bring in good talent, the only of which being (in my opinion) are those very DJs that are big here in NYC and San Fran. And why I like a particular sound: it's called passion and taste; are you saying Lil' Louis, Miguel 'Migs', etc. are "stale" b/c they have a particular sound or set of sounds? Get real, you obviously don't feel all forms of electronic music; no one does, or else they'd be scizophrenic... LONG LIVE HOUSE! It was here first, and it will outlast trance/prog/tech... cwm12.gif P.S. And what scene is stale at the moment? House is very alive and well, thank you; I'd be happy to provide you w/ proof any day. P.P.S. I'm not telling tranceheads to have open minds - I'm telling them I think their music is crap; plain and simple. P.P.P.S. You'll soon see the light at the end of the tunnel; I feel it... wink.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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