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What's next Bloomberg....NO HOLDING HANDS IN PUBLIC

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Jesus christ! you can get guns off the streets,crime on the horizon once again,and people are out of work,and our kids are getting a raw deal with education.

Mayor Approves $1 Million Anti-Smoking Plan

APRIL 04TH, 2003

He's already banned smoking in public places. Now, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is helping to fund a grassroots anti-smoking movement.

The mayor's administration has given contracts to four organizations in an effort to reduce and prevent smoking.

The program will conduct surveys and research as well as encourage pharmacists to sell items that help people quit the habit.

The plan is costing the city about $1 million.

The city's anti-smoking law, which went into effect last Sunday, makes it illegal to light up at virtually all public buildings in the city, including bars and restaurants. A state law that takes effect in four months will supersede the few exceptions granted by the city. Business owners face fines for allowing patrons to smoke, though there is a 30-day grace period.

The mayor had pushed for the ban as a workers’ health issue and claimed it would save the lives of thousands of people who would have been killed by the secondhand smoke.

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I think in an effort to make people quality of life better, the next bill should include the following:

No farting in public.

No Homeless people pissing in the subway.

No Homeless people pissing in the streets.

Actually, homeless are ugly, lets round them up and hide them somewhere.

No Drinking alcohol. (cuz that worked last time they tried it)

No Dirty thoughts.

Mandatory Showering for all who enter or live in NYC.

No Yelling.

No Pets (they're almost all illegal here anyway)

No children in restaraunts.

No children on busses.

No children anywhere it might bother an adult.

No old people driving.

No old people in front of you in line for things.

No parades (all that litter? Pshaw)

No dirty jokes.

No burping.

No running.

No pushing.

No talking without a license

No Thinking without a license

No Dancing without a . . . .oh wait.

No R Rated Movies.

No TV shows that are "immoral"

No Songs on the radio other than Adult Contemporary.

No Meat.

No foreigners

No Minorities.

No Homosexuals

. . . . . . wait. . .i have a better idea.


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Originally posted by dmtgod

I think in an effort to make people quality of life better, the next bill should include the following:

No farting in public.

No Homeless people pissing in the subway.

No Homeless people pissing in the streets.

Actually, homeless are ugly, lets round them up and hide them somewhere.

No Drinking alcohol. (cuz that worked last time they tried it)

No Dirty thoughts.

Mandatory Showering for all who enter or live in NYC.

No Yelling.

No Pets (they're almost all illegal here anyway)

No children in restaraunts.

No children on busses.

No children anywhere it might bother an adult.

No old people driving.

No old people in front of you in line for things.

No parades (all that litter? Pshaw)

No dirty jokes.

No burping.

No running.

No pushing.

No talking without a license

No Thinking without a license

No Dancing without a . . . .oh wait.

No R Rated Movies.

No TV shows that are "immoral"

No Songs on the radio other than Adult Contemporary.

No Meat.

No foreigners

No Minorities.

No Homosexuals

. . . . . . wait. . .i have a better idea.


:laugh: :laugh:

Good One!!!!

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so was car exhaust... then they passed laws to put regulations on the car manufacturers... not limit how and when people could drive...

(ie. make venue owners get better ventilation, not curb people's rights)

btw... sfqueen & dmtgod... this is one of the funnier threads i've read in a while... lol... no children in restaurants... :laugh::aright:

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Second hand smoke is as much of a threat to the health of the general population as is second hand alcoholism - It's pretty fuckin simple if you ask me - if you don't smoke then don't go to bars that allow smoking! It's like going to a sauna and complaining that it's too hot! You can easily stay away from second hand smoke if you so choose - the problem is that we went from one extreme to another... before the ban pretty much every bar/club allowed smoking, so nonsmokers had no place to go out to at night where they wouldn't be exposed to the secondhand... So now this cockfart Bloomberg thinks the solution is to completely reverse the dilemma and give smokers no place to go out at night where they can light up... isn't there some sort of compromise that we can come to here? If there are enough non-smokers out there that want to go to a non-smoking bar, then business owners should open some up! There is obviously a demand for smoking bars - let's just make everyone happy. Am I alone in thinking that the solution is ridiculously simple?

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what about fast food? its obviously a health risk... almost everything in daily life is a health risk... watch, in a couple months there will a be a smoking permit, which will cost somewhere in the range of 50-100k... maybe a strategic move to close the budget gap... just a thought.. :smoke:

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Originally posted by grtstprtyevr

Second hand smoke is as much of a threat to the health of the general population as is second hand alcoholism - It's pretty fuckin simple if you ask me - if you don't smoke then don't go to bars that allow smoking! It's like going to a sauna and complaining that it's too hot! You can easily stay away from second hand smoke if you so choose - the problem is that we went from one extreme to another... before the ban pretty much every bar/club allowed smoking, so nonsmokers had no place to go out to at night where they wouldn't be exposed to the secondhand... So now this cockfart Bloomberg thinks the solution is to completely reverse the dilemma and give smokers no place to go out at night where they can light up... isn't there some sort of compromise that we can come to here? If there are enough non-smokers out there that want to go to a non-smoking bar, then business owners should open some up! There is obviously a demand for smoking bars - let's just make everyone happy. Am I alone in thinking that the solution is ridiculously simple?

You would think it would be that simple wouldn't you. I think it's utterly ridiculous to ban an entire city. I don’t even smoke, or like smoking, but it makes me so angry that they can actually get away with banning it. I think it should be up to the particular restaurant or bar whether they want to have a no smoking policy or not. I agree with you totally… if you don’t want to breath in second hand smoke, suck it up and go to a place that doesn’t allow smoking. Why can they just have some of both places… it’s crazy to go from one extreme to the other like that.

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Originally posted by kiko2o1

what about fast food? its obviously a health risk... almost everything in daily life is a health risk... watch, in a couple months there will a be a smoking permit, which will cost somewhere in the range of 50-100k... maybe a strategic move to close the budget gap... just a thought.. :smoke:

Ha ha I wouldn't be surprised if they did that... actually your way of thinking is very much alike to New York's administration ...

hope they don't read this MB...

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Originally posted by copahc

I think it's utterly ridiculous to ban an entire city. I don't even smoke, or like smoking, but it makes me so angry that they can actually get away with banning it.

I agree with you 100%... I came home today and didn't smell like smoke for once... but i'd gladly give that back to save our rights from "big government"...

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Originally posted by sfqueen

:laugh: :laugh:

Good One!!!!

I would like to add "no exchange of body fluids" that's even a bigger health risk these days , why stop on smoking ban ?!? Its sad, but I got a feeling that in this country administration went too far in making decisions for people what to do . Everybody is aware of smoking risks, so please don't try to hide the purpose of getting A LOT of $$$ from non-complying bar/club owners under "goverment cares for your health" propaganda.... they don't give a shit about our health....just trying to come up with smart ways to get money for budget out of new yorkers....

man, this city is being suffocated....went to EXIT last night....club feels like it was sterilized.... i don't even mention that i almost got fingered by nasty old disgusting security-bitch during a search wew... some of you may say :you should go to club for music la la la well , maybe I'm spoiled , seen what's clubbing like in Europe, even in Miami during WMC clubbing was different from what it has become here BUT this is what I USED to go to clubs for : RELAX--- this includes different things for everybody---but certainly the horde of cops and securities looking suspicious at you when you just sitting with eyes closed listening to the music .. Can't do that no more no no girl, you look overdosed to THEM ! I used to love to take a nap in a club after dancing my feet off you're dreaming you 're in a club and there you are when you wake up mmmm..

and again this freaking smoking ban . I'm not a CIGARETTE smoker but coming home after club and all you cloth doesn't smell anymore ....its weird...

Considering today's situation I think the club owners should start thinking of other ways to make $$$ . In a long run: paying $25-30-40 to get in and then not being able to relax as you wish even sitting with closed eyes will attract undesired attention, fuck it ... rather save $$$ for partying in europe or once in a while parties around here that are worth going to....

I read somewhere : "they should drop Valium on the city after smoking ban takes an effect" he he our administration is probably getting some nice chunk of $$$ from Prozac makers .... now we'll finally see sun shining (no more smoking clouds, he he ) , people are smiling....

As to me I would rather spend my yesterday night out at home smoking nice fat joint and watching "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" laughing my lungs out .. :)))


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

if you people think Bloomberg's smoking ban is bad....just waituntil Pataki's plan goes into effect

the state-wide ban?

yeah i want to see that work. I"m not a smoker but i can tell you - EVERYBODY upstate smokes. that's what happens when you have no life and no hope, no future and you live in a high stress, low-wage shithole. you smoke.

i'mm sure the murder rate is about to go up because of this.

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Pardon my ignorance, but what preytell is Pataki's plan? Is it the same ban, only statewide?

I tell you one thing, this fuck already has me paying more tuition, and my SUNY school is not seeing a dime of it. In fact, i dont think any SUNY school is going to. Its all going to cover pataki's ass and fill up holes in his budget.

Maybe clubplanet should start its own Club Country, where people can just lay off and not be pricks about other people doing things they dont like.

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Originally posted by dmtgod

Pardon my ignorance, but what preytell is Pataki's plan? Is it the same ban, only statewide?

it's pretty much the same except that there will be no provisions for enclosed smoking lounges. this means whoever built one is shit outta luck. not sure, but I think cigar bars might be out too?

Also, there will be strict rules regarding how much outdoor patio space can be alotted to smokers (less than 25% or something?).

Like protesting the war, this debate is now pretty much pointless. What's done is done and it's likely (and apparent) that the rest of the country will follow suit, esp with support of big cities like LA, NY, and Boston. Times change and so does the world.

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

it's pretty much the same except that there will be no provisions for enclosed smoking lounges. this means whoever built one is shit outta luck. not sure, but I think cigar bars might be out too?

Also, there will be strict rules regarding how much outdoor patio space can be alotted to smokers (less than 25% or something?).

Like protesting the war, this debate is now pretty much pointless. What's done is done and it's likely (and apparent) that the rest of the country will follow suit, esp with support of big cities like LA, NY, and Boston. Times change and so does the world.

GOD that last line makes me want to cry, in all seriousness.

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Although I am a rather heavy smoker, I can understand the banning of smoking in restaurants. I mean, I hate that law, but people (who don't smoke) come there to eat, not to smell smoke. However, the banning of smoking in clubs and bars???? Ummmm....ok..... that's just wrong and doesn't make much sense. I mean sure, we can all get trashed off our ass, that's fine, but God forbid we light up!!!

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