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Are you preparing for summer?

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#5. DNP you are a fucking MORON...Do not ever recommend that shit...You will be responsible for someones death.

DNP has been used more safely than 'X' and the're benn maybe one or death assocaited with DNP use (overuse/abuse), but I'm sure no one here uses 'X' or even recommends it... I'm also sure that you don't sniff anything other than model glue either do you".

Look at yourself and your own lifestyle before you make a blanket statment about the dangers of DNP or any other BB substance you buffoon. Now go get another pair of your Jordache's hemmed so your capri pants line-up will be complete for the 'Promised Land' this summer.

I was just trying to help a brother out. Kinda hard though when you deal with immature little 24 year old PRICKS isn't it?

FACT - Lee Priest uses DNP MORON! Now I too can insult other's and fit in like a champ here on CLUB-PLANET!!! Now I too feel good about myself.

Your genetics must suck if you NEED at least 700 mg's of Test per week. Have you ever hard of the enzyme called Aromotase? Any excess, exogenous Test that you dont use gets converted into what??? SURPRISE!!! ESTROGEN!

My boy 'J' M****y runs 500 mg's of Sus 250 per week and 50 mg of IP D-bol per day. He only does two 8 week cycles a year too! Throw in a little Nolvadex (his genetics are so good he doesn't even need to worry about excess Estrogen or Estrogenic fat deposits) and Lasix and he's contest ready. He's only the #2 BB in Colorado though too.

FACT - If you need a GRAM of Test per week, your GENETICS SUCK!

Talk to Nandi12 or any other Mods at the respected boards and they will tell you 150 mgs of Tren ED or EOD is a waste of good gear. Afer using that much Tren you must have twice the Prolactin that the average female does. You probably don't even know what Prolactin is or how to treat for high levels of it do you? You guys like to waste gear or does it come back to bad genetics... hhhmmm...

Jay Cutler was referenced as an EXAMPLE of an IFBB Pro. I KNOW he doesn't use Tren. He was an example of the closest name of an IFBB Pro that came to my mind. I talked to him and his wife Kerry at the Rocky Moutain NPC last Saturday si I know a little bit about his 'nutritional' needs and what Chris Aceto has him 'on'..

Reading Comprehension 101. The point I was making with Winny is why DRINK a $10 Amp of Winny when you can eat a 50 MG IP pill for 10% the cost? It was an economics example. You can drink D-bol too since it is 17 AA or you drink any 17 AA AS...

I'm glad that I can be 5'9", 180 lbs at 7% and not half to do more than 400 mgs per week of Test Prop, 50 mgs Winny ED and 60 mg of Tren EOD all for an 8 week cycle.

Arithmetic 101 - At a concentration of 100mg/ml, 60 mgs will equal .6cc. That was hard now wasn't it?

Femara AND Aromasin are both SUPERIOR 3rd gen anti-E's to Arimidex. Go consult any posts by DrJMW on Elite. I think he has a little bit more frist hand empirical experience at this than you do kid. DrJMW has lots of BB's blood work that show ZERO IMPACT on blood lipid profiles using Aromasin. The same cannot be said for Arimidex OR Femara.

Good luck with that next 3cc shot of Test! lol! Better you that needs it than me, since I don't!!!

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Well.....My hardworking Iron Brother...you can sit here and drop names and tell me how much of a loser you are by spending your weekends blowing IFBB Pros...Great pal! Listen...to yourself...you are a fucking joke! The funniest thing you said is "and his wife Kerry"...You sound like such a homosexual...About the Capris...whatever pal..I have pulled the hottest ass and no complaints on their side. I am pretty sure I just had $180 Hugo Boss Linen Pants altered into Capris...Kid you are still under 200 by 20 lbs...You are a joke...SOOO...stay in Colorado and keep getting IFBB Pros autographs...I love how you say "X"...I think I heard people calling it that 4 years ago...YA HEAR?

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Well.....My hardworking Iron Brother...you can sit here and drop names and tell me how much of a loser you are by spending your weekends blowing IFBB Pros...Great pal! Listen...to yourself...you are a fucking joke! The funniest thing you said is "and his wife Kerry"...You sound like such a homosexual...About the Capris...whatever pal..I have pulled the hottest ass and no complaints on their side. I am pretty sure I just had $180 Hugo Boss Linen Pants altered into Capris...Kid you are still under 200 by 20 lbs...You are a joke...SOOO...stay in Colorado and keep getting IFBB Pros autographs...I love how you say "X"...I think I heard people calling it that 4 years ago...YA HEAR?

I could be 200 lbs. at under 10% bodyfat, but I choose my health over the size 'iron brother'. I don't need 3 grams a week of gear (plus slin and GH) like you do.

You couldn't even respond to a SINGLE point I made (other than the 'friendly jab). I've seen your pic on Elite. No way you are 200 lbs. BLOCKHEAD so whom are you kidding. There are a whole 4 comps a year here...

I hope the talior in the Women's Dept. hooked your homo ass up with the capris... I'll bet you'll look really cute trapesing around at Temps this summer. Calling me a homo and who's the one who wears women's pants??? Now you and your boyfriend can take that midnight stroll along the beach hand in hand and with your little capris you won't get them wet in the surf (oh, watch out for those needles on the Jersey Shore - may tempt you to shove one in your ass like so many other objects). Now go ahead and pump another 3cc's of Test in your ass (your lack of genetics requires 3 cc's), but get your man's cock out of your rectum first. One 'thing' at a time homo.

It's so much fun acting like I'm back in High School bantering back and forth with you... Go ahead and have the last word; it's all yours wannabe juice monkey! Also why are you quitting gear? HAHAHAHA!!!!

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