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Bouncer killed over Smoking Ban

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By ERIN McCLAM, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK - A bouncer at a Manhattan nightclub died Sunday after he was stabbed in a brawl that police said began when he tried to enforce the city's new ban on smoking in bars and restaurants.

Dana Blake, 32, died about 11 hours after the late-night fight in an East Village nightclub.

Police arrested two brothers, Johnathan and Ching Chan, shortly after the fight and charged them with assault. Prosecutors had not decided Sunday whether to upgrade the charges because of Blake's death.

Blake approached the men about 2:30 a.m. to tell them they could not smoke in the bar, police spokesman Michael O'Looney said. It was unclear whether one or both men were smoking, he said.

Harsh words were exchanged and the brawl began when Blake tried to eject Johnathan Chan for disorderly behavior, witnesses told police. Blake was stabbed in the fight, but it was unclear who stabbed him or with what, O'Looney said.

The smoking ban took effect late last month.

It could not immediately be determined if the brothers had lawyers.

Blake's older brother, Tony Blake, said Sunday he blamed the death on the smoking ban. "I'm very bitter," he said. "It's a senseless murder because of this stupid cigarette law. That's the reason this guy was killed."

Ed Skyler, spokesman for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said the mayor was pleased suspects were quickly arrested and that "his thoughts are with the family of the victim."

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"Blake's older brother, Tony Blake, said Sunday he blamed the death on the smoking ban. "I'm very bitter," he said. "It's a senseless murder because of this stupid cigarette law. That's the reason this guy was killed."

What kind of IDIOT would say somethin like this? Yeah its the smoking ban's fault that you're brother got killed....retard. Its not the guy who did it's fault....not the guy who was more than likely drunk and who used a weapon. Thats not why he got killed...it was because of a cigarette law. Damn fool...

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Originally posted by mangos

"Blake's older brother, Tony Blake, said Sunday he blamed the death on the smoking ban. "I'm very bitter," he said. "It's a senseless murder because of this stupid cigarette law. That's the reason this guy was killed."

What kind of IDIOT would say somethin like this? Yeah its the smoking ban's fault that you're brother got killed....retard. Its not the guy who did it's fault....not the guy who was more than likely drunk and who used a weapon. Thats not why he got killed...it was because of a cigarette law. Damn fool...

The guy is very angry or even in shock,his brother was killed.hes speaking out of anger.

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The bouncer wasn't killed over the smoking ban. He was killed becuase he started an argument with a degenerate. The smoking ban was just the cause of the argument, he could have told him to get out because he didn't like his shoes, and who knows, he still could have been killed.

Good people don't stab someone over the smoking ban.

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I dunno man... I never seen anyone get pissed over someone not liking their shoes. But I have seen people go a little insane over not being able to smoke. Nicoteen withdrawl coupled with the being drunk, can't be good.

And the bouncer didn't start an argument with the guys. He was just doing his job.

Good people don't stab someone over the smoking ban.

I don't consider the fools who stabbed this poor guy to be anywhere near good.

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