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Female with disappearing sex drive --- HELP!!!


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I am a 26 year old female in a healthy relationship, who has enjoyed sexual activity for as long as I can rememeber, however, in the last year or so, especially in the last couple of months, I have had my sex drive diminish to almost nothing. There has got to be something I can do, or some supplement I can take to get my labido back....isnt there???

Help me out people, I know one of you ladies out there has been through this before or knows someone who has..... What can I do?????

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ha i was just thinking the opposite. -- "spring is in the air" :P

but it could be your sleeping habits, your choice in diet, stress, lack of exercise, and even your birth control. what you have done differently in the past couple of months?

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this is scientifically proven that people that are in long term relationship and have only one sex partner will have a decrease of their sex drive over time. it has something to do with hormones. the amount of certain hormones are to a part regulated by the limbic system too though (this where we process feelings, images, etc. and according to our experiences make decisions, put out hormones, etc.). you could say your limbic system gets "used" to a certain thing, your partner. therefor it doesn´t put out as much hormones any more as before. how to increase this? give your limbic system new "activators". try new sex techniques, have sex outside, integrate roleplaying...


get an affair :)!

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Hmmmm. I'm a healthy 23 year old male, single... and i have next to NO sex drive.

we should discuss this over some coffee ;)

[or maybe over Debbie Does Dallas and a bucket of fried chicken]


...on a serious note, I think you'll be alright. diminished sex drive can be a sign of something lacking in your life, or it can jus be a part of a normal cycle that you're going through. Who's to say in a month or so you won't be ravishing your significant other three or more times a day?

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Originally posted by SFTunnel76

I saw a show on Oprah about this. Your testosterone level is probably low. You need to boost it up. They have prescription drugs for this.

I think u mean ESTROGEN levels are low.:D

Go to the gym and do some excercising to get back into shape. Your energy levels will be higher and you will feel better, which makes you feel sexier, which makes u want to have sex more with your partner... Try using your imagination more when your in bed, sky is the limit.:idea:

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Originally posted by rdancer

I think u mean ESTROGEN levels are low.:D

No... he did mean testosterone.

There's no one answer to your problem... pretty much all of the advice here was good; try it out and see if any of it works. If all of the above fails, there are new treatments and drugs on the market.

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True true, testosterone is the only true aphrodisiac for both men and women.

Of course women need much less of it than men.

BTW a novel approace I have heard is for a testosterone cream to be applied to a womans clit, it enlarges it and makes it easier to come, not to mention improving their sex drive.

of course all the standard cautions about women and testosterone apply.

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