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Your all Idiots...... Sober UP!!!!

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This board represents less than 1% of any club on any given night (unless its empty and 10 of us are there)

Fuck anyone that bashes you and if your a promoter why listen to the fools on here who try to dictate your clubs booking plans, set up, lights, lines, crowd, drug policy.......etc....

Were all not worth it. Its the truth. Be creative and do your own thing rather than resort to our feedback.....

Some of the best nights out always have some jack ass post :

"Club was empty" "I wasn't feeling the music" and all that shit.

Let it go........ Its A MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!!! It poorly reflects what ever club scene we belong to..... Stop treating this thing like its the Bible....

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I don't mean to come across as provocative, but I must admit that I was intrigued and confused by your post. You have to understand that as one of the "fools" who posts on this board, I'm curious as to what you mean.

From what you posted....and maybe I am interperting it wrong....

it leads me to believe that you may be the one who takes this board a bit too serious no?.......as though YOU follow this like it was the bible and assume that everyone else does too?

Does anyone really give a rat's ass about what you, or I, or anyone else posts about on here? Should someone really be a promoter if you are impacted that greatly by negative feedback from "less than 1% of any club"? Hopefully he/she has thicker skin than that, because you will NEVER have 100% of the people like your place, choice of music, DJ's, etc.

Am I wrong? Did I miss your point? Do people really stop going to a place...or stop listening to a DJ of their preference....if a "fool" posts an opinion that opposes theirs?

Yours truly,

Lost Fool.

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Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria

I don't mean to come across as provocative, but I must admit that I was intrigued and confused by your post. You have to understand that as one of the "fools" who posts on this board, I'm curious as to what you mean.

From what you posted....and maybe I am interperting it wrong....

it leads me to believe that you may be the one who takes this board a bit too serious no?.......as though YOU follow this like it was the bible and assume that everyone else does too?

Does anyone really give a rat's ass about what you, or I, or anyone else posts about on here? Should someone really be a promoter if you are impacted that greatly by negative feedback from "less than 1% of any club"? Hopefully he/she has thicker skin than that, because you will NEVER have 100% of the people like your place, choice of music, DJ's, etc.

Am I wrong? Did I miss your point? Do people really stop going to a place...or stop listening to a DJ of their preference....if a "fool" posts an opinion that opposes theirs?

Yours truly,

Lost Fool.

Dear Fool,

I was referring to the Drama on the board and some of the posts with unrealistic requests for particular DJs for clubs that don't need them. I have been posting on here for 3 years and I really don't take it all that serious, Im as much a fool as the next dude on here.

No your not wrong, this board doesn't reach enough people to impact a club in any way possible, people overestimate it IMO.

Im not for DJ bashing, I just don't think that any DJ should lower himself to answering to any of us. Like I said "were not worth it."

---- Look at the people on here: a bunch of pill popping, line sniffing, music elitest, worthless SOBs who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. :D

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Sand man is a big slut and an idiot. Ill pour my bud on you Sandman if you were on fire. ;)

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Im the first to admit that Im an idiot.... but not a slut..... If I was a slut I would of went out of business a long time ago.....:D

I was waiting for your useless ass to chime in......

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Dear "Im as much a fool as the next dude on here",

You are not for DJ bashing, yet you bash the entire board. A bit hypocritical on your part no? You make it hard for someone to want to "put you out", should you be on fire....after all beers aren't free you know.

You do not know the whole board yet you accuse everyone of being.....I wont repeat your description. Beware.... someone may take offense to your broad generalization. Why would you post for 3 years on a board that is full of people of this sort (in your opinion)???

You make it seem as though DJ's are 'gods' who should not bow to us?!?!? I gather in your extensive 3 years of posting, you have never bashed a DJ? or expressed a negative opinion about a DJ?

If you are in the public eye...and perform in and out every night.....you are bound to hear people's opinions of your work. Be it criticism or praise. If you can't take it, you shouldn't be in it.

A DJ would be foolish not to listen to people's feedback and then decide whether to act on it or not. Some of it might be valid and beneficial. Keep in mind...people make or break a DJ.....a following is what gets the DJ the $$'s.

You would be surprised how 1% can make a difference, especially if it is consistent. Why would advertisers and promoters post on here otherwise?? Us fools must have some worth no?

Play the sickest music, and be as talented as you want, but good luck getting any venue to pay you WELL for your performance if you do not fill a place. True... sometimes the feedback could be a bit "less harsh"..... but no DJ will ever please everyone....so you'll always get it from somewhere or someone. Its the nature of the business.

Now...I would like to see Tiesto / JP / Denny / Oakenfold / Cox AND Lopez....all on the same night @ Surf Club this upcoming opener. Is my request REALLY that unrealistic? :confused:

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Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria

Dear "Im as much a fool as the next dude on here",

You are not for DJ bashing, yet you bash the entire board. A bit hypocritical on your part no? You make it hard for someone to want to "put you out", should you be on fire....after all beers aren't free you know.

You do not know the whole board yet you accuse everyone of being.....I wont repeat your description. Beware.... someone may take offense to your broad generalization. Why would you post for 3 years on a board that is full of people of this sort (in your opinion)???

You make it seem as though DJ's are 'gods' who should not bow to us?!?!? I gather in your extensive 3 years of posting, you have never bashed a DJ? or expressed a negative opinion about a DJ?

If you are in the public eye...and perform in and out every night.....you are bound to hear people's opinions of your work. Be it criticism or praise. If you can't take it, you shouldn't be in it.

A DJ would be foolish not to listen to people's feedback and then decide whether to act on it or not. Some of it might be valid and beneficial. Keep in mind...people make or break a DJ.....a following is what gets the DJ the $$'s.

You would be surprised how 1% can make a difference, especially if it is consistent. Why would advertisers and promoters post on here otherwise?? Us fools must have some worth no?

Play the sickest music, and be as talented as you want, but good luck getting any venue to pay you WELL for your performance if you do not fill a place. True... sometimes the feedback could be a bit "less harsh"..... but no DJ will ever please everyone....so you'll always get it from somewhere or someone. Its the nature of the business.

Now...I would like to see Tiesto / JP / Denny / Oakenfold / Cox AND Lopez....all on the same night @ Surf Club this upcoming opener. Is my request REALLY that unrealistic? :confused:

Yea I am bashing the board, its fun. Thats what I do when need be. Everyone bashes shit left and right on here so Ill bash the fucking board members..... why? Because I can. And in this case most of the people deserve it.

I do have friends from the board, most of which are laughing at this thread b/c they know me, you are really looking a bit deep at all of this which is fine too, don't take my stuff too seriously though.... As for the DJs are Gods..... Come on, thats just silly. And NO I have never Bashed a DJ in 3 years here, I will write "music was just OK", or something like that out of respect for them. I have fun when I go out EVERY TIME, a dj won't make or break my night.

I post on this board b/c its fun, its just for fucking amusement. Like right now. I also enjoy posting on the board while getting paid at work (most of us do), it passes time fast.

I agree that a DJ is in a public eye, but most of us don't spin, mix or produce in our spare time so what can we really add? Just b/c Johnny Club Boy took a bad pill doesn't mean he should take it out and slander a dj on club planet..... thats just my opinion

I think the 1% on here doesn't make a difference, thats why DJs and clubs shouldn't waste their time on keeping all the post whores happy or answering our bitching....

I think I answered everything...... As for your request..... It not gonna happen, b/c Surf Club would take a bath finacially.... The place will be just as packed with Kirk spinning anyway....

1% ....

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Originally posted by voodoolounge

this thread can lick my balls!


Thats the first time you wrote on this board w/o plugging your witch craft lounge.... Take your shit to the promoters forum where you belong.... Have Coogs point you out to me so I can tell you what a jack ass you are....:eek:

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You've made your points....and I have made mine. Won't argue with you that this is a message board in a free country....so... bash away.

As long as you can take it too....like if I was to call you a complete moron who makes no sense. You should have no problem with that right? Fair is fair. You dish it out then you can take it right?

:D I don't often resort to this but I can see how you may have a point....it is fun.

I am glad that you clarified on my request not happening because for a second there....just for a second.....I thought it might come true. Damm!! Almost had it. Personally, I'm happy with Lopez.... I'll be there.

Shame that we dont see "eye to eye" on the 1%....wish I could get EVERYONE on here to boycott the shore JUST ONCE this summer to prove my point.....but then again....there isnt enough days of partying during the summer to being with...why waste one?

....and besides...we're just a couple of posting fools anyway!!

DJ's SUCK!! (Busting your balls....couldn't resist it)

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Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria

You've made your points....and I have made mine. Won't argue with you that this is a message board in a free country....so... bash away.

As long as you can take it too....like if I was to call you a complete moron who makes no sense. You should have no problem with that right? Fair is fair. You dish it out then you can take it right?

:D I don't often resort to this but I can see how you may have a point....it is fun.

I am glad that you clarified on my request not happening because for a second there....just for a second.....I thought it might come true. Damm!! Almost had it. Personally, I'm happy with Lopez.... I'll be there.

Shame that we dont see "eye to eye" on the 1%....wish I could get EVERYONE on here to boycott the shore JUST ONCE this summer to prove my point.....but then again....there isnt enough days of partying during the summer to being with...why waste one?

....and besides...we're just a couple of posting fools anyway!!

DJ's SUCK!! (Busting your balls....couldn't resist it)

Hey fuck em all..... I don't give a f either......

You can see me as a moron, thats your perogative..... the bottom line is I am on point w/ what I posted and I know damn well lots of people will rip into me on the shit I wrote, thats fine.

Read into all this as much as you want but people need to figure out why they have a bug up their ass when they go out.

--- Fuck your not at work, have fun....

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Originally posted by thesandman

Thats the first time you wrote on this board w/o plugging your witch craft lounge.... Take your shit to the promoters forum where you belong.... Have Coogs point you out to me so I can tell you what a jack ass you are....:eek:




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I disagree with one part....Sometimes this board does make a difference. Ask Petey and George. The first summer of merge was a flop and everyone on here bashed it with the dumbest joke, Merge Pizza.This was a Tempts board and slowly it switched.

5 people kept plugging richie and george. those 5 were Sandman, brian, Kosta, Lock, and myself (the rest of you jumped on board long after). Yes, even Dan Fury is a follower....lol. We kept on plugging george and Richie every week about the Booze flowing and Beat dropping. Finally people started introducing themselves to george at Metro and that carried over to Merge last summer. So yes, I believe a message board can make a difference.

But as for some of those request on who they want to see at surf club....You can tell who knows their shit by just reading some of the replies. The ROOKIES will respond with Tiesto, Carl Cox, and the likes....The Vets will make request for someone like Morillio, who is affordable....Common sense people.

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First you say it doesn't ("this board is only 1%"), then you turn around and agree with unclebuc when he basically validates my point that it does make a difference!!!!


I was fuckin around when I personally requested Cox / JP / Tiesto / Lopez all in one night @ Surf Club. I am in total agreement with you and sandman (believe it or not) that such acts are not feasible and cost too much.

I tried to explain to Mr. Sandbug that it does....and that the proof is in the fact that people do promote on this board and that advertisers pay for ads.

I'm done. Bring the m**** f**** Summer!!!! NOW!!!!!

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Originally posted by thesandman


This board represents less than 1% of any club on any given night (unless its empty and 10 of us are there)

Dont forget that there are a lot of ppl who read this board, but dont post, also people may post but not hang out with "other cp'ers". Just b/c you only see 5 ppl from cp at a club doesnt mean that there arent 20 other people there that you just dont know.

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Originally posted by njangel

Dont forget that there are a lot of ppl who read this board, but dont post, also people may post but not hang out with "other cp'ers". Just b/c you only see 5 ppl from cp at a club doesnt mean that there arent 20 other people there that you just dont know.

True, but still not a substantial amount.....

3rd Floor- I alwyas agree w/ Uncle Buc, hes word is law....

We would all love to hear JP rip Surf.......

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