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interior designers i need some help...


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exposed brick... ill be moving into a new apartment in the next couple of months, and im going through a myriad of ideas, and plans for the layout/decor... ive almost decided going with exposed brick, with wood (cherry wood) floors, and that whole motif... now two questions... 1. is exposed brick already played out~!? 2. if the apt does not have brick walls, is possible to buy something to simulate the look? and or may i use real brick, and just brick up the wall??? (granted itll eat up some space but eff it, i do not mind)


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I myself am not a professional interior designer but i am by hobby. Brick is never played out!!! there is brick thats already put together and i wouldnt suggest u urself brickin up ur walls unless u have some free time and a death wish cuz thats alot of patience. but i do suggest some great iron~cast pieces and some great art work for the walls to enhance the "homey feel"..cherry wood floors and brick walls sounds like a great spot for intimate dinner parties:D

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where may i buy these brick slabs or whatever they are... i do not have the patience to do the whole myself...

in terms of the dinner parties... thats exactly what i want to do, have a warm comfy lil place... i want to also use ivy, and antiques to accent some of the areas of the room... have any other suggestions???

as for the kitchen, i want to have an all stainless steel kitchen... hopefully that dream comes true... with the apts ive been looking at its not reality...

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im sorry, cast iron pieces....

as for the brick slabs~ actually building a brick wall would be tricky because in a sense ur adding a large amount of weight on the circumferance of the floor. Therefore, ur best bet would be the fake kind which would have to be installed professionally.

In accenting the rooms, i would suggest some ceramic pieces (in the natural burnt color...beige, creams...etc) with cherry wood floors, an array of color clashes with deep solid floor.

Ivy and antiques are a good idea, but for a more natural look, keep the ivy high on the walls etc because if u plan to have a few candles stragtically placed while dining, the light will accent the ivy giving it that outdoorsy, cabin type feeling.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

as for the kitchen, i want to have an all stainless steel kitchen... hopefully that dream comes true... with the apts ive been looking at its not reality...

ive seen someto die for kitchens. cherry wood, black marble countertops iwth stainless steel appliances! hot!

btw are you renting or buying this apt?

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renting... however its a toss up between two locations... one option is the apt. i have in mind currently which im planning on decorating in this fashion, the other is 4br in the same neighborhood with three friends... either way both would be rentals, however on the second apt. i would prolly just limit my decor to my br. since the rest would have to be a joint effort... as for the kitchen, since im renting, no way in hell would i be putting that kind of money in (stainless everything) for some rich schmuck whos renting to me... ive been looking for ones with them already built in... but guess what, no luck...

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i know, its disgusting. i love to cook, so i want a great kitchen in my next apartment... the one i have currently is sooooo small, actually the apt. in general is small... thats why i want to get out and my neighbors are annoying... (theyre constantly bothering me, stopping by, eating up my ish... its like damn mofo you live next door hang out your place eat your own ish...

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yeah i know... i couldnt live in a place where the bathrooms are bigger than the kitchen... apt hunting is sooo damn hard... grrr... i do not think anyone ever gets exactly what the want, unless they pay beaucoup duckettes...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

chandelier's and crystal... i think is a lil too frou four / feminine for me... however the iron is an idea ive been tossing around as well... i have candelabra's and sconces i want to use as well...

The particular design I'm thinking of is not frou frou/feminine whatsoever. The whole antique iron with crystal look is just unbelievably awesome! Where I used to live, I had that and it just totally completed the look of my apartment... have you ever seen something like that??

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Originally posted by dgmodel

you have any pics??? maybe what im picturing is totally different...

My girl has GORGEOUS ones at her house.... I'll ask her to take pictures of them, and tomorrow I will post them after she sends them to me. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

so i found the place, move in August 1, 2003... now i went to HD today and the only thing i found was these lil red briquettes... and i was told that id have to brick it up myself... and make the paste/cement myself and etc... how the hell do i do this?? or are there premade slates i could purchase somewhere else??? as for the pulling of the rugs and sanding and staining... is this better off being done by myself or should i just hire ppl do all this???

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Originally posted by dgmodel

exposed brick... ill be moving into a new apartment in the next couple of months, and im going through a myriad of ideas, and plans for the layout/decor... ive almost decided going with exposed brick, with wood (cherry wood) floors, and that whole motif... now two questions... 1. is exposed brick already played out~!? 2. if the apt does not have brick walls, is possible to buy something to simulate the look? and or may i use real brick, and just brick up the wall??? (granted itll eat up some space but eff it, i do not mind)


Well I am not entirely crazy about the brick look. However if your going to do it, I think it looks best when only one wall is brick preferably a wall with a window. Ok this may sound crazier but do you know what is behind your wall, there may in fact brick already there, ask because you may be able to just tear the wall down.

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thats exactly what i was planning on doing... one wall, the window wall... etc... as for the brick being there already.. i asked, and its not brick brick like the way i want its just like cynderblock type action...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

thats exactly what i was planning on doing... one wall, the window wall... etc... as for the brick being there already.. i asked, and its not brick brick like the way i want its just like cynderblock type action...

Well you should take the wall down either way and replace it with the bricks you want. But you will definitely need someone with some experience to help even if you do not take the wall down. Simply because you need to be precise with measuring the bricks and you will also have to cut bricks in half etc. (because you do not want them entirely aligned vertically) Good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

okay so the time has come to start the floors... i have to peel up the carpet and remove all the hardware which fastens it to the floor and etc... underneath are (what i believe to be pine planks) the long wooden planks which ill have to be sprucing up... now heres the hardpart... anyone here ever use an industrial sander??? (home depot rental style) if so, how do i know when ive sanded enough, and how do i know if i havent sanded enough??? how do i reach the corners??? and then how do i remove all the dust from the floor??? then for the staining, i am going to go with cherrywood, how do i apply it evenly, and how do i make sure i do not mess this up???

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