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People who are a little too enthusiastic abt the scene

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Originally posted by tastyt

Don't you just love it when you get calls, pms, ims, whatever, from various friends about various parties... "Oh, I was just calling to see if you were going to such-and-such a lounge tonite?" Am I going where? And why? And I'm supposed to know about this because...?

Or you come home and your roomate is bouncing off the walls, and looks at you like you have two heads when you tell him that, no, you didn't know about the party he's going to, no, you've never heard of the djs, and no, you have no desire to go out. And then has an anneurism when you tell him that you're not going to see Howells the next weekend (even though you've told him repeatedly that you don't think Howells is anything special.)

Honestly, some people need to get a grip and gain some perspective... I've been in the scene for nearly nine years and have probably been to more parties than they ever will before hanging up their dancing shoes. And hello, I'm almost 28, don't look at me like I'm crazy because you're only 23 and can go out till all hours on a Weds night! Geez Louise. And finally, why do people think you're nuts for skipping a night out to just chill at home with your sig.o.??? For christ's sake, how many people at the club do you think would give their right arm to be doing what we were doing to each other Sat night and Sunday, when they were out partying and then subsequently recovering???

I tell ya... sometimes it's really hard to deal with the fresh-faced scenesters... :rolleyes::laugh2:

D- you have put in your booty shakin time. paid your dues, and then some. so tell all those noobs to step off or somethin, cause you're a goddamn queen diva.

I know what you mean though... with me its more because of school, but the "PEER PRESSURE" is annoying sometimes. Most of my friends are very cool about the fact that I have other priorities now, and I do still go out a lot by most standards, although NOT like I used to, but sometimes I get annoyed when people are like OMG youre not going to BLAH BLAH BLAH *cough* Howells *cough*

I try and find a nice balance between embracing both my old age (and resposibilities), and my ability to still party like the kiddies (or better than them as the case may be ;) ).

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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

D- you have put in your booty shakin time. paid your dues, and then some. so tell all those noobs to step off or somethin, cause you're a goddamn queen diva.

I know what you mean though... with me its more because of school, but the "PEER PRESSURE" is annoying sometimes. Most of my friends are very cool about the fact that I have other priorities now, and I do still go out a lot by most standards, although NOT like I used to, but sometimes I get annoyed when people are like OMG youre not going to BLAH BLAH BLAH *cough* Howells *cough*

I'll remember this the next time you want me to go somewhere.

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Ehhh.....Just as easily as you get into it...You get bored w/ it ...It's not so much growing up & out of the scene b/c that's bullshit....No one is too old to go out & have a good time.....But it's more of just the same shit every time you go out......I go to an event maybe once every few months....& When I do go out....It's not that I don't have fun....But no matter where I go ....It all boils down to being the sameeee shittttt.....

These enthusiasts will learn this in time.....But going out to clubs etc. is something that people get so into for a short period of time it plays itself out very fast....There's no way someone who is just beggining to dig the scene will go out in moderation....It's like they have to hit every club/event every weekend or else they might miss something..

I wouldn't trade the awesome times/experiences I've had for the world....But now that I keep the partying down to a minimum...When I do, it makes it soooo worth it.....They will learn this as well

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Well, it's good to hear that some of you completely understand where I'm coming from. Others have gotten a little lost. Maybe I'm just not explaining myself properly for everyone. But it doesn't matter, b/c it's really not that big of a deal!

BTW... hey Shan! :D ... hey Etienne! :D

And on that note... I'm really psyched about Divine's loft party next weekend... anyone with me??? :D:tongue:;):bounce:

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Originally posted by lasix

amen to that.

people are always crying in my ear about being in their late 20's.. you ought to take advantage of these things now while you still can if you find them enjoyable.. before you have kids. then you'll look at the freedom you have now and wish you were back there.

Hehe... maybe that's another reason why I don't feel such a pressing need to party all the time... I ain't having kids! My biological clock ain't tickin'! I can continue to go out indefinitely, without having to worry about the little rugrats at home, for as looooong as my body can take it!Hahahahahahah! :laugh::tongue:

Originally posted by lasix

this is why people say the scene really died in like 94, because all the kids that used to go raves became "functional members of society" :laugh:

LOL... sad but true. And the next generation isn't carrying the torch very well. :nono:

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Originally posted by tastyt

Don't you just love it when you get calls, pms, ims, whatever, from various friends about various parties... "Oh, I was just calling to see if you were going to such-and-such a lounge tonite?" Am I going where? And why? And I'm supposed to know about this because...?

Or you come home and your roomate is bouncing off the walls, and looks at you like you have two heads when you tell him that, no, you didn't know about the party he's going to, no, you've never heard of the djs, and no, you have no desire to go out. And then has an anneurism when you tell him that you're not going to see Howells the next weekend (even though you've told him repeatedly that you don't think Howells is anything special.)

Honestly, some people need to get a grip and gain some perspective... I've been in the scene for nearly nine years and have probably been to more parties than they ever will before hanging up their dancing shoes. And hello, I'm almost 28, don't look at me like I'm crazy because you're only 23 and can go out till all hours on a Weds night! Geez Louise. And finally, why do people think you're nuts for skipping a night out to just chill at home with your sig.o.??? For christ's sake, how many people at the club do you think would give their right arm to be doing what we were doing to each other Sat night and Sunday, when they were out partying and then subsequently recovering???

I tell ya... sometimes it's really hard to deal with the fresh-faced scenesters... :rolleyes::laugh2:

I couldnt agree with you more! I actually met u Diana? or was it Diane? Im sorry...it was back in January at Arc with your "sig o." with the awesome Irish accent...and I think that was the last time that I have been out...since I got into a serious relationship back in December, I have become "Retired clubgyrl00" And like a bunch of you have said, its not like we are antisocial, its just that now that i'm in my senior year of college, balancing a job, internship, and school work, by the time the weekend rolls around, i cant waste a whole day sleeping away...going out every friday night just doesnt appeal to me anymore...my bf and I go out clubbing like once every three months now...and even then, i feel like i'm in state of recovery for the entire weeekend! Lol....

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Originally posted by clubgyrl00

I couldnt agree with you more! I actually met u Diana? or was it Diane? Im sorry...it was back in January at Arc with your "sig o." with the awesome Irish accent...

Yep, that would be me- Dyanna. Refresh my memory... what's your name? Hmmm, if it was Jan, it must've been either for NYE and Jeff Mills... which one did I meet you at?

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Originally posted by tastyt

Yep, that would be me- Dyanna. Refresh my memory... what's your name? Hmmm, if it was Jan, it must've been either for NYE and Jeff Mills... which one did I meet you at?

It was actually at Anniversary Party...and my name's Bree...I was introduced to you through Michelle with short blonde hair...and I love how you spell your name!!! So pretty!

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Originally posted by clubgyrl00

It was actually at Anniversary Party...and my name's Bree...I was introduced to you through Michelle with short blonde hair...and I love how you spell your name!!! So pretty!

Aww, thanks, but really I had nothing to do with the spelling, lol.

It's coming back to me... haha. You were sitting on the speaker near the back bar?

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wellz i agree wid all the pts of view...but i go for the music and for the ppl i see there that ive gotten to know...ive been in the scene since NOvember only...anyways, for ppl still feeling the djs can u blame them for being excited? lifes too short to not enjoy things u LOVE to do... but i agree, they shouldnt be pushing it on everyone...

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Originally posted by tastyt

Well, it's good to hear that some of you completely understand where I'm coming from. Others have gotten a little lost. Maybe I'm just not explaining myself properly for everyone. But it doesn't matter, b/c it's really not that big of a deal!

BTW... hey Shan! :D ... hey Etienne! :D

And on that note... I'm really psyched about Divine's loft party next weekend... anyone with me??? :D:tongue:;):bounce:

whats up hun...long time no see ;):tongue:

Etienne! :D

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Originally posted by sweetie029

Ehhh.....Just as easily as you get into it...You get bored w/ it ...It's not so much growing up & out of the scene b/c that's bullshit....No one is too old to go out & have a good time.....But it's more of just the same shit every time you go out......I go to an event maybe once every few months....& When I do go out....It's not that I don't have fun....But no matter where I go ....It all boils down to being the sameeee shittttt.....

These enthusiasts will learn this in time.....But going out to clubs etc. is something that people get so into for a short period of time it plays itself out very fast....There's no way someone who is just beggining to dig the scene will go out in moderation....It's like they have to hit every club/event every weekend or else they might miss something..


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