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People who are a little too enthusiastic abt the scene

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Don't you just love it when you get calls, pms, ims, whatever, from various friends about various parties... "Oh, I was just calling to see if you were going to such-and-such a lounge tonite?" Am I going where? And why? And I'm supposed to know about this because...?

Or you come home and your roomate is bouncing off the walls, and looks at you like you have two heads when you tell him that, no, you didn't know about the party he's going to, no, you've never heard of the djs, and no, you have no desire to go out. And then has an anneurism when you tell him that you're not going to see Howells the next weekend (even though you've told him repeatedly that you don't think Howells is anything special.)

Honestly, some people need to get a grip and gain some perspective... I've been in the scene for nearly nine years and have probably been to more parties than they ever will before hanging up their dancing shoes. And hello, I'm almost 28, don't look at me like I'm crazy because you're only 23 and can go out till all hours on a Weds night! Geez Louise. And finally, why do people think you're nuts for skipping a night out to just chill at home with your sig.o.??? For christ's sake, how many people at the club do you think would give their right arm to be doing what we were doing to each other Sat night and Sunday, when they were out partying and then subsequently recovering???

I tell ya... sometimes it's really hard to deal with the fresh-faced scenesters... :rolleyes::laugh2:

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Originally posted by tastyt

Don't you just love it when you get calls, pms, ims, whatever, from various friends about various parties... "Oh, I was just calling to see if you were going to such-and-such a lounge tonite?" Am I going where? And why? And I'm supposed to know about this because...?

Or you come home and your roomate is bouncing off the walls, and looks at you like you have two heads when you tell him that, no, you didn't know about the party he's going to, no, you've never heard of the djs, and no, you have no desire to go out. And then has an anneurism when you tell him that you're not going to see Howells the next weekend (even though you've told him repeatedly that you don't think Howells is anything special.)

Honestly, some people need to get a grip and gain some perspective... I've been in the scene for nearly nine years and have probably been to more parties than they ever will before hanging up their dancing shoes. And hello, I'm almost 28, don't look at me like I'm crazy because you're only 23 and can go out till all hours on a Weds night! Geez Louise. And finally, why do people think you're nuts for skipping a night out to just chill at home with your sig.o.??? For christ's sake, how many people at the club do you think would give their right arm to be doing what we were doing to each other Sat night and Sunday, when they were out partying and then subsequently recovering???

I tell ya... sometimes it's really hard to deal with the fresh-faced scenesters... :rolleyes::laugh2:

I hear that...

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Originally posted by tastyt

That's right buddy... after all, you're one of the top offenders. :nono:


;) damn. sob story had no effect.

well how's about :finger: :finger: Im'a daaaaaaaance

and Y"ALL ssuckaz can go sit in the corner sulking while i go and have all the fun.:D



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Originally posted by tastyt

Don't you just love it when you get calls, pms, ims, whatever, from various friends about various parties... "Oh, I was just calling to see if you were going to such-and-such a lounge tonite?" Am I going where? And why? And I'm supposed to know about this because...?

I think it's cool when ppl tell me about parties that I haven't heard about. Take it as a compliment that they enjoy your company. ;) Wait till they stop calling any you'll be like, "what's going on?"

Hang out with older peeps and maybe you'll find some common ground.

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Originally posted by cintron

;) damn. sob story had no effect.

well how's about :finger: :finger: Im'a daaaaaaaance

and Y"ALL ssuckaz can go sit in the corner sulking while i go and have all the fun.:D



Keep on shakin' what yo mama gave ya. :bootysha:

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Originally posted by DANCEdeep

I think it's cool when ppl tell me about parties that I haven't heard about. Take it as a compliment that they enjoy your company. ;) Wait till they stop calling any you'll be like, "what's going on?"

Hang out with older peeps and maybe you'll find some common ground.

Na, the thing that makes it annoying is that it's not really an invitation, it's more of an assumption... and then utter shock and disbelief when you say you don't have the first clue what they're talking about! :laugh: "What do you mean, you don't know about blah blah blah!?!? What do you mean, you're staying in on a Saturday night?!?!" LOLOLOL... as if there isn't going to be another weekend in only seven more days... :laugh2: Haha. The only one that's really bad about it is my roomie. The guy's only lived in NY and been in the scene for less than 3 years, does he really expect everyone else to be as hyper about it as him? Oy vey... :hat:

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TastyT..you speak mad knowledge! LOL :)

I'm 24 and I have party animal friends that are crazy (both younger and older than I am). I feel that those people are going through what I went through at 17. But at least by 21, I grew up, gained more responsibilities and began living my life. I really don't care for spending 50$ on Sat night to go see a big name dj that is "AMAZING" or "One of the best dj's around!". Shit,,have you mutherfuckers ever heard of Lincoln Center?? Get a clue! Persepective IS the golden word here. :idea:

PS: All my party animal friends live at home with mom and dad. Go figure. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by iliana

PS: All my party animal friends live at home with mom and dad. Go figure. :rolleyes:

LOLOLOL... The best is when people like that make fun of you b/c you don't want to spend all your money on partying... ummmm yeah, some of us prefer to be functioning adult members of society and not mooch off of our parents... :rolleyes::laugh:

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Originally posted by tastyt

And finally, why do people think you're nuts for skipping a night out to just chill at home with your sig.o.??? For christ's sake, how many people at the club do you think would give their right arm to be doing what we were doing to each other Sat night and Sunday, when they were out partying and then subsequently recovering???

i HATE that. my bf and i talk about this all the time.. its not that we're antisocial now that we're in a relationship ... we havent "dropped" people or the scene etc.... its just that... when u spend quality time with someone just layin in bed watchin movies... cuddling.. laughing... lougning.. doin whatever ;) its a lot more fun than clubbing used to be for me... now im only 21 and i feel ive already grown out of it... some things just become much more important to certain people... id rather chill at home on a friday night with blockbuster and a bowl of popcorn with my "sig.o" (i like that :)) than be out till 8am sat morning.. spend the entire day sat sleeping so that i cant function @ work sat night... nahhh chill :D

whatever though.. people that get all mad and say "oh now that u have a bf u dont go out anymore"... i do go out.. i go out when its worth passing up the time to just lounge and be comfortable @ home spending qt... and just because that happens rarely nowadays... dont be a hater :idea:

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Well, I suppose I can understand it a little, I used to be the same way. But I was also a lot younger then. Of course, that doesn't help your case any, lol. But it really shouldn't be that difficult for people to understand that a couple is fairly self-sufficient... it can easily entertain itself... lol.

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those fresh-faced, over-enthusiastic clubbers are the ones keepin the whole thing going. those 'extra special' events or the ones you deem worthy enough to take the time out to go to wouldnt even be happening if everyone shared the same attitude and hardly went out.

be happy for them that they're still excited.. werent you happy back then when you felt that way? would you have wanted somebody to tell you not to be so excited?

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Originally posted by tastyt

You're missing my point... I have no issue with people being over-enthusiastic. I just find it a bit annoying when certain friends can't understand that you no longer have a need to go out all the time.

haha, if i had heard this a year ago i woulda thought i'd be the last person to agree... but i totally hear ya, now...

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Originally posted by tastyt

Don't you just love it when you get calls, pms, ims, whatever, from various friends about various parties... "Oh, I was just calling to see if you were going to such-and-such a lounge tonite?" Am I going where? And why? And I'm supposed to know about this because...?

Or you come home and your roomate is bouncing off the walls, and looks at you like you have two heads when you tell him that, no, you didn't know about the party he's going to, no, you've never heard of the djs, and no, you have no desire to go out. And then has an anneurism when you tell him that you're not going to see Howells the next weekend (even though you've told him repeatedly that you don't think Howells is anything special.)

Honestly, some people need to get a grip and gain some perspective... I've been in the scene for nearly nine years and have probably been to more parties than they ever will before hanging up their dancing shoes. And hello, I'm almost 28, don't look at me like I'm crazy because you're only 23 and can go out till all hours on a Weds night! Geez Louise. And finally, why do people think you're nuts for skipping a night out to just chill at home with your sig.o.??? For christ's sake, how many people at the club do you think would give their right arm to be doing what we were doing to each other Sat night and Sunday, when they were out partying and then subsequently recovering???

I tell ya... sometimes it's really hard to deal with the fresh-faced scenesters... :rolleyes::laugh2:

some people get excited about traveling, some people get excited about a new restaurant w/his or her favorite chef opening, some people get excited about a party with his or her favorite DJ

who are any of us to judge what people should and should not get excited. i say be happy that this person is finding joy in something and is able to be happy about something....there is so much sorrow in the world

b happy about some1 being happy :hat:

Etienne! :D

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Originally posted by tastyt

You're missing my point... I have no issue with people being over-enthusiastic.

your first post says otherwise..

I know what you mean by not needing to go out all the time, its been creeping up on me lately too. Just tell your friends to go have a good time, I dont see the big deal.

this is why people say the scene really died in like 94, because all the kids that used to go raves became "functional members of society" :laugh:

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Originally posted by fuclubkidd

some people get excited about traveling, some people get excited about a new restaurant w/his or her favorite chef opening, some people get excited about a party with his or her favorite DJ

who are any of us to judge what people should and should not get excited. i say be happy that this person is finding joy in something and is able to be happy about something....there is so much sorrow in the world

b happy about some1 being happy :hat:

Etienne! :D


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Im old enough...and been in the scene for MANY years....& I still get very excited about going to parties/events/or clubs when I like who's playing....and No, I do not live with my parents....I am a "Full functional member of society" ....I have my own House, business, & boyfriend ;)

I can watch movies every night when Im 70...becuz I doubt I will be able to party the way I do now @ that age....Although Im hoping...hehehe ;)

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Im old enough...and been in the scene for MANY years....& I still get very excited about going to parties/events/or clubs when I like who's playing....and No, I do not live with my parents....I am a "Full functional member of society" ....I have my own House, business, & boyfriend ;)

I can watch movies every night when Im 70...becuz I doubt I will be able to party the way I do now @ that age....Although Im hoping...hehehe ;)

amen to that.

people are always crying in my ear about being in their late 20's.. you ought to take advantage of these things now while you still can if you find them enjoyable.. before you have kids. then you'll look at the freedom you have now and wish you were back there.

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