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I know this has been asked b4, but...


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for they guys:

how long do you wait to call a girl up after she gave you her #

For the girls:

When would u like to hear from the guy you gave your # to? 1 day? 3 days?

i ask this b/c i hear alternate opinions all the time, and i just want some input :)

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Originally posted by gmccookny

for they guys:

how long do you wait to call a girl up after she gave you her #

For the girls:

When would u like to hear from the guy you gave your # to? 1 day? 3 days?

i ask this b/c i hear alternate opinions all the time, and i just want some input :)

I've had guys call me anywhere from 1 day to a week after meeting....I know with me personally....I don;t think any different of it either way....I don;t sit around waiting for the call....So whenever they call is fine with me...But if the guy waits like 2 weeks or longer thats pointless

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It's hard to say... if your first meeting went that well, it really doesn't make a difference if you call her the next day or a few days later. No longer than three days. But whatever you do... do not call RIGHT away... I've had guys call me like 5 hours after we parted... it's a little overeager in my book... you should at least give the poor girl enough time to get some sleep in... lol.

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Originally posted by tastyt

It's hard to say... if your first meeting went that well, it really doesn't make a difference if you call her the next day or a few days later. No longer than three days. But whatever you do... do not call RIGHT away... I've had guys call me like 5 hours after we parted... it's a little overeager in my book... you should at least give the poor girl enough time to get some sleep in... lol.

lol.. yeah, i hear ya

I think i'll either do it today, or this weekend. No way was i gonna call her right after we met :laugh2:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

for they guys:

how long do you wait to call a girl up after she gave you her #

i usually never call girls. we usually exchange numbers and i ask "i want to see you again... you want to see me?"... then "good, if you want to see me again, call me at time X on day Y". that´s it. if she doesn´t call... big deal... it´s not like there aren´t 3 other girls that night that i made the same deal with ;)!

oh, and if you want to do something REALLY fun... if you have some numbers... like 8 SOLID numbers from one or two nights. call them ALL and organize a meeting with EACH of them on the SAME time, SAME location. this is REAL fun, each of em comes in and you introduce them to each other and slowly they "get" that you invited all of them here. now, like 4 of em will leave on the spot haha. i can tell that out of experience haha ;)! the others will have a good time with you, maybe go out partying with you. and there you are, with 4 hot girls on your arm, which will fight for your attention as you are the only COCK in the group (and they are ALL attracted to you because otherwise they wouldn´t even have shown up). and at the end of the night you can pick one or, depending on the group of girls you have there, two or even three girls to go home with you.

you MUST be willing to pull it through though and play it cool. and you shouldn´t care ONE BIT if EVERY ONE of the girls leave on the spot :)! one thing i can guarantee you, you will have FUN :)!

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Originally posted by tastey

i usually never call girls. we usually exchange numbers and i ask "i want to see you again... you want to see me?"... then "good, if you want to see me again, call me at time X on day Y". that´s it. if she doesn´t call... big deal... it´s not like there aren´t 3 other girls that night that i made the same deal with ;)!

oh, and if you want to do something REALLY fun... if you have some numbers... like 8 SOLID numbers from one or two nights. call them ALL and organize a meeting with EACH of them on the SAME time, SAME location. this is REAL fun, each of em comes in and you introduce them to each other and slowly they "get" that you invited all of them here. now, like 4 of em will leave on the spot haha. i can tell that out of experience haha ;)! the others will have a good time with you, maybe go out partying with you. and there you are, with 4 hot girls on your arm, which will fight for your attention as you are the only COCK in the group (and they are ALL attracted to you because otherwise they wouldn´t even have shown up). and at the end of the night you can pick one or, depending on the group of girls you have there, two or even three girls to go home with you.

you MUST be willing to pull it through though and play it cool. and you shouldn´t care ONE BIT if EVERY ONE of the girls leave on the spot :)! one thing i can guarantee you, you will have FUN :)!

I like your style dude :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by mssabina

it doesn't really matter... but 2-3 days is fine, i guess...

well, i met her thurs. night, and i tried calling her yesterday (saturday), but got an answering machine. I didn't leave a mssg cuz i don't like doing it.

Eh, ill try her again tonight, or monday or tuesday.

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Funny this was asked....I personally think alot of girls know right off the bat if they are gonna put out to a guy by the time #s change hands.... so the point of waiting was meant to build tension and to /fake the anxiety..fuck it...go ahead and call her when you feel the mood to.

As much as you are thinking of her, trust me, they can lie all they want....their heart skips a beat when the phone rings :laugh: So long as you dont call the same nite you meet....any time is yakkin time... push those dials and get your reward :aright:

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