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ATTN: Juiceheads


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I wasn't saying that people have that do juice probally have small cocks...

I'm just saying why take a risk fooling around with your body & life.

If your not happy with yourself, and you want to do steroids...

Just make your cock 3-10 inches bigger and wear very tight pants like howie bongo does at VOODOO MARTINI LOUNGE

When it comes down to it.. all that matters to the women is the cock!


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I bench 205 for 3 all natural & dont brag so whats ur point. That is probably stronger than most guy on here. I have never drunk a drug in my life either or done a drgu in my life but dont need ta brag that i never did juice in my life but dont need to caues i can be naural!

if an3ond diesagress let me know to ur face & we can disucc it over sushit!!!!!!!! but not on carb fee days that dont end my game


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Tommyarmani...i take back what I said about saying Hi @ Tempts...You seem like a solid bro....Also..I love sushi like no other! That is what Sundays are for!

Anyway, Voodoo...please... juice does not shrink your dick...that is a huge misconception....Growth Hormone actually increases penis size...When your body stops producing test...than your balls shrink...but they come back to full size during post cycle therapy...ya hear?

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I never stated in any of my posts that steroids make your pee pee smaller...

In fact, while your on juice, it gets a little bigger, but causes problems later on in life.

I'm just saying you should make your pee pee bigger with no risk to your health or life instead of doing juice.

Then there's the pimple issue...........

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Dear Moo

TO be quite honest if you are oozing confidence like you say, you must be on some type of drug. IF someone like you was to ever stand in front of a mirror & walk away feeling confident, then something aint right. BECAUSE you are one hideous looking human. Your eyes & nose area looks as though you have one of those fake disguises on (the little glasses & nose from way back).

IF i was you, i would do all the juice i could get my hands on. Better to try and have an awesome body to make up for a somewhat disgusting face...

PS if you combine the number of girls you & your redheaded boyfreind have slept with, vs the number of grams of carbs in one roll of sushi, which is higher????

:tongue: :tongue:

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Hey guys:) !!! I had to get in on this. All that women really want is a guy who is going to satify them mind and body. I know, real fuckin surprise.When guys finally realize that then the world will be a much better place. Every girl's got a different sexual object of desire. Some may plug in a juicehead in her fantasy, others a slinky. Depends on her style. There is a guy for every girl, believe me. In the meantime when you find that girl, know that 99% of the time its not because you do sauce or are a slinky that is turning her on... its the vibe she is getting off you. Arrogance turns most girls off major no matter what fuckin size you are. Confidence in the skin you are in, juice or no juice is sexy. Improve on what's on the inside and you guys will be so much better off. Intelligence and intrigue is what intimacy is all about... that is what is going to keep a woman coming back for more. By the way speaking of which:)ATTN: ALL GUYS!!! Go on this site to get an RX for sexual vitality!!!http://www.healthy.net/asp/templates/article.asp?PageType=Article&id=1273 :heart:

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Originally posted by voodoolounge

I can bench 150, but I usually work out with 135.

I think I'm pretty tough can can kick everyone's ass on Club Planet

If you think you can kick my 150-pound lifting butt, come to voodoo tonight and prove it!

Anything to get heads in the place, hahaha.

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Originally posted by ou812


noooooo....any time you see a guy who is built and jacked, you think roids or something, i just like a guy who is built, solid whatever people from a far would consider a JUICEHEAD with out knowing them personally, they dont have to be on roids, but sometimes people assume

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Originally posted by themoo

Lets discuss the steroid phenomenon. I have done some research. The immense strength that juiceheads have is good for what? Are you going to be lifting cars off of people? Do not get me wrong, I am 100 percent for staying in shape and looking as ripped as possible. But why turn yourself into a bloated monster? Here is the answer. I asked alot of girls if they like guys that are really big. They said no. They like guys in good shape. Some of the ladies said they like men with a nice stomach. This is all understandable. Most women do not like huge, steroid bloated guys. Therefore what are juiceheads trying to attract? The answer is obvious......Other men. Now I am not insinuating that they are gay, instead they are trying to lower the confidence levels of other men. They are trying to make up for their short comings. They want other men to say "damn that dude is BIG." Confidence is achieved through intelligence, self respect, and presentation. You should feel that you are better than everyone else but you should not feel that steroids are what make you better. The common example of this is the guy who was picked on in high school. The skinny guy that had no confidence comes out of high school and has nowhere to turn. He doesn't have the confidence to approach girls or hang out with the guys. Where does he turn? To steroids. He is now the BIG guy thinking that the men around him are now less confident therefore giving him the advantage to get the ladies. The other example is the guy who was cool in high school....this guy still lives in a high school fantasy, therefore takes steroids to maintain the cool big guy image. The truth is that all of the naturally confident guys are saying "what an idiot, he still thinks we're in high school." Grow up!! Steroids are a sign of immituratiy and lack of confidence. Be what you are naturally, take your natural body to its extreme and you will truly realize REAL confidence. So to all of you Juiceheads, remember that is the difference between true confidenc and you. Go back to high school.

if you dont like juice heads maybe you should join the anti guido site?

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