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No Limit is a NO SALE


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I don't mean to rag on ya bro, but your writing about a scene that you have absolute no clue about, you live in NY, totally different than Miami and coming down once a year dosen't justify what your saying. The scene down here isn't cheesy. You just have to be selective, very selective. Aren't you the same person I had to correct regarding the differences between David and George Alvarado? c'mon guy, your writing blindly, live down here for more than a year, club, then we'll talk, you'll be amazed, guaranteed




"It's what you do, when you do, and how well you do it."


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let's talk then. i lived in miami for 26 years. i've thrown a few parties down there and that's where my clubbing years all started.i think i have some kind of an opinion on miami, don't u agree??

anyone who knows me personally here will say so too.

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No Limit's Opinion is one of the few that i ever respect - whether or not i agree with him, he's a knowledgable, educated force within the clubbing community - no matter where he resides.

If i were you i'd concentrate on removing foot from mouth very gently...

LMFAO - So no limit - you're a fat loser who doesn't get the chicks eh hon - dddammmmmn my eyes must really be getting weak -

see you soon - all 300 lbs of you i guess...

all those twilo nights must've really fattened you up!


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

[This message has been edited by noira (edited 02-27-2001).]

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digital7 > I hear you bro… "You just have to be selective, very selective. " People will find the venue and the music that satisfies their needs, and it is as simple as that. The Miami Club Scene offers a little something for everyone….




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Diego> I got your back, bro! cwm26.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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soberton, I hear you. there is something for everyone, you can't just generalize a scene like that. I for one disagree that the scene in Miami is cheezy. Yes I do agree that it has it's cheezyness No Limit but that dosen't mean that the scene is cheezy, regardless.

Second of all I'm not disrespecting anyone's opinion nor am I challenging anyone's knowledge of "being a force within the clubbing community" eh?, whatever?, where the hell did that come from? at any rate, I do think those comments were off balance from someone who's lived here. everyone is entitled to their opinion but this has nothing to do with that, this is fact.




"It's what you do, when you do, and how well you do it."


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you always starting trouble, first on the new york board and now the miami one. damn bro you just always got be startin' something.

in all seriousness, whenever i've chilled with diego in nyc, he is the first to tell you'i told you, i told you this would be amazing'..like he was some prophet or something. but he always seems to be on point which says something about him.

he's right, nyc is full of chedder, but that helps you distinguish cheese from whats hot.

diego 'troublemaker'


party with a heart on

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what foot? Hmmmm. I have no reason to remove my foot from my mouth. I just disagree with what you have to say, I think your full of shit.




"It's what you do, when you do, and how well you do it."


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Hey, I think we should have a Clubplanet brawl during the Conference; what does everyone say? Let's just duke it out and then we'll all be at peace... and the househeads will reign (of course). cwm27.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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sounds good arakis. why don't we have it at my event on sunday march 25th at the old mezzanote space.

i extend my invitation out to those that think im full of shit and those that have a foot in their mouth as well as my foot in their ass.

fuck it!

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Actually - i think that it would be a very good idea for anyone who questions No Limit's knowledge, and his background, to come check out HIS party - where else can you see someone's passions so clearly displayed? If you have any doubts about who or what No Limit is or what he stands for, and have the opportunity to see for yourself, live, in person, why wouldn't you want to do that...

Of course, those who'd benefit most from this on here are not the kind of people who actually try to educate themselves on the truth; rather finding comfort in half-truths and illusions that mask reality and give rise to overblown egos and lend itself to some of the stupid, inane and irresponsible comments i've seen here.


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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noira>totally respect what you are saying... look, i c a lot of people writing stuff bout things that have absolutely nothing to do w' music on this board but whatever. if you dont like what someone has to say, dont read it! really, it’s not necessary to talk smack bout each other. personally, i welcome other peoples input cause that is the only way to educate oneself. just cause one person might not like a particular dj or style of music doesn’t make it good or bad, right or wrong. everyone’s entitled to his or her opinion.

[This message has been edited by staceyg5 (edited 03-01-2001).]

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Wait a minute here... smack... smack?!?

I like smack!!!



P.S. Not that I'm one to judge, but this entire thread has already tossed itself off the cliff ages ago. Just because one lemming jumps doesn't mean all of OUR asses need to follow.


ICQ: 72151193 // AIM: Reennneeee // ReneM@the-beach.net

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  • 2 weeks later...

stacy i have to say that you rule sweetie everyone sould just be into their thing and not get so tied up in everyone elses business as you know i've had my fair share of shit from arakis,real music and a few other nobodys...funny how i dont care what music their into but they feel the need to talk shit about the music i spin

Too much time on their hands i guess, I mean i dont give them shit when their counting out my Mcnuggets do I


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garfield> i got your back bro <laughing> listen, keep do'n what your do'n. just remember that 3 or 4 people dont make up the many who like your music/style. plus, your a cool person (no attitude) and in my book that counts for something...

no limit> play is now called stero.

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I've been out of the loop as far clubbing. If anyone here remembers what it was like to go to The Edge in Ft Lauderdale about 4-5 years ago, you remember what a cool vibe that was. It was like a family. It was breakbeat oriented but we all grew up on breakbeats. 11AM Sunday morning, Egyptian Lover, Give the DJ a break......where can we find a club with a similar vibe?

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