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Diggers on 96.5 FM on Sat?


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I was told by a friend that the station has been playing their promo of Diggers DJing live from their studio on Saturday-Sunday nite (in the AM hours)? WTF!!

He's scheduled to be at Crobar that nite, I wanna know what's up w/ that and whether I should just not go to Crobar on Saturday as Sasha doesn't always show up for his gigs and if he does, he might not DJ as long as he should.

So anyone- help!


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Hey, That's weird....

Maybe they will broadcast from the club.. if they do broadcast at all... I doubt Diggers can go to their studio after Ultra and before Crobar, or somn like that... Also, is it just Diggers they're advertising or is it Sasha too?!

Power 96 is cheese... I really doubt this happens... IMO tho, Digweed on the radio is a true improvement for the late night programming!! hehehe

Either way, I will probably be seeing them live at the AM hours of sunday instead of listening to the radio, so let's see what happens....


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!



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Danny: I have called ya, no answer... will try again

Mp3: I seriously doubt they'll broadcast from Crobar, that's just not gonna happen.

My friend said she heard the promo for only Diggers, and what a disappointment if he were to do it for that cheesy station, cos I hate it!!

I've also heard a rumor about Sasha and Digweed Djing on a boat... don't know what day (could be sat.)

Ahhh so many rumors!!!

BTW< GU 19 kicks ASS!!!! Go out and buy it if you don't already own a copy smile.gif

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Danny: I have called ya, no answer... will try again

Mp3: I seriously doubt they'll broadcast from Crobar, that's just not gonna happen.

My friend said she heard the promo for only Diggers, and what a disappointment if he were to do it for that cheesy station, cos I hate it!!

I've also heard a rumor about Sasha and Digweed Djing on a boat... don't know what day (could be sat.)

Ahhh so many rumors!!!

BTW< GU 19 kicks ASS!!!! Go out and buy it if you don't already own a copy smile.gif

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Originally posted by loraine:

Danny: I have called ya, no answer... will try again

Mp3: I seriously doubt they'll broadcast from Crobar, that's just not gonna happen.

My friend said she heard the promo for only Diggers, and what a disappointment if he were to do it for that cheesy station, cos I hate it!!

I've also heard a rumor about Sasha and Digweed Djing on a boat... don't know what day (could be sat.)

Ahhh so many rumors!!!

BTW< GU 19 kicks ASS!!!! Go out and buy it if you don't already own a copy smile.gif

GU 19 CD 2 rocks.... dark-nice! loraine, chic hope your enjoying your week off and your able to make it ny in april-i promise you wont be disappointed...

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Originally posted by loraine:

Mp3: I seriously doubt they'll broadcast from Crobar, that's just not gonna happen.

My friend said she heard the promo for only Diggers, and what a disappointment if he were to do it for that cheesy station, cos I hate it!!

I've also heard a rumor about Sasha and Digweed Djing on a boat... don't know what day (could be sat.)

Ahhh so many rumors!!!

BTW< GU 19 kicks ASS!!!! Go out and buy it if you don't already own a copy smile.gif

Power 96 certainly seems to be hyping the Ultra Fest quite a bit.....to me, that's a sign to stay far, far away.....not sure I relish spending a whole day/night in bayfront park with Power 96's regular listeners....hehe Speaking of Power 96, is it just me, or do the DJs on that station sound more and more moronic every time you listen? I HATE that fake, false affected "street" accent they cop. Trying desperately to prove they have "urban cred," and what's worse is that the average Jose in Hialeah buys it. But anyway, Digweed - LA....works for me. For me, it doesn't quite beat Seaman - Buenos Aires, Sasha - Ibiza or Diggers - Hong Kong, but it's definitely good. I was actually a bit worried that Diggers was going to go off the deep end completely with this one and bang out a non-melodic tech-house set over 2 CDs. Of course, I'm sure many of you would salivate over such a prospect! cwm11.gif

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it is CONFIRMED that diggers will be spinning live in the studio on sunday morning between 3-4 a.m on the late nite laboratory with george alvarado...i spoke to george and he assured me it will happen...

now on another topic, while power 96 for the most part is cheese, the one time that is worth listening to the station is sunday mornings between 2 and 4 a.m.....

while everybody is critizing the station, at least they support the scene and theyre showcasing all forms of trance and house and even breaks etc during the late nignt laboratory which is more than any other station here in miami...and there now bringing out one of the worlds best dj's in j. digweed...




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"now on another topic, while power 96 for the most part is cheese, the one time that is worth listening to the station is sunday mornings between 2 and 4 a.m.....

while everybody is critizing the station, at least they support the scene and theyre showcasing all forms of trance and house and even breaks etc during the late nignt laboratory which is more than any other station here in miami...and there now bringing out one of the worlds best dj's in j. digweed..."

Fine, although during that show one can say that it's worth listening to, you can't say that it's the only station to feature the trance/house/breaks/etc genre because there's always been and always will be College radio--WVUM 90.5 (UM) WRGP 88.1 (FIU), (which I've been a part of).

I just laugh whenever I've heard 96.5 claim to have exclusive "white label" tracks when I've heard them 6 months-a year before, what a joke on that station's behalf!

So I understand how you're defending the station since you're friends w/ the host but you gotta get your facts straight. And yes by having Digweed on Saturday it's a step foward for the station, it still needs to improve itself and teach those Djs some proper speech skills!!

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"now on another topic, while power 96 for the most part is cheese, the one time that is worth listening to the station is sunday mornings between 2 and 4 a.m.....

while everybody is critizing the station, at least they support the scene and theyre showcasing all forms of trance and house and even breaks etc during the late nignt laboratory which is more than any other station here in miami...and there now bringing out one of the worlds best dj's in j. digweed..."

Fine, although during that show one can say that it's worth listening to, you can't say that it's the only station to feature the trance/house/breaks/etc genre because there's always been and always will be College radio--WVUM 90.5 (UM) WRGP 88.1 (FIU), (which I've been a part of).

I just laugh whenever I've heard 96.5 claim to have exclusive "white label" tracks when I've heard them 6 months-a year before, what a joke on that station's behalf!

So I understand how you're defending the station since you're friends w/ the host but you gotta get your facts straight. And yes by having Digweed on Saturday it's a step foward for the station, it still needs to improve itself and teach those so called Djs/hosts some proper speech skills!!

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lorraine, like i mentioned earlier, i am not a fan of the station, nor do i listen to it during the day, so whatever the day and nite time dj's claim, weather its true or not, i dont care,,,all i listen to is the late nite labratory from 2-4 am on sunday mornings and i could tell you straight up that the show is totally all about the music...

and yes, you are correct in saying that the college radio stations do play their share of electronic music...

anyhow, for those who have not listened to the late nite lab., give it a listen one saturday nite, and come up with your own opinions of what u guys and girls think..




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I never listen to Power 96 anyways, sorry, I don't, not even for George Alvarado. The fact that John Digweed is spinning on Power is a fluke, they'll have to do a little more than that to change the station's image, like cleaning out the house ....




"It's what you do, when you do, and how well you do it."


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I also heard from a reliable source that Diggers will also be playing on 97.3 coast FM. Make sure to tune in for that one it's going to be awesome! I really don't listen to coast but if you listen to it from about 8:00am to 5:00pm you'll notice that your coasting through your whole workday.

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Originally posted by x-t-c:

it is CONFIRMED that diggers will be spinning live in the studio on sunday morning between 3-4 a.m on the late nite laboratory with george alvarado...i spoke to george and he assured me it will happen...

OK then....... what time will he be showing up to Crobar then????? I was planning on going. I will be pretty upset if he doesn't show or only show's for an hour or two.


[This message has been edited by bbflux (edited 03-23-2001).]

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I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to listening to something on Power 96. John Digweed mixing live in the Power 96 studios.....will wonders never cease? About criticizing Power 96, I'm not slagging them off THAT heavily.....hey, as bad as they are, if you forced me to listen to commercial radio in this town, I'd turn the dial to Power 96 every time. What else is there to listen to on the commercial dial? At least Power 96 plays some form of dance music....and hey, on their noon lunch mix, I stand a fair chance of hearing Depeche Mode - "Strangelove" or New Order - "Regret," and that's worth *something*, isn't it? I kinda like The Buzz up in West Palm in the rare occasion that I'm driving close enough up there to pick it up. There are just two things I completely despise about Power 96.....all the rap they insist on playing, and the most idiotic poser DJs in the country. If they are gonna play rap, why can't they at least play some decent hip hop? I know it's out there. But know, they have to cater to the lowest common denominator, little average wanna-be gang bangers in Hialeah.....and spoiled little Belen brats and the drama queens who love them. That is what I hate about Power 96.

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WTF is wrong with you guys eeeeeeehhh?!?!?! Power 96 i know wacks ... but it at least helps the dance sound to be heard, why the heck yall comnplaining, and for those who have never heard the Late nite laboratory,is like missing an Edgar V, or George Acosta Hard trance set.. you ger to hear those same tunes, and about Digweed on the show, well, when I came back from ULTRA, the 1st thing I did was to listen to the show, they had digweed talking, I dunno if he was either on the studio, or an interview .. but he sound like he was in there, Im not sure if he did mix or not.. but they had DIGWEED, and people, please stop complaining about power 96 damm it...... just enjoy the good music, and dont be selfish to yourself for not listening to the late nite lab.. it kicks ass.

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