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Saying Goodbye...................................

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for all of you that already dont know............ a friend of ours.................. passed away yesterday.......................

we are all going through a very though time right now, especially myself because we were BEST FRIENDS growing up, the reason i am writing on CP right now about it is because i feel better writing my feelings rather then repeating it over and over again, also it is easier expressing myself in black and white..............

my friend was the 1 person who exposed me to the whole "CLUB" scene, and exposed me to the music and its "LIFESTYLE", but before we were ever going out to clubs we were inseperatable, we spoke, and acted the same and did everything together.........people who knew me a few years back would know how close we were.............................also how close he was to danielle, jessica, chris, and rafi............i could go on and on about memories we all shared with him...........................

our circle of friends during HS were all very close, but grew appart througout the years, but we would always see each other out and tried to always keep in touch......................................

the club scene and its "life style" that is sometimes attached to it is what ruined our friendship a few years back, along with other different minor issues..............we both liked to party and it was almost controling our lives.......................

the two of us were very stubborn and it took alot for us to hug and make up, the two of us started not seeing eye to eye when it came to the "CLUB LIFESTYLE" one night after TEMPS we just stopped talking.........................all my friends started to seperate themselves from him but were still in contact with him,........ but not myself, to me he was already GONE,............ friends would tell me that he would always ask about me and wanted to know how i was doing, BUT still i would not budge........................after years of not talking, he would still run through my head every day, but i still would not pick up the phone..............i still ran the memories of HS and partying w/ him and friends in my head every so often.....................

and just the other day, WEDNESDAY MAY 7TH, he passed away................

when i heard the news it was the hardest drive home in my entire life, memories, and everything I could possible imagine was running through my head, i was breaking down emotionally and felt helpless.............

my emotions right now are indescribable, i have dealt with death before w/ my father................but right now it is very difficlut for me to cope................and it is tough for me to explain what is running through my head right now, i undrstand that there is nothing that i could have done to help but it hurts so much that i allowed this huge window to pass w/ out saying....................................GOOD BYE................................

i do not want anyone to feel bad for us and i did not want anyone to get upset with what i am writing....................................i am also not looking for sympathy, or for a shoulder to cry on, i am just trying inform people to not take your life for granted and to cherish your friends...............................

take care everyone, RODDIGGA IS SIGNING OFF FOR NOW BUT NOT LEAVING FOR GOOD..........................................

GOD BLESS HIS FAMILY.............................

***************#44 4-EVA***************************

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i have known rod for a long time and he is like a brother to me......and i have not only become friends with the individual whom passed away but also everyone else in their group of friends.......and i can honestly say they are some of the closest and most loyal friends to each other.........my prayers go out to his family and to everyone touched or hurt by the tragedy.........and to allow this experience to prevent others from happening in the future!!!!!

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sorry rod to hear about your friend...you can call me if you wanna talk:(

I lost a friend a while back and it was really insane..I just could not believe it..I still think about what he would be doing today.

dont hesitate to call me if you wanna talk..really i mean that!

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i am so sorry to hear about that rod.. it is so hard to loose a friend.. especially when they are around the same age as you.. i lost someone very dear to me on new years.. my prayers go out to you guys and to him and his family.. and of course as everyone else has said i am here if ya need anything


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Sorry for your loss Rod...I can understand from your post how much this person meant to you and what an impact your friend had on your life...makes us remember that each day is an unopened gift...when we go thru it too fast we throw it away. Take time to cherish the life,love,and friendships we are blessed with in this world. Life is not a race..take things slower...hear the song...before the music is over...

"Death ends a life, not a relationship"-Tuesdays with Morrie

My prayers are with you...:heart: aquagirl

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Sorry about your friend Rod, I've shared similar feelings and it is in times like this that we need to write. Here is something I wrote on NJGUIDO that I think may help. "One Minute"


“One minute awake is a minute of youth, one minute of sleep is a minute of old age.†(Anthony Moussa) We don’t realize how important one minute is. This past Sunday we celebrated my grandmother’s 80th birthday. At the party were all of my personal friends, friends that were also considered grandsons of my grandmother. We sat there away from the older folks drinking, eating, and watching football as we do every Sunday. We laughed at the comedian of the crew as he did impersonations of different movie scenes. We busted each other’s chops for hours and hours. We talked about girls and clubs and friends of the past and our jobs and our plans for the weekend. Yet on occasion I got up from the crew to look back at my grandma to see her with her friends.

They did not differ much; talked of the past and of friends, and did impersonations of movies and people. They retraced amazing events and memories. They laughed at the comedian of the crew for hours. They drank their favorite drinks, some beer and some egg nog. They relived their youth through their memories, right there at the dining room table. They did not harp on the struggles of old age or the problems of the past. The little time that I spent looking back at my grandmother helped me to realize how important a minute is.

One minute awake and you may realize something great, one minute asleep and you may miss a memory. Although it is impossible to stay awake for ever, live each day until your only option is sleep. I say this because when you are older it is the memories that you share with your friends that will make you feel young again. One minute of sleep is a minute of youth, as you dream of the great memories you witnessed when you were young and choose to keep your eyes open for the chance at a memorable minute.

There are no excuses! Party like a rockstar!!

Anthony “The Moo†Moussa


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