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Jersey Shore Rent - A - Cops...

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I had a friend who was straight out of the academy in Ocean County. The first job for him was the summer in Seaside, those rookies are on such a power trip it is not even funny. I am glad I only visit Seaside if I am lucky once a year

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Originally posted by Mystify22

They are the worst.....complete and utter tools on power trips...even worse, are the ones on the bicycles....How can you possibly take them seriously on a bike for pete's sake!?!?!? :laugh:

Ever try sticking a tree branch into there spokes while they're riding by...................no???..................well, actually neither have I, but it's the thought that counts right?

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Originally posted by ou812

I had one come up to me once and ask if he could have a slice of the pizza pie I was carrying home. I felt so bad for his sorry ass, I was like, yeah sure buddy, have some.

ahaa i wouldnt have given him ne thing. becasue he would have been the same cop giving you shit if u had a solo cup wiht apple juice in it.

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There is actually a rent-a-cop thread allready...hilarious..

They are fun to fuck with..

Whacked thing though is they are no longer fancy security guards, but rather go through training and certification whereas they are genuine policemen and women...just excluding the gun.

Still fun to fuck with.

For the record, any of you tards pull over when waved down by one of them, kick yourself in your own head.

Granted if they see your plates its one thing...if not, floor it then dammit...:blank:

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