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Ex gf dilemma


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My bf of 4 years... suddenly decides to start hanging out with his ex, they havent spoken to each other for 4 years and he kept telling me that he hates her... so now they are suddenly best buds, going to movies together, shopping, to his house to play xbox! And its every weekend, I can't do anything to stop it because i'm in GA finishing up school. I have been down here for almost two years and when only a month left until i come back he decides to start seeing her again. She also told him that she would kick my ass if she ever met me!!!! wtf!!!

So I'm pretty upset and I feel powerless...since i'm far away there isn't much i can do.

I just wanted people's advice on how to handle this situation, and I was wondering if anyone had any creative ideas for a payback.


:( :( :( :(

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mmm is a hard situacion .... i think he is not respecting you at all

i mean , this is something you should not tolerate not even if you been with him 4 years ....

if i were in ur case i would break up with him in this second so he woul react and think he is really acting badly

or why dont you just dont answere his call for a wile , dont call him .... make him wonder what are u doing ...... so later after a few weeks answere his call and if he ask u what happend , just say you are very bussy and you were hanging out with friends .... if he dosent ask you anything break up with him .........

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I have tried to break up with him, but than he told me that I was over reacting and too sensitive... and the whole thing about how he loves me and that only a few weeks left till i come back... that we're going to have a wonderful time and stuff... grrr

And i know that if i was there i would be able to control the situation but I'm not... and he knows it upsets me... but he keeps saying they just friends, well, they haven't been friends for 4 years why all of the sudden...Also I don't think being in your room, on your bed with your ex playing exbox constitutes as friends. I don't know, and also that he's doing this to me during my last days of school, when i have proposals and decertations due!

Also I still love him very much so its very hard to ignore him.

Maybe i'll try it... thank you very much for your response!!!!!

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it comes down to how much you are willingy to trust your bf, obviously. i'm sorry that you've been put in the situation, cause it does sound a bit weird, but it could be possible that it's totally innocent.

i would say that the fact that you're anxious about your guy maybe getting together with his ex isn't a good sign about the quality of your relationship, because you do feel insecure about what's going on between the two of them. have there been other times that you've been suspicious or jealous?

as for the "payback": what're you talking about? nothing's happened, that you know of, so who or what would you be reacting against? i don't think you can ask him to stop seeing her altogether, since he says there's nothing going on.

it's hard, but you need to focus on throwing yourself into the last couple of weeks/days of school instead of spending energy worrying about this situation. when you get home, you can see what's up and deal with it then.

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I guess I shoud trust him, I just know that he's cheated on his ex before. I guess payback isn't a good term to use.

And I haven't asked him to not hang out with her. Because I understand that I can't just tell him what to do just because it makes me feel better.

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maybe he's one of those guys who think more with what is down there than what it is upstairs... if you know what i mean...

if he's cheaten before, i would think that he "might" cheat again. this might depends on how loyal and in love with you he really is...if a serious relationship is going to work out, then you have to be faithful, i would think...

......he might go to a party, get faded, and start talking to a cute girl...we are, essentially, animals in many ways...etc etc......

guess it really depends on how much you respect yourself and what you are willing to put up with. love can blind us sometimes, but we should also always use logic for any situation also...

but that, again, is something you might have to choose from...listening to your mind or your heart...

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Originally posted by thrillfire

he broke up with her... they never officially broke up he just stopped returning her calls.

well thats nice and childish..how old was he???

anyway, i have no problem with hanging out with my ex's and vice versa, as long as i know theres nothing going on, but this sounds a little suspicious to me. i mean, if i had a bf and my ex said that he was going to kick my bf's ass if he met him, i would stop hanging out with the ex quick as hell. thats extremely disrespectful on so many levels. as for payback, don't do it. Don't lower yourself to their level EVEN IF anything actually happened. but look at it this way, you don't know if anything actually happened, you do something, it'll make you look so much worse

You can't really do anything from where you are now, so wait until you get back, see how you feel and take it from there

Good Luck!:)

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hes definitely bangin this chick...only problem is that hes a retard for even telling u that hes rollin with her....lets be honest here and im really only speaking for myself but i think i speak for most guy...when i break up with a chick theres no such things as being friends...either ur my girl or ur not...i dont wanna see a girl that i put my all into going out and talking to other guys....u cut off ex's so u dont have to deal with that shit...only reason u start talking again is to bang...but never to get back...fuck that shit....diss me once and its done...plus u have to take into account that were guys...well bang a sheet of lineolium if we could..sorry to be harsh but im being honest

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Originally posted by Destiny

i mean, if i had a bf and my ex said that he was going to kick my bf's ass if he met him, i would stop hanging out with the ex quick as hell. thats extremely disrespectful on so many levels.

Absolutely... the situation is peculiar enough, but this little tidbit should really make alarm bells start ringing. And the fact that he's cheated before. Like others have said, do your best not to focus on it until you're finished with school... that's by far the most important thing for you to worry about right now. But... I don't think you're going to go home to find any good news... :(

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