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Palestina and Isreal soullouth to peace.

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Since the Palestinians want a homeland and it

> doesn't seem like a good idea to

> chop Israel up even smaller than it already

> is, here is a

> satisfactory solution. Let's give France to the Palestinians!

> The French have already stated that nothing is worth

fighting for.

> Besides, France has better irrigation and soil than

> the West Bank and Gaza strip. It's perfect. The

French won't even

> fight back.

And how about a new name for this Franco-Palestine?

>How about Frankenstine?


> Send this to all of your friends. Let

> there be peace on Earth and let it begin with the

> French.


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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Umm... it has little to do with not being able to live in Israel... the problem is that the Israelis are occupying Jursalem which is one of the 3 holy cities in the islamic culture.

Jerusalem first of all is the capital of israel, I dont think you can give that away.. And the Gaza strip is the highest point in israel that you can view ALL OF ISRAEL, EVERYTHING,So when those fucking arabs get it, They can bomb anything of israel whenever they want and accurately

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and Jerusalem is also holy to Jews and Christians... but once again, the arabs dont give a fuck about anybody else but themselves, so they'll bomb and jihad until they either get what they want or they all get killed.

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Hey like the good ol' saying says

"All Arabs are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Arabs"

Belt Bombing Smelly F**kn primitive C**ksuckers get kicked out of every Arab country becuse they are look at as the pigs of their culture! Can some smelly US Educated belt bomber come on here and explain why the entire arab world expells them since early time , but Isreal has to allow them inot their G*d given country......Go to F**kn Afganastan or Iraq, live among your own and leave the F**kn worl alone already!......Nuff said mr Taxi Cab Driver!

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Umm.. all the land was the Palestinians' first. Let's start from there.

yeah, lets start from there.

first of all, it was never the palestinians land. get out a history book, go to the glossary, and look up "British Mandate".

second: in 1948, the U.N. (a once respectable group) declared Israel to be its own, Jewish state, but there was still Palestinian territory. So, the arabs said "Hey, fresh meat! Why be satisfied with the land we have now? Why don't we just kill more Jews! That's all we're good for, right?"

So those dumbass arabs attacked Israel, and the Israelis sent those camel-fucking towel-heads packin and took their goddamn land. Israel won that land as a result of an attack, and, ready for this? THEY GAVE SOME OF IT BACK!

After Israel won the land, legally, in a war, they actually gave some of it back for the scum to live on. Then if you look at the wars following that one, Israel gave even more land back after they whooped some more arab ass.

Not many other countries will defeat attacking nations, win land, and then give it all back.

The Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities for peace. Sharon and Arafat were at Camp David a few years back, and Sharon actually offered to give that fat ass ragtop a Palestinian state, and Arafat declined. Know why? He'd rather see his people suffer and starve than Israel live in peace.

In conclusion bassbitch, u dont know what the fuck you're talking about. Have a nice day.

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Originally posted by aarond

yeah, lets start from there.

first of all, it was never the palestinians land. get out a history book, go to the glossary, and look up "British Mandate".

second: in 1948, the U.N. (a once respectable group) declared Israel to be its own, Jewish state, but there was still Palestinian territory. So, the arabs said "Hey, fresh meat! Why be satisfied with the land we have now? Why don't we just kill more Jews! That's all we're good for, right?"

So those dumbass arabs attacked Israel, and the Israelis sent those camel-fucking towel-heads packin and took their goddamn land. Israel won that land as a result of an attack, and, ready for this? THEY GAVE SOME OF IT BACK!

After Israel won the land, legally, in a war, they actually gave some of it back for the scum to live on. Then if you look at the wars following that one, Israel gave even more land back after they whooped some more arab ass.

Not many other countries will defeat attacking nations, win land, and then give it all back.

The Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities for peace. Sharon and Arafat were at Camp David a few years back, and Sharon actually offered to give that fat ass ragtop a Palestinian state, and Arafat declined. Know why? He'd rather see his people suffer and starve than Israel live in peace.

In conclusion bassbitch, u dont know what the fuck you're talking about. Have a nice day.

That was an Incredible fucking post...........

Fucking unbelievable

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Originally posted by aarond

yeah, lets start from there.

first of all, it was never the palestinians land. get out a history book, go to the glossary, and look up "British Mandate".

second: in 1948, the U.N. (a once respectable group) declared Israel to be its own, Jewish state, but there was still Palestinian territory. So, the arabs said "Hey, fresh meat! Why be satisfied with the land we have now? Why don't we just kill more Jews! That's all we're good for, right?"

So those dumbass arabs attacked Israel, and the Israelis sent those camel-fucking towel-heads packin and took their goddamn land. Israel won that land as a result of an attack, and, ready for this? THEY GAVE SOME OF IT BACK!

After Israel won the land, legally, in a war, they actually gave some of it back for the scum to live on. Then if you look at the wars following that one, Israel gave even more land back after they whooped some more arab ass.

Not many other countries will defeat attacking nations, win land, and then give it all back.

The Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities for peace. Sharon and Arafat were at Camp David a few years back, and Sharon actually offered to give that fat ass ragtop a Palestinian state, and Arafat declined. Know why? He'd rather see his people suffer and starve than Israel live in peace.

In conclusion bassbitch, u dont know what the fuck you're talking about. Have a nice day.

this is definitely one of the most idiotic, narrowminded, racist comments about this topic yet...

good job, you take the crown for the bitter moron category...:aright::blown:

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Originally posted by aarond

yeah, lets start from there.

first of all, it was never the palestinians land. get out a history book, go to the glossary, and look up "British Mandate".

second: in 1948, the U.N. (a once respectable group) declared Israel to be its own, Jewish state, but there was still Palestinian territory. So, the arabs said "Hey, fresh meat! Why be satisfied with the land we have now? Why don't we just kill more Jews! That's all we're good for, right?"

So those dumbass arabs attacked Israel, and the Israelis sent those camel-fucking towel-heads packin and took their goddamn land. Israel won that land as a result of an attack, and, ready for this? THEY GAVE SOME OF IT BACK!

After Israel won the land, legally, in a war, they actually gave some of it back for the scum to live on. Then if you look at the wars following that one, Israel gave even more land back after they whooped some more arab ass.

Not many other countries will defeat attacking nations, win land, and then give it all back.

The Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities for peace. Sharon and Arafat were at Camp David a few years back, and Sharon actually offered to give that fat ass ragtop a Palestinian state, and Arafat declined. Know why? He'd rather see his people suffer and starve than Israel live in peace.

In conclusion bassbitch, u dont know what the fuck you're talking about. Have a nice day.

Wow man, you have a lot of hate.

I have ranted far too much about this topic on this board, and no one is changing anyone else's opinion.

But in my humble opinion Israel is not looking for peaceful co-existence anymore than the Arabs. Rather the Likhud and the Jewish right want to EXPAND. The settlements are the most contentious issue and Israel has no intention of addressing that.

But fuck all that, you need a stiff drink and some oral.

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BASSBOY - Loose the first B!......Read your F**kn history books before opening your Sh*t hole, my 2 cc's.

Aar - Dont bother with the local towel heads, unfortunatly im residing in Jersey City for a while, their all over teh F**kn place. But so is the FBI, CIA interogating and busting their smelly Taxi cab driving, sand monkey asses!........IF YOU DONT LIKE IT HERE GO BACK TO YOUR WASTELAND COUNTRIES, AND TRY MAKING A LIVING THEIR.....Next time i leave SF at 3 in the noon, my taxi driver is gettin anm ear full!

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Originally posted by beenaround

BASSBOY - Loose the first B!......Read your F**kn history books before opening your Sh*t hole, my 2 cc's.

Aar - Dont bother with the local towel heads, unfortunatly im residing in Jersey City for a while, their all over teh F**kn place. But so is the FBI, CIA interogating and busting their smelly Taxi cab driving, sand monkey asses!........IF YOU DONT LIKE IT HERE GO BACK TO YOUR WASTELAND COUNTRIES, AND TRY MAKING A LIVING THEIR.....Next time i leave SF at 3 in the noon, my taxi driver is gettin anm ear full!

i know you're not talking to me....but you really are a narrowminded little bigot, aren't you...towel head....that's just pathetic...:blown:
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Originally posted by sassa

i know you're not talking to me....but you really are a narrowminded little bigot, aren't you...towel head....that's just pathetic...:blown:

Sassa don't bother wasting your time, whoever "Beenaround" is they are trying to sound ridiculous for attention.

But I respect the creativity invested in the tearing apart of my little on-line alias. :D

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I started this post and can't belive what it has turned in to. I think we were all better of when we were allowed to run around in dark rooms and eat power pills like pac-man. At least then everyone got along.Can someone please kill this thing.

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But in my humble opinion Israel is not looking for peaceful co-existence anymore than the Arabs. Rather the Likhud and the Jewish right want to EXPAND. The settlements are the most contentious issue and Israel has no intention of addressing that.

bassbitch, I completely agree with you. The Israeli settlements are one of the key issues behind all this fighting. I support Israel in mostly everything it does, but the settlements have to go.

I also agree that Israel has no intention of addressing the issue, and I find that very disappointing. It's Israel's way of widening the Palestinians' wound, although I don't believe that they don't deserve it.

Israelis at this point don't want co-existence with the Palestinians, this is true. But can you blame them? After 2 intifadas and scores of innocent Israeli mothers, fathers, babies, and school children dead, what do you expect? The palestinians had their chance at peace, and they blew it (up).

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