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Palestina and Isreal soullouth to peace.

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Originally posted by biatchzxz

Are u fucking stupid,

how the fuck can u say israel is responsible



even if i was still an arab, you have no right to use that word as an insult towards me. maybe if you stopped watching cnn and stopped pretending to be an authority on the middle east and its conflict, you could probably get your fat head out of your ass and start focusing on what really matters- finding out and learning valuable information that is the truth.

ha- so israel would never think of hurting innocent americans?

read this, biatch:


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:dumbass.... :laugh: :laugh:

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holy shit sassa, ur ignorance just amazes me. all because its on the washington post's website doesn't mean its a news article. its a summary of a book u fucking idiot. and guess what? there's also books out there claiming that the holocaust, as well as september 11th, never happened and that they were just big conspiracies.

if u had even gone down to the bottom of that page, u would see that its just an ad for a book. honestly sassa, why do you bother talking? nothing you've said has been even remotely true, and u use advertisements as support for your arguments. GET A BRAIN

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Originally posted by aarond

holy shit sassa, ur ignorance just amazes me. all because its on the washington post's website doesn't mean its a news article. its a summary of a book u fucking idiot. and guess what? there's also books out there claiming that the holocaust, as well as september 11th, never happened and that they were just big conspiracies.

if u had even gone down to the bottom of that page, u would see that its just an ad for a book. honestly sassa, why do you bother talking? nothing you've said has been even remotely true, and u use advertisements as support for your arguments. GET A BRAIN

if anyone needs a brain it's you. if you are going to base your arguments on insults and bullshit comments, then don't bother replying.

the USS Liberty attack was real. It did happen. If you are ignorant enough to not believe so, then there is really nothing else you have to say to me or vice versa.

Bugger off. And learn some manners.

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No shit it happened u dumbass, what I was saying was that the Israeli government obviously didnt do it, and citing an advertisement isnt the best way to prove a point.

Tons of arabs say that the Israeli government was behind Septemeber 11th, but ur dumb ass probably believes that.

About learning manners: I don't think dumb people deserve to be treated well.

And about "buggering off" how bout u go to google and surf ur way to some useful information, come back here and post it. Then, I'll "bugger off"

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Originally posted by aarond

No shit it happened u dumbass, what I was saying was that the Israeli government obviously didnt do it, and citing an advertisement isnt the best way to prove a point.

Tons of arabs say that the Israeli government was behind Septemeber 11th, but ur dumb ass probably believes that.

About learning manners: I don't think dumb people deserve to be treated well.

And about "buggering off" how bout u go to google and surf ur way to some useful information, come back here and post it. Then, I'll "bugger off"

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rofl: :rofl:
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Originally posted by sassa



how can you argue the israeli government was not behind this...seriously...:blank::rolleyes:

Dude, I am actually an israeli and dont have ONE piece of any fucking family in the US. So for you to talk all this shit that you THINK!! you know. I hear everything that goes on and i know what goes on from REAL!!! people not the fucking news and stupid as articles that you read that you actually believe. Stop thinking you know everything about israel, because you dont know a fucking thing. And to say israel was behind it is sooo fucking ignorant. Yeah ok Israel are fighting with americans,yet they still take israels side in every war. When u beat someone up do you go protect him later on.. No i dont think so.

Dude get ur facts straight, its obvious everyone on this post doesnt agree with you. I think there might be something wrong?

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Originally posted by biatchzxz

Dude, I am actually an israeli and dont have ONE piece of any fucking family in the US. So for you to talk all this shit that you THINK!! you know. I hear everything that goes on and i know what goes on from REAL!!! people not the fucking news and stupid as articles that you read that you actually believe. Stop thinking you know everything about israel, because you dont know a fucking thing. And to say israel was behind it is sooo fucking ignorant. Yeah ok Israel are fighting with americans,yet they still take israels side in every war. When u beat someone up do you go protect him later on.. No i dont think so.

Dude get ur facts straight, its obvious everyone on this post doesnt agree with you. I think there might be something wrong?

so the fuck what, i have family in israel too. and of course you're not going to hear about back home, no one talks about this shit and till this day the israeli government has denied any wrongdoing in this incident. the facts show that they did and they did it to teach the americans a lesson.

i can't say anything about people disagreeing with me, i don't know what people base their stuff on. i don't feel that i have to justify myself to you either. i have my beliefs, you have yours, fine.

just don't try to call me names, and try to be an adult when you're debating issues like this, you make yourself look like a child. and that's really pathetic.

get my facts straight? i think you're the one who needs to do a bit more reading, not me.

i get my information from very reliable sources, so there is no need for you to doubt my credibility.

btw, i don't watch mainstream media so your argument falls apart right there :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes::blown:

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Sassa - Assboy ---- This computer small talk shit does nothing in retrospect, ASSBOY, your local, NY or NJ?....I would love to meet you and beat yer F**kn brains in........I dont give fuck if your cuban , chink musilim....Your a piece of ignint shit.............HESS Station, by the tunnel???.......Smacked up plenty of peolpe their and would love to add you to the list................Not afriad to get a beating as well, has happned but i bet your abuck fity witha brick in your pocket, DSL, spellcheck and a quick typer.....

But your just a bitch! F/U Yo MOMMY, and Fidel....He's banging your grama in CUBA right now in the shitter cause she cant leave and they wont let her fat ass on the inflatable raft.........

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