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Tiesto @ Roxy review

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i know i get amped when i hear tiesto, i dance, i chant, i do it all :D but when its 1000 degrees and no room to move, its hard to fully enjoy it u know? maybe if the atmosphere was a lil more comfortable, people might have moved around more...

idk about u but the extreme body heat makes me really tired.

it wasnt until the area where i was chillin cleared out a lil bit that i got my second wind and didnt wanna stop dancing :)

btw- we managed a circle a few times throughout the night... u missed it :tongue:

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I had an awesome time at Tiesto. I saw him for the first time at Ultra in March but this time he rocked!!! He took me on the most amazing journey!!! PVD used to my ultimate favorite DJ but after last Friday I have to bump him down to #2 because I LOVE TIESTO!!!! Now I totally understand why everyone Loves him!! :D

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Glad to hear you guys had a great time,im looking forward to see him the 30th of this month in CLUB SPACE 34 in Miami, saw him during WMC and fawking tore the place apart hope and it only gets better Picotto came up after him and just destroyed who ever survived Tiesto,cant wait till the 30th maybe some of ya should come down!!! Then continue the party on to the SPACE terrace till the next mornning! :party:

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Originally posted by djinnom

I agree, the crowd was not up to par that night. I think maybe because the place was so damn hot? Not sure but around 5-6, it seemed the ppl int the crowd were either just swaying or just to fucked up to dance. It seemed Tiesto didnt leave a happy DJ at am. That sucks cuz maybe he'll come less frequently than usual. It had more vibe than PVD back in October but less vibe than PVD in February.

All in all, it was a crazy night, but I was disappointed by such an abrupt exit from Tiesto, but given the crowd at that point, I don't blame him.

100% The crowd really didn'd give him much at all, he comes out to say goodbye to the few in the front then he looks out and everyone was just standing there, no chanting, no nothing..so he just bounced... I'm not sure about this, but I think I saw him leave one record out as he put away his headphones and after he saw the crowd he picked up the last record and just left.

btw- we managed a circle a few times throughout the night... u missed it

We made some dancing room, but it was so dam hot, I had a baby blue shirt on and was sweating non stop, my shirt was a mess. Did your boy Artie come out.. I was looking for him and his crazy lights:D

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I thought Noel did a great job warming up the crowd. It is just like any concert - of course you want the headliner. But, he was awesome and I would def. go see him again. The U2 Remix of with or without you had everyone psyched.

And then there was Tiesto - he is the undefeated, indisputable champion of trance.

Off the hook!

I was not sure if I was going to go - thank God I did!

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It was an amazing night tiesto was off the hook...I got there as he started around 2 AM...and I was dancing till 6AM. And a big thanks to the security guy on the left hand side of the stage who let me have a comfortable space/view of tiesto...he even let me dance on stage :) Tiesto looked at me many times and waved...soooo cute...I was flipping.....then finally I got to meet him backstage for a quick moment...he remembered me from the signing because of my name (Mabel) he had trouble spelling it.....told him how great he was and told him I'm looking forward to see him in Miami...My cousin works at Space so I have the hook up....His CD is o.k...CD 2 is best.....

Take Care :rolleyes:

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I'm gald most of you enjoyed yourselves.....:)

I as working till 2am....came to the door @ 4 and they made us wait there for over 45minutes..........HELL..... I was absolutely impatient cause I could hear some beats from the inside and wasn't part of it....it was tearing me apart

....and then....to get things worse......when finaly inside the bar is closed........ I was dead tired

I envied all of you who were sweating....lauging...going nuts all the way.......

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Originally posted by aknelma

I'm gald most of you enjoyed yourselves.....:)

I as working till 2am....came to the door @ 4 and they made us wait there for over 45minutes..........HELL..... I was absolutely impatient cause I could hear some beats from the inside and wasn't part of it....it was tearing me apart

....and then....to get things worse......when finaly inside the bar is closed........ I was dead tired

I envied all of you who were sweating....lauging...going nuts all the way.......


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Originally posted by zoolander


:) so yes definately.... completely....

but what is a girl to do now????

you know how it is sometimes.... the timing just isnt right we have to work to make $$ to blow it all....

we have to have bad nights so when the great nights come....they stay with us forever:)

I hope you had a great time;)

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