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Being single again...


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Originally posted by crystalmethod

After 1.5 years...

I've been single nearly 8 weeks...

Holy shit, things feel weird.

Anyone else go through a breakup recently?

I dated my ex for just about 4 and a half years before we threw in the towel. This was year and a half ago. At first I went nuts and dated a bunch of rejects... then I calmed down, and it all hit me. For about 3-4 months I did absolutely nothing....just ate, slept, went to work. It was around March of last year when I snapped out of it. Started going out again... made a bunch of friends who had nothing to do with my ex and our circle of friends.

I even ended up meeting someone in August that I dated up until recently.

There's a lot of social anxiety that goes along with breakups.... I know it's different for everyone...but just relax and be with your friends. They'll really make a huge difference right now.


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Originally posted by crystalmethod

After 1.5 years...

I've been single nearly 8 weeks...

Holy shit, things feel weird.

Anyone else go through a breakup recently?

I'm in the same situations as you and it sucks!!

I agree with you, its very weird especially when you dated the person for a long time.

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the last time i experienced a breakup like that, the girl didnt help things by getting drunk and coming over to visit my roomates... and letting out all her aggression and angst on me. 1 year of an awesome relationship and all she could say was "you werent shit to me i'm fucking three guys now and youre not one of them, you are a nobody" blah fuckin blah.

and people wonder why i'm jaded.

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It really is hard, I jus got outta a relationship and I guess im kinda still holding on to it so much that I can't really put 100% into another guy, and yea iv been meeting some really nice guys but I can't seem to not think bout my X. It sucks and every day I wish I could jus get over him and be happy with the guys im meeting now but it does not seem like its working out very well. I dunno I guess time will tell :(

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

It really is hard, I jus got outta a relationship and I guess im kinda still holding on to it so much that I can't really put 100% into another guy, and yea iv been meeting some really nice guys but I can't seem to not think bout my X. It sucks and every day I wish I could jus get over him and be happy with the guys im meeting now but it does not seem like its working out very well. I dunno I guess time will tell :(

"This too shall pass"

"time heals all wounds"

"take it one day at a time"

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Originally posted by crystalmethod

After 1.5 years...

I've been single nearly 8 weeks...

Holy shit, things feel weird.

Anyone else go through a breakup recently?

Breakups suck.....But summer is around the corner......Your time will be occupied....Go out & have a good time :cool:

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

It really is hard, I can't really put 100% into another GIRL, and yea iv been meeting some really nice GIRLS but I can't seem to not think bout my X. It sucks and every day I wish I could jus get over HER and be happy with the GIRLS im meeting now but it does not seem like its working out very well. I dunno I guess time will tell :(

First off i dont post alot especially on this board but since i read this and saw something that i actually have voiced to many people i figured why not.....i saw what this chick wrote and i totally agree with what shes saying except in my case its girls that im referring to...and let me start off by saying that i havent been in a meaningful relationship in almost 3 years...all because i cant find the one girl that can beat my ex-girl...it was a wierd relationship that we had for alotta reasons...i was a junior in college probably in my toughest year academically...she was 1 year younger and only a highschool grad that worked in a hair sallon so we were from 2 different worlds...at first i bascially didnt have time for her and was gettin over a chick that dissed me who i liked so i really wasnt showing much interest in this new chick...as time went on though there was something about this chick that made u love her...she wasnt on my level intellectually, she wasnt into the same stuff i was but her personality and the person she was was incredible...she wasnt the best looking chick ive ever had and certainly didnt have a great body which was strange cause i usually was very critical on that especially when i was younger and more outgoing...in the time that i was with this chick though i never yelled at this chick...somehow things started gettin strange when i finally finshed up my school year and when i finally started to give her the time she deserved...i wasnt possessive by any means...something that i dont know to this day went wrong...when things ended though i totally cut it off...no communications, no phone calls, no IMs...nothing...thats my way of gettin over things...staying friends with an ex is the worst thing anyone can do for obvious reasons...that was july of 2000...that whole summer i tried gettin back on my feet and it was just the worst summer i ever had...i didnt feel like meeting new chicks, going out wasnt as much fun cause i was looking over my shoulder all the time...i didnt even kiss a girl in 5 months....keep in mind im not the most vocal guy...im pretty shy...i wasnt always but that experience really knocked the wind outta my sails..i felt like all the effort i put into someone was easily discarded...if theres one thing about me i dont take failure well....im not the typical ginney that talks to every girl for that reason (although i look like the typical one)...i figured that gettin back to school would help me out....i met this one chick that seemed like an "easy target"...so i just banged her to try and get back on my feet...while it felt good for that hot minute it was short lived...hooking up just seemed so 15 year old type shit...anyways i had a relationship in 2001 that lasted about a year where i just banged this one chick and didnt give a rats ass about her...i basically just stopped calling her after a year cause i was gettin bored...of course ive had sereval flings in between these other 2 girls but just meaningless stuff.....bottom line here...im leaving out a lot of detail, i can go on and on about this one but heres the thing, while i dont care about my ex-girl per se, she has had a negative affect on me as far as not really giving other girls a chance...i really dont even hook uip that much anymore to be honest which doesnt bother me even though that sounds wierd...my main objective is to travel the world like ive been doing, make a good living as im doing and go out and have a sick time all the time...i know ill find the one i love one day...time takes care of everything, its just a bitch to wait

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Not single yet, but I've got a BIG breakup brewing either immediately or at the end of the summer. I think I am just hanging on to avoid the pain.... :-(

Relationships are so tough, especially when you go through an amazing period it seems worth it to hang on in hopes that it will come again..... but you can just feel it in your stomach when you know shit is going down and feelings just aren't the same.

Why are humans such gluttons for punishment?

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

It really is hard, I jus got outta a relationship and I guess im kinda still holding on to it so much that I can't really put 100% into another guy, and yea iv been meeting some really nice guys but I can't seem to not think bout my X. It sucks and every day I wish I could jus get over him and be happy with the guys im meeting now but it does not seem like its working out very well. I dunno I guess time will tell :(

Well, at least you're out there meeting people babe! My feelings go out to ya, it'll happen.

Where the heck did I slip and let myself get emotional for a girl? lol j/k

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You want to hear my shit. My story is pretty bad, I think I lived a Jerry Springer eposide. I went out with this girl for like a year. We broke up and a few weeks later she starts dating a girl. Her first time with that, they go out for like 8 months and the girl dumos her for one of her friends. that crushs her so she comes to me for the shoulder to cry on. My mistake was I still had feelings. So this was in April, in June she moves into the apt, below me. So after a while we are always together, sleeping over with each other. In October she meets a girl and by my birthday (Dec) the girl is included in all plans. She has more time for her than me, SO on Christmas I lost it and break up with her. She always told me that there was nothing going on but by Feburary it was pretty obvious there was more. Now they are together all the time. The worst part about it is she is right downstairs. I got to see this shit all the time. My roommate who was her best friend, isnt anymore cause of the muniputive (sp?) things this girl has done to me. This girl thinks she has done nothing wrong. I am out of here in Sept. right now I just be nice but once I am gone I am GONE.

Right now I am over this girl, just disgusted with her. I am just nice to be friendly but I have some much :cuss: and when I leave I want to give her :bigfinge:. But knowing me I will be nice to her.

Sometimes girls just suck, but I think I might of found someone so we we will see. The only thing it is someone I know ex's, but that is a whole another story.

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